Lucas's first appearance as he plays Dungeons & Dragons with his friends.
Dustin, and
Will leaving
Mike's house after their campaign came to an abrupt conclusion.
Lucas, Dustin, and Will riding their bikes home.
The next day, Lucas, Mike, and Dustin arrive at their school where they're surprised to see Will is not there.
Lucas and Mike thinking Will got to school early.
The boys confronted by their school bullies, Troy Walsh and James Dante.
Lucas, Mike, and Dustin being bullied by Troy.
Lucas and Mike as Dustin tries to defend his cleidocranial dysplasia.
Lucas, Mike, and Dustin being made fun of by Troy and James.
Lucas watching Dustin flex his arms, which disgusts Troy and James.
Lucas and Mike proceeding to head to class.
At the end of class, Lucas, Mike, and Dustin meet up with their teacher, Mr. Scott Clarke.
Lucas, Mike, and Dustin amazed with the new Heathkit Ham Shack radio for their AV Club.
Lucas asking Mr. Clarke if the Heathkit can reach California.
Lucas apologizing to Mr. Clarke for using foul language.
The boys surprised to see their principal arrive with Police Chief
Jim Hopper who requests to speak with them.
When Chief Hopper reveals Will has gone missing, the boys start rambling nonstop until Hopper quiets them.
Lucas watching Mike being questioned by Hopper.
Lucas and Dustin starting to argue over Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit.
Lucas watching Mike explain to Hopper where Mirkwood is.
Lucas, Mike, and Dustin offering to help look for Will.
The boys ordered by Hopper to not go searching for Will.
Lucas annoyed when Dustin continues insisting the name Mirkwood is from The Hobbit.
(Hopper: "Do I make myself clear?") "Yes, sir."
Later that night, Lucas receives a call from Mike on his walkie-talkie.
Lucas hearing Mike say he's worried about Will.
Lucas admitting Will's disappearance is crazy.
When Mike recalls how Will casted fireball last night during their campaign, Lucas asks him what's his point.
Lucas telling Mike to meet him at ten o'clock after he explains how Will didn't play safe during their campaign last night.
Lucas, Mike, and Dustin arriving at Mirkwood.
The boys looking for Will.
Lucas, Mike, and Dustin finding and meeting
After taking Eleven to Mike's house, Lucas, Mike, and Dustin begin questioning her.
Lucas seeing Dustin going to test to see if Eleven is deaf.
Lucas looking at Dustin after he sees Eleven is not deaf.
As Mike gets some clothes for Eleven, Lucas and Dustin see how easily startled she is by the sound of thunder.
Lucas as Mike gives Eleven a pair of clean clothes.
Lucas, Mike, and Dustin watching Eleven admire her new clothes.
Lucas, Mike, and Dustin seeing Eleven about to take off her shirt right in front of them.
Lucas and Dustin disgusted as Mike stops Eleven from changing right in front of them.
As Eleven changes in a bathroom, Lucas and his friends begin discussing about her.
Lucas being teased by Dustin if he has family in Pennhurst Asylum, far from Hawkins.
Lucas finding Eleven to be crazy.
Lucas and Dustin deciding to tell Mike's mom about Eleven.
(Mike: "Who's crazy now?") "How is that crazy?"
Lucas and Dustin having been told that they will only get in trouble with their parents if they told them about finding Eleven.
Lucas listening to Mike's plan to have Eleven show up at his front door tomorrow and ask his mom for help.
Lucas and Dustin looking at each other.
Lucas and Dustin watching Mike provide a place to sleep for Eleven as they leave to go back to their homes.
Lucas and Dustin at school the next day.
Lucas saying Mike's plan was stupid despite going along with it.
Lucas insisting to Dustin that Mike would never rat them out.
Lucas saying that once Eleven is gone, they'll be able to focus on finding Will again.
After school, Lucas and Dustin bike to Mike's house.
After arriving at the Wheeler house, Lucas and Dustin are surprised to discover that Mike did not tell his mom about Eleven.
Lucas and Dustin going to be shown the photograph of the science fair they participated in as Eleven "El" had recognized Will from it.
Lucas hearing Dustin remark it was weird that they found El on Mirkwood where Will had disappeared.
"Do you know where he is? Do you know where Will is?!"
(Mike: "Stop it! You're scaring her!") "She should be scared!"
"This is nuts! We have to take her to your mom!"
"Her name is Eleven?"-Lucas upon hearing El's name.
Lucas not buying Mike's warning of what will happen if they tell any adult about El.
Lucas heading towards the door with the intent to tell Mrs. Wheeler about El.
Lucas trying to open the door, only for it to keep closing on its own.
When the door slams shut and locks itself, Lucas and his friends are shocked to discover El has telekinetic powers.
Later, Lucas eats dinner with Mike's family.
Lucas bluntly refusing to go to
Nancy's "assembly."
Lucas looking worried after Mrs. Wheeler nearly spots Eleven coming downstairs.
Lucas, Mike, and Dustin watching El use their game board.
Lucas glancing at Dustin when he states El is using her powers to find Will.
Lucas, Mike, and Dustin having watched El flipped their game board upside down before placing the miniature wizard figure on it to reference the figure as Will.
Lucas unsettled and confused when El places a Demogorgon figurine next to the wizard figure, referencing Will is hiding from it.
At school, Lucas picks up a rock at the P.E. field.
The boys looking for rocks to use for Lucas's "Wrist Rocket".
"She's not a superhero. She's a weirdo."
Lucas hearing Mike defend El, saying the X-Men were considered to be weirdos too.
"If you love her so much, why don't you marry her?"
Lucas hugging Mike as he starts teasing him.
Lucas teasing Mike for having romantic feelings for El.
Lucas confronted by Troy and James who begin mocking Will.
Lucas and Dustin being told by Mike to ignore the bullies.
Lucas upset after Troy trips Mike on purpose.
Lucas and Mike being shown a rock Dustin just found.
"Yeah. This is the monster killer!"
Lucas and his friends biking through the woods.
Lucas and his friends arriving at Sattler's Quarry.
Lucas and his friends seeing Will's "body" being pulled out of the quarry.
Lucas on the verge of tears, thinking Will is dead.
Lucas watching a sad and heartbroken Mike leave.
Lucas, El, and Dustin having watched a sad Mike leave the quarry.
Lucas lying on his bed the next morning.
Lucas grabbing his supercom when he hears Mike chattering nonstop through the other end.
Lucas answering Mike's call.
Lucas confused when Mike says to forget Will's funeral and come over to his house and bring Dustin with him.
Lucas and his friends sitting in the audience during the assembly.
Lucas and Mike noticing nobody around them looks sad about Will.
Lucas and his friends noticing Troy and James laugh during the assembly.
Lucas watching Mike confront Troy and James after the assembly.
Lucas hearing Troy mock Will's "death".
Lucas and his friends listening Troy and James mock them over Will's "death".
Lucas upset over the bullies' cruelty.
Lucas crossing his arms as he watches Troy and James begin to leave.
Lucas shocked when Mike angrily pushes Troy.
Lucas surprised and confused when Troy suddenly gets frozen when he attempts to attack Mike.
Lucas laughing when Troy suddenly wets his pants, humiliating himself.
Lucas, Mike, and Dustin setting up the Heathkit Ham Shack radio so El can contact Will.
Lucas, Dustin, and Mike watching El using the Ham Shack radio.
Lucas, Dustin, and Mike hearing Will's voice transmitted through the radio, making Lucas and Dustin realize Will is truly alive.
Lucas shocked to hear Will's voice, realizing he is alive.
Lucas hearing Will cry out to his mom, saying he's in a place "like home, but dark, empty, and cold."
Lucas and his friends witnessing the radio being destroyed after El transmits Will's signal.
Lucas and Mike looking concerned as they realize El is too exhausted to stand up.
Lucas and Mike carrying an exhausted Eleven.
Lucas, El, and Mike escape from the school as a fire alarm is triggered.
Upon returning to the Wheeler house, Lucas, Mike, and Dustin recalling everything Will said where he was "like home, but dark, empty, and cold."
"The stupid radio kept going in and out."
(El: "Upside down.") "What did she say?"
Lucas and Dustin hearing Mike recall El flipping over their D&D game board upside down when showing where Will was.
Lucas listening to Mike theorize Will was actually at his house but they could not see him.
Lucas watching Mike reference the back of the D&D board as where Will is while using the other side as Hawkins.
Lucas hearing his friends realize Will's location is like the Vale of Shadows, an alternate dimension from Dungeons & Dragons.
Lucas listening to Dustin read an article about the Vale of Shadows which is a dimension inhabited by monsters and decay.
Lucas as Mike asks El if she knows how to get into the Upside Down to which she says no.
After the funeral, Lucas and his friends approach Mr. Clarke.
Lucas and his friends talking to Mr. Clarke about alternate dimensions.
Lucas watching Mr. Clarke do a drawing demonstration of an acrobat walking on a tightrope with a flea next to him.
Lucas, Dustin, and Mike upon hearing Mr. Clarke say a flea would be able to go upside down a tightrope, referencing the alternate dimension.
(Mr. Clarke: "Again, this is all-") "Theoretical."
The boys in deep thought after Mr. Clarke explains about traveling to alternate dimensions and how to find gates to them.
The next day, Lucas is visited by Mike and Dustin.
Lucas pondering after being told that El had ran away and that she had only been protecting him and his friends.
Lucas thinking as Mike and Dustin wait for him to accept their truce.
"All right. I'll shake on it."
"On one condition. We forget the weirdo and go straight to the gate."
(Mike: "Then the deal's off!") "Fine!"
Lucas listening to Dustin remind him what happened the last time their friend group was split up during a D&D campaign.
"Exactly! This is the Party right here!"
Lucas refusing to accept El as part of the Party when Mike insists she is.
Lucas hearing Mike defend El's actions, saying she was only trying to protect them and didn't mean to hurt him.
Lucas muddled when Dustin compliments El telekinetically throwing him awesome.
"I could've been killed!"
Lucas hearing Mike point out that looking for the gate will be dangerous due to the Demogorgon and that they need El's help.
Lucas stubbornly refusing to help his friends look for El.
Lucas deciding to go find the gate and Will on his own.
Lucas putting on his bandana as he gears up to go find the Gate.
Lucas leaving his house as he walks with his bike.
Before leaving, Lucas notices a repairman looking at him.
Lucas riding off on his bike.
Lucas riding his bike to look for the Gate.
Lucas following his compass to detect the Gate's presence.
Lucas walking along an electric fence.
Walking along the fences of Hawkins National Laboratory, Lucas notices his compass's needle is pointing towards the fence.
Lucas looking through the fence, surrounding Hawkins Lab.
Lucas having climbed up in a tree
Lucas having pulled out his binoculars to get a view of the lab.
Lucas seeing the lab is guarded by military officers, agents, high security, and repair company vans.
Lucas realizing Mike was right about Eleven trying to protect him and his friends from going to find the gate as it is located within the lab.
Lucas watching the vans leaving the lab.
Lucas biking through the neighborhood as he uses his supercom to warn his friends that the lab's agents are onto them as they know of their interaction with El.
Lucas riding on the neighborhood's intersecting streets, Elm & Cherry.
Lucas reuniting with his friends.
(Mike: "Lucas!") "Where are they?"
Lucas going to ride his bike again when the HNL vans show up.
Lucas and El seeing the vans are hot on their tails.
Lucas, Mike, and El seeing a van drive in front of them.
Lucas shocked and amazed after El uses her powers to flip the van over.
The Party managing to escape from the HNL agents.
Later, Lucas watches Mike use a drawing of a flea and an acrobat to explain the Upside Down to Joyce, Hopper, Nancy, and Jonathan.
The kids explaining the Upside Down to Joyce, Jonathan, Nancy, and Hopper.
Lucas, Dustin, and Mike explaining the gate to Joyce, Hopper, Nancy, and Jonathan.
Lucas and Mike listening to Dustin explain the gate's electromagnetic field to the two adults and teenagers.
Lucas, Dustin, and Mike hearing El answer Hopper's questions on where the gate is located within the lab.
The boys surprised that Hopper knows where the gate is after El answers yes to every one of his questions.
Lucas and Dustin hearing Mike realize Hopper has seen the gate.
Everyone watching El using her powers to try and find Will and Barbara Holland.
Everyone having noticed the light flicker as El uses her powers.
Everyone sad & disappointed when El is unable to find Will or Barbara.
Lucas and Dustin in the school gym.
Lucas and Dustin going to untie an inflatable kiddie pool.
Lucas and Dustin unraveling the inflatable pool.
Lucas and Dustin going to open up the pool.
Lucas and Dustin working together to open up the pool and get ready to be filled with water.
Lucas and Dustin opening the inflatable pool.
Lucas telling Dustin to go to the other side of the pool.
Lucas and Dustin struggling to keep the edges of the pool to stay up.
Lucas and Dustin trying to open up the pool.
Lucas and Dustin having a hard time keeping the pool open.
Later, Lucas checks the pool's temperature as it is filled with water.
Lucas telling Nancy to make the water warmer.
Lucas, Dustin, and Mike disappointed when an egg sinks into the pool.
After more bags of salt are dumped into the pool, Lucas, Dustin, and Mike are satisfied to see another egg floating on the water.
Lucas and everyone else watching El float in the makeshift sensory deprivation tank.
Lucas and Dustin having seen the school gym's lights go out.
In the school cafeteria, Lucas and Dustin find lots of chocolate pudding in a refrigerator.
Lucas and Dustin happily taking cans of chocolate pudding.
Lucas grabbing many cans of pudding.
Lucas Sinclair’s Wrist Rocket.
A month later, Lucas plays Dungeons & Dragons.
Lucas playing a D&D campaign with his friends.
"It's not the thessalhydra."
Lucas hearing Mike announce the opponent is a thessalhydra, much to his dismay.
Lucas cheering when Will rolls a fourteen.
Lucas hearing Will managing to strike a direct hit to the thessalhydra.
Lucas, Will, and Dustin cheering after they won.
Lucas and his friends resuming their campaign.
Lucas making a victorious face.
(Dustin: "What about the lost knight?") "And the proud princess?"
(Jonathan: "Have you guys been playing games all day, or just farting?") "Oh, that's Dustin. He farted."
Lucas saying goodbye to Will as he leaves with Jonathan to go home.
Lucas and Dustin play fighting.
On October 29, 1984, Lucas is contracted by Dustin through his supercom.
Lucas saying he'd mowed lawns to earn a lot of money.
"I have to go take a shower from doing real work like a man. Over and out."
Later, Lucas and Dustin keep a lookout, waiting for Max to arrive at the arcade.
Lucas using his binoculars to spot Max arriving at the arcade.
"I'll radio you if she comes."
Lucas annoyed when Dustin purrs.
Lucas using his binoculars, spotting a car pulling up at the arcade.
Lucas seeing Max argue with her stepbrother, Billy Hargrove when she arrives at the arcade.
"She's incredible."-Lucas in the arcade.
Upon seeing Max playing Dig Dug, Lucas and Dustin realize she truly is "MADMAX", becoming lovestruck with her.
A photograph of Lucas dressed as a Ghostbuster.
Lucas posing as his mother takes pictures of him.
Lucas being insulted and teased by his little sister,
Lucas and Dustin approaching Max.
Lucas and Dustin introducing themselves to Max.
Lucas and Dustin stuttering when Max accuses them of stalking her.
Lucas and Dustin explaining they were keeping an eye on Max because they didn't want her to get bullied.
(Dustin: "There are a lot of bullies here.") "So many bullies."
Lucas watching Dustin show Max his makeshift ghost trap to change the subject.
Lucas and Dustin showing the ghost trap to impress Max.
Lucas glancing at Dustin when he starts to ask Max to go trick-or-treating with them.
Lucas chuckling when Dustin does a poor job in inviting Max to go trick-or-treating with them.
Lucas and Dustin thinking Max has accepted their invitation.
Lucas and Dustin hearing Max say it's presumptuous of them to think she would accept their invitation.
Lucas watching Max leave as Dustin tells her where they're meeting later tonight to start trick-or-treating.
Lucas being asked by Dustin if presumptuous is a good thing.
Lucas and Dustin walking through the hallway.
After school, Lucas, Dustin, and Mike ride their bikes home.
Lucas and Mike suddenly being warned by Dustin that a car is speeding up behind them.
The boys trying to ride their bikes as fast as they to get away from the car.
After crashing the side of the road when the car suddenly turns around, Lucas and Dustin realize that Max was in the car.
Lucas celebrating Halloween with Max and Dustin.
Lucas watching Mike and Will leave after Will has an "episode."
The next day, at school, Lucas tells Max a false story on how Will disappeared last year.
Lucas telling Max to not say anything about Will's disappearance to anyone, especially Will.
Lucas and Max walking to class.
Lucas, Dustin, Mike, Will, and Max looking into the homemade ghost trap.
"Eh, he's like a living booger!"
Lucas and his friends discussing what kind of species Dart is.
"Aren't there non-aquatic pollywogs?"
Lucas awkwardly watching Dustin console Dart after being exposed to heat.
"So if he's not a reptile or a pollywog..."
"We gotta show him to Mr. Clarke."
Lucas, Dustin, and Mike walking together.
Lucas and his friends deciding to show Dart to Mr. Clarke.
Lucas and Max watching Dustin about to show Dart to Mr. Clarke.
Lucas and Max urging Dustin.
The boys in the AV Club room.
Lucas and Dustin listening to how Will saw a creature that looked like Dart last year.
After realizing Dart is from the Upside Down, Lucas proposes they take him to Hopper.
Lucas as Dustin argues that Dart is not dangerous.
The boys scared when Dart starts screeching inhumanly while inside the ghost trap.
Upon releasing Dart, Lucas and Dustin are shocked to see Dart sprout hind legs.
Lucas kicking a door open.
"I was just looking for study hall."
Lucas reporting he has not found Dart.
Lucas, Mike, and Max finding Dustin in the bathroom, only to find Will missing.
Later, Lucas rushes inside to tell Dustin, Max, and Joyce that Will is in trouble.
Lucas worried about Will as he stands motionless.
After Will wakes up from his trance, Lucas and his friends watch Will leave the school with his mom.
The next day, at school, Lucas emerges from a dumpster.
"Look who finally decided to show up."-Lucas upon seeing Dustin.
"After I drew the short straw. Real convenient."
Lucas being told by Max that he stinks due to being in the dumpster.
"Are you just gonna stand there? Or are you going to help?"
Lucas watching his friends help look for Dart through the trash bags, to no avail.
Lucas sitting in Mr. Clarke's class.
Lucas leaving class after school ends.
Lucas approaching Max to ask for her help in searching for Dart.
Lucas becomes confused when Max instead walks away from him.
Lucas following Max as she goes to leave school.
Lucas trying to talk to Max.
Lucas is taken aback when Max angrily snaps at him.
Lucas listening to Max on how tired and angry she is at him and his friends for brushing her away and keeping secrets.
Lucas tries to explain to Max why they are keeping secrets from her.
Lucas trying to justify the reasons on why he and his friends are being secretive to Max.
Lucas upset when Max angrily decides to quit the Party.
Lucas watching Max leave as she goes to meet her stepbrother, Billy.
Lucas disgusted that he smells like trash.
Lucas catching a glance at Billy as he walks away.
Lucas having breakfast with his family the next day.
Lucas asking his dad for advice on how to apologize to girls.
Excusing himself from breakfast, Lucas lies to his parents that he's gonna hang out with Dustin.
Lucas getting on his bike.
Lucas riding on his bike so he can find a way to make up with Max.
At the arcade, Lucas waits to meet with Max in the employees' office.
Lucas smiling when Max arrives.
(Keith: "You better get me that date now, Sinclair." "I told you. I would."
Lucas staring blankly at Keith when tells him to keep things PG between him and Max.
Lucas apologizing and explaining to Max he needed a safe place to talk to her.
Lucas telling Max he's going to explain last year's events to her.
Before confessing, Lucas warns Max if she'll either be arrested or killed if anyone found out he told her anything.
"I need to know. Do you accept the risk?"
Lucas repeating his question in a more serious tone, causing Max to answer yes.
Lucas confessing the truth of Will's disappearance last year to Max.
Lucas finishing his story to Max hours later.
Lucas confused when Max compliments his story.
"You don't believe me?"-Lucas realizing Max doesn't believe everything he told her about Will's disappearance, El, and the Upside Down.
"I tell you all of this! I mean top secret stuff! Risking my life and this is how you react?!"
Lucas watching Max leave the room.
Lucas follows Max and talks to her.
When Max accuses him of lying, Lucas tries to tell her that he isn't lying.
When Max reveals she knows he faked Dig Dug being out of order, he justifies he was trying to protect her.
Lucas growing alarmed when Max starts blurting everything, he told her out loud in public.
"Stop talking!" You're going to get us killed! Do you understand?"
After convincing Max he's serious, Lucas tells her that she just has to trust him when she demands for proof.
Lucas watching Max leave the arcade and get picked up by her stepbrother.
Lucas watching Max and Billy drive off.
(Erica: "Hey! They're in love!") "No! Actually, they're not! They don't even exist on the same planet!"
Lucas ordering Erica to stay out of his room after discovering she took his He-Man action figure.
Lucas being told by Erica that Dustin's been trying to contact him for hours.
Lucas rushing to get his supercom.
"Wait, a what?"-Lucas upon hearing Dustin say Dart is a baby Demogorgon.
After hearing from Dustin that he discovered D'Artagnan to be a baby Demogorgon, Lucas gets an idea.
Lucas arriving at Max's house.
Lucas at the front door of Max's house after ringing the doorbell.
Lucas meeting Max when she answers the door.
Lucas telling Max that he has proof of what he told yesterday was real.
Lucas waiting for Max by her bedroom window so they won't get spotted by her stepbrother.
Lucas and Max about to ride off to meet up with Dustin and Steve.
Lucas and Max arriving at the junkyard.
Lucas and Dustin getting into an argument due to Dustin finding out that Lucas had told Max what happened last year.
Lucas asking Dustin if he told the rest of their friends about Dart and if he heard from them.
Lucas and Dustin agreeing something is wrong if they haven't heard from the rest of their friends.
"She didn't believe me anyway."
Lucas and Dustin going to start preparing to confront Dart after being told to do so by Steve.
Lucas, Max, Dustin, and Steve rolling steel gallon cans.
Lucas and Max going to enter the bus after they finish setting up a trap for Dart.
When nighttime falls, Lucas goes to keep a lookout for Dart.
Lucas getting into position on top of the bus.
Lucas hiding behind some tires.
Lucas scanning the junkyard.
Lucas using binoculars to search for any signs of Dart.
When Max comes out to lookout with him, Lucas asks if she misses her old home in California.
Lucas learning about Max's bad family life which includes Billy being abusive towards her as he harbors anger towards her ever since they'd moved to Hawkins.
Lucas cheering Max up by revealing what he likes about her.
Lucas and Max's conversation being interrupted when they hear a roar.
"I've got eyes! Ten o'clock!"
Lucas and Max seeing Steve come out to the open after Dart refuses to take their bait.
Lucas seeing another Demodog appear through his binoculars.
"Three o'clock!"-Lucas warning Steve.
Lucas and Dustin yelling at Steve to retreat.
Lucas, Dustin, Steve, and Max trapped inside the bus.
Lucas as Dustin trying to call for help while the Demodogs attack the bus.
Lucas and his friends surprised when the Demodogs suddenly stop attacking them.
Lucas confused on why the Demodogs stopped attacking and ran off.
Lucas, Dustin, Steve, and Max searching for Dart and the other Demodogs.
Dustin, Steve, Max, and Lucas walking through the forest.
"Wait. Cat? Dart ate a cat?"-Lucas upon hearing Dart having ate a cat.
Steve as Max asks Steve what he means about Dart eating a cat.
Lucas hearing that Dart ate Dustin's pet cat, Mews, making him realize Dustin had kept Dart.
Lucas angry with Dustin for keeping Dart as a pet and for putting them in danger.
"You broke the rule of law!"
Lucas being berated by Dustin for telling Max about the Upside Down and its monsters, saying he broke the Party's rules too.
Lucas and Max continuing to argue about Dart and Max.
Lucas, Dustin, and Max looking at Steve when he interrupts them.
Lucas and his friends following the sound of the roar.
Lucas and his friends stopping at a hill where they get a view of Hawkins National Lab.
"It's the lab. They were going back home."
Upon emerging out of the forest, Lucas, Dustin, and Steve are surprised to see Nancy and Jonathan at the fence guarding the lab.
Lucas as Steve asks Nancy and Jonathan what they're doing at the lab.
Lucas, Max, Dustin, and Steve meeting up with Nancy and Jonathan.
Lucas watching Dustin ask Nancy and Jonathan if Mike and Will are not in the lab.
Lucas, Max, Dustin, Steve, Nancy, and Jonathan hearing roars from the lab.
Lucas, Dustin, Mike, and Max at the Byers house after escaping the lab.
Lucas and Max sitting in silence.
Lucas and Dustin reminiscing the deceased
Bob Newby.
Lucas, Dustin, and Max listening to Mike reveal Bob was the founder of their AV club.
Lucas and Steve hearing Dustin refer to the adolescent Demogorgons as "Demodogs".
(Dustin: "Maybe it was just Dart. Maybe.") "But there's an army now."
Lucas and Max listen to Mike reveal that every living thing in or connected to the Upside Down can feel each other's pain.
Lucas hearing Dustin compare the shadow monster to the Mind Flayer from Dungeons & Dragons.
Lucas and his friends gathering around to discuss the Mind Flayer.
Lucas and Jonathan listening to Dustin discuss the Mind Flayer.
"We are talking about the destruction of our world."
Lucas saying they will theoretically win if they kill the Mind Flayer, they will kill his army too.
"We know the monsters are gonna molt again."
Lucas hearing Joyce agree with him and his friends to kill the Mind Flayer.
Lucas and his friends deciding to interrogate Will so they can figure out how to kill the Mind Flayer due to being possessed by the creature.
Lucas and Dustin ravaging through trash in order to get ready to interrogate Will.
Lucas hearing Dustin apologize for keeping and hiding Dart from the others.
Lucas hearing Dustin express remorse over his actions, prompting him to forgive his friend.
(Dustin: "I broke the rule of law so if you want your girlfriend to take over my spot in the party, I understand.") "She's not my girlfriend."
Lucas asking Dustin what he feels between himself and Max.
When Dustin says he feels electricity between him and Max, Lucas watches his friend sadly leave.
Lucas in deep thought, wondering about his feelings for Max.
Lucas and Nancy entering the Byers' shed.
Lucas, Mike, and Dustin working together to set up the shed for Will's interrogation.
Lucas and his friends getting ready for Will's interrogation.
Lucas and Max sitting in the hallway after they finished helping prepare the shed for Will's interrogation.
Lucas and Max discussing the possibilities of Will discovering his location.
(Max: "But if he does...") "Judgement day."
After Will's interrogation, Lucas and his friends watching Hopper write on a piece of paper.
Lucas and his friends watching Hopper write a message in morse code due to discovering Will to be using it to communicate.
Lucas, Nancy, Mike, and Max watching Hopper translate Will's morse code message which says "Here", making them realize Will is internally communicating with morse code.
Lucas and Max watching Dustin write morse code as he listens to Hopper transmit it to him via walkie.
Lucas, Max, and Dustin figuring out the first letter which is a C.
Lucas, Max, and Nancy hearing the next letter is an L.
Lucas figuring out another letter which is an S.
Lucas hearing the next letter is an E.
Lucas, Dustin, and Max hearing the next letter in Will's morse coded message.
Lucas and Max hearing the next letter in Will's morse coded message.
Lucas saying the last letter in the message which is another E.
Lucas, Nancy, Max, Dustin, and Steve reading Will's translated message which says "Close Gate."
Lucas, Steve, Nancy, and Max suddenly hearing a telephone ring.
Lucas, Max, and Steve worried as Dustin and Nancy try to stop the phone from ringing, giving away their location.
Lucas and Steve looking at Max as she wonders if Will heard the phone ringing after it was disconnected.
Lucas, Nancy, Steve, and Max hearing demonic roars outside.
Lucas, Dustin, Steve, Max, and Nancy realizing the demodogs are coming as they know their location.
Lucas, Max, and Dustin surprised to see El alive and well.
Lucas listening to Hopper describe how the gate has grown bigger.
Lucas hearing Dustin explain the term "Demodogs" to Hopper.
Lucas standing next to El.
Lucas and his friends going over their plan to close the gate.
Lucas seeing how determined El is in closing the gate.
Lucas and Max confused when Mike says that they have another problem in closing the gate.
Lucas remembering Will is a part of the Mind Flayer's army and will be killed if the gate is closed.
Later, Lucas uses a broom to sweep up some broken glass.
Lucas trying to reassure Mike upon noticing his friend's worry about El.
Lucas hearing Max remark El would need protection against an army of Demodogs.
Lucas and Max staring at Steve as he explains there's nothing they can do to help El and Hopper.
Lucas and Max thinking of a way to draw the Demodogs away from the lab.
Lucas, Steve, Dustin, and Max hearing and realizing Mike's plan to burn the tunnels to distract the Demodogs.
Lucas, Dustin, Mike, and Max hearing Steve object to their plan.
Lucas, Dustin, Mike, and Max silent after Steve orders them to not carry out their plan to burn the tunnels.
Lucas and Max suddenly hearing a car pulling up.
Lucas and Max looking out through a window where they seeing Billy arriving in his car.
Lucas, Dustin, and Max hiding when Billy spots them spying on him and Steve.
A month later, Lucas gets ready to go to the Hawkins Middle School Snow Ball dance.
Lucas pretending to ask Max to dance with him before he's interrupted by Erica.
Lucas being awkward around Max as he tries to ask her out to dance.
Lucas trying to ask Max if she wants to dance with him before she catches what he's trying to ask her.
Lucas and Max on the dance floor.
Lucas, Max, and Will on the dance floor.
Lucas and Max sharing a waltz.
Lucas and Max sharing a kiss.
Lucas happy that Max reciprocates his feelings.
Lucas and Max starting a relationship.