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Hero Overview

Lucita Sky is the main protagonist of the PBS Kids Television Series Hero Elementary. She is the leader of the Sparks' Crew.

She is voiced by Veronica Hortiguela.


Lucita has tan skin and long, brown hair tied back into a ponytail held back by a purple hairband.

Her main outfit consists of a white shirt with the Sparks' Crew emblem on her chest with blue sleeves, a pair of red gauntlets, a blue skirt with a black belt and blue buckle, blue leggings, purple boots, and a purple cape.


Lucita is the most compassionate and empathic member of the Sparks' Crew. She takes great responsibility in leading her fellow members and counts on them whenever she needs saving. She deeply cares about her friends' needs, and always assures them they will solve their ordeals together, and never gives up hope whenever such as problem occurs.

Her main weakness stems from her acrophobia, or fear of heights, which triggers when she flies too high, causing her to experience vertigo and often times making her faint and fall as a result. Whenever this happens, one of the other members is always there to rescue her just in time.

On several occasions, she will actually overcome her fears to help her friends or even strangers if the issue turns disastrous, especially if the person, animal, or object in particular is sentimental to the person she is trying to help out.


Lucita's power is the ability to fly, a trait she inherited from her grandparents. However, her ability is limited, as she suffers from acrophobia and vertigo whenever she flies too high.

External Links[]


           Hero Elementary Logo Heroes

Sparks' Crew
Lucita Sky | AJ Gadgets | Sara Snap | Benny Bubbles | Mr. Enrique Sparks | Fur Blur

Team Tornado
Freeze Louise | Petie Heat

Mighty Brights
The Amazing Memory Kid | Turbo Tina | Rubberband Robbie

Other Superheroes
Hail Ceasar | Athletica
