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You mess with us and you're not going to jail. You're going to the hospital
~ Luke Cage

Luke Cage, formerly Power Man, (although he doesn't like being called that), is a superhero and part of Heroes for Hire and New Avengers. He appeared in the Yost Universe animated series, Avengers: Earth Mightiest Heroes voiced by Christopher B. Duncan.


Early Life[]

Luke Cage's life before the events of the series is unknown, although it can be assumed that he had the same origin as the rest of his counterparts. At some point in his life he would become a hero and befriending Iron First, that nicknamed him Power Man to his discontent, and together they would form the organization Heroes For Hire. So they could earn money while helping people using his powers.

Meeting The Ant-Man[]

Chasing a Thief[]

Some time later he (alongside Iron First) will be hired by Hank Pym, who has quit the mantle of Ant-Man a while ago, to make them catch a thief who had stolen his suit without his consent.


He is a Man of action. He likes to take down any villain who may dare try to take him head-on. He dislikes to be called "Power Man" for some other reasons and preferred to be called by his real name instead. As a member of Heroes for Hire, he is constantly demanding cash for his heroics. When temporal anomolies happened in New York he thought of charging the city. After the New Avengers stopped Kang, he sent Iron Man a bill for all their hard work.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Medically Enhanced Attributes: Via infusing himself with a variant of the Super-Soldier Serum, he has gained superhuman strength, enough to stop a moving train, nigh-impenetrable skin and tissue durability, advanced stamina, and rapid cellular regeneration.
    • Superhuman Strength: Power Man's strength is increased to a superhuman level that he can stop a moving train.
    • Enhanced Speed: While not as fast as most typical speedsters, Cage's musculature gives his legs great power enabling him to move much faster than even the finest human athlete. It is plausible to assume that Cage's physique at least allows for him carry himself at impressive 40 mph.
    • Superhuman Stamina: Cage's muscles generate less fatigue toxins than the muscles of ordinary humans, granting him superhuman stamina. This helps Cage pull off astonishing feats of athleticism despite his excess mass.
    • Invulnerability: Luke Cage's body is as hard as titanium steel. His muscles and bones tissue are super-dense, granting him much greater resistances to physical injury. Power Man's skin cannot be penetrated by any nearly any weapon and this makes him highly durable in combat. Aside from Power Man's unbreakable skin, his bones and muscles are denser and much thicker than any human being.
    • Accelerated Healing Factor: Luke's invulnerability is usually enough to protect him from damages. However, if injured, Luke's recovery time from injury or trauma is customarily one-third that of an ordinary human. This ability allows for him to rarely require medical attention after even his most tedious of fights.


  • Skilled Combatant: Cage is a self-taught hand-to-hand combatant with years of street fighting experience. He has learned to utilize leverage with his strength in order to increase his combat effectiveness against more powerful opponents.
  • Skilled Athlete: He is also a gifted athlete, even without his superhuman abilities.
  • Extended Education: Cage is self-educated in the law and fluent in several languages.
  • Strong Speaker: He has proven to be very good at speaking positively, truthfully, and with charisma in front of large audiences. His innate nobility has earned him the respect and friendship from a good number of different persons.


To be Added



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External Links[]


           Christopher Yost 3A873E09-1637-46A0-AFBC-B3AEAA0799B7 Animated Universe Heroes

Wolverine and the X-Men
Past X-Men
Wolverine | Scarlet Witch | Emma Frost | Jean Grey | Cyclops | Nightcrawler | Beast | Storm | Rogue | Shadowcat | Iceman | Forge | Tildie | Angel | Colossus
Future X-Men
Charles Xavier | Bishop | Berzerker | Domino | Firestar | Hellion | Kamal | Marrow | Polaris | Rover the Sentinel | Vanisher | X-23 Clones

The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes
The Avengers
Iron Man | Thor | Hulk | Yellowjacket | Wasp | Captain America | Black Panther | Hawkeye | Ms. Marvel | Vision
New Avengers
Spider-Man | Wolverine | Luke Cage | Iron Fist | Thing | War Machine
Nick Fury | Maria Hill | Black Widow | Mockingbird | Quake
Fantastic Four
Mr. Fantastic | Invisible Woman | Human Torch | Thing
Ant-Man | Winter Soldier

See Also
Avengers Heroes | Hulk Heroes | Spider-Man Heroes | X-Men Heroes
