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Heroes Wiki

Luke Fitzwilliam is the main protagonist of Agatha Christe's 1938 mystery novel Murder is Easy. He's a former police officer, who is involved in the investigation of murder series, and also Bridget Conway's current boyfriend


Luke travels to London by train. On the way, he meets an elderly woman who introduces herself to him as Lavinia Pinkerton (and Luke notes to himself the uniqueness of this surname). Lavinia turns out to be a typical pleasant old lady with whom there is always something to talk about. To Luke himself, she somewhat reminds him of his aunt. Lavinia simply, from the heart, tells Luke that she is going to Scotland Yard, since a number of strange deaths have occurred in the city where she lives. These deaths look very much like accidents, but Lavinia is confused by their number. The next day, Luke learns that Lavinia herself died in an accident. Luke decides to conduct his own investigation into what happened there. To do this, he decides to pretend that he is writing a book about local beliefs. To do this, he contacts Bridget, the cousin of his friend named Jimmy Lorrimer. Luke learns that, in addition to Lavinia, the following people died here:

  1. Harry Carter, owner of the Seven Stars bar, a local drunk who was rude to everyone and mocked his wife and daughter (he was pushed off a bridge).
  2. Amy Gibbs, housekeeper to a local librarian named Honoria Wainflete (supposedly accidentally drank hat dye instead of water).
  3. Lydia Horton, the scandalous wife of the local colonel (her death is like being killed by arsenic).
  4. John Humbleby, a local doctor with conservative views (died of blood poisoning).
  5. Tommy Pierce, a local teenager who abused animals, was pathologically curious, climbed wherever he was asked (fell from the windowsill while washing the windows).

It looks like an accidental death, but Luke understands what was confusing Lavinia. He interviews local residents and gradually figures out who could have committed these brutal crimes and for what reasons. He also falls in love with Bridget. He soon notices a local rich man named Gordon (whom Bridget originally wanted to marry) arguing with his driver Rivers. Rivers drove drunk and was with a girl. Gordon scolds him for this. Rivers begins to offend Gordon, and also attacks him with his fists. Luke stands up for Gordon. Rivers is soon found murdered. A piece of decoration fell on his head. Luke immediately begins to suspect murder. He sneaks into the house of Giles Ellsworthy, a local antiques dealer who had been acting strangely the day before. There he sees Giles himself with blood on his hands and acting as if he had just committed murder. Luke begins to suspect Giles. However, Gordon soon calls himself God in a conversation with Luke. He thinks so because everyone who insulted him died. At this point, Luke remembers that everyone whose murders Luke was investigating (except Lavinia) insulted Gordon in one way or another. He begins to suspect Gordon. He takes Bridget (who broke up with Gordon and, accordingly, he has a motive to kill her) to Honoria. Then he goes to Jimmy to discuss the situation. However, at the police station, he accidentally meets the wife of the deceased doctor Humbleby. She says she doesn't like Honoria. From what she says, Luke accidentally realizes that Honoria could also be a murderer. He goes to see her, but she and Bridget have already left. After learning where they are going, he arrives just in time to save Bridget from Honoria. It turned out that it was she who killed everyone in order to frame Gordon, with whom she had once broken up. Luke marries Bridget.


Luke is very smart, brave and kind. He is ready to help anyone who asks him. Also, even though Lavinia bores him with her tales, he clearly doesn’t care. She amuses him rather than annoys him. However, when Luke realizes that Lavinia's words could be true, he decides to look into what happened himself.


  • He's somewhat similar to Hori from Death comes as the end. Both are investigating murders that occur in a certain community, where each had a motive to commit these murders. Subsequently, both save their beloved girl from the villain. Only Hori kills Yahmose, and Luke does NOT kill Honoria. Interestingly, both are accompanied by an old lady (but Eza isn't the main antagonist of her respective work unlike Honoria, she's herself a victim).
  • He's also somewhat similar to Charles Hayward from The Crooked House. Both are accompanied by a female, who pretends to help them, but is the murderer herself. But Honoria is elderly and not a child as Josephine. Another difference is that Honoria doesn't die during the novel events.


Agatha Christie's signature Heroes

Main Detectives
Hercule Poirot | Jane Marple
Secondary Detectives
Parker Pyne | Mr. Quin | Tommy and Tuppence Bresford
Amateur Detectives
Colonel Johnnie Race | Superintendent Battle | Bobby Jones | Frances Derwent | Arthur Calgary | Reniseb | Charles Hayward | Mark Easterbrook | Luke Fitzwilliam | Alix Martin

Righteous Culprits
Mary Debenham | Princess Natalia Dragomiroff | Hector MacQueen | Edward Masterman | Colonel John Arbuthnot | Linda Arden | Count Rudolph Andrenyi | Countess Helena Andrenyi | Greta Ohlsson | Pierre Michel | Antonio Foscarelli | Hildegarde Schmidt | Cyrus Hardman | Edith de Haviland | Hercule Poirot
Short Stories
Madame Déroulard | Ronnie Oglander

Recurring Supporters
Captain Arthur Hastings | Inspector Japp | Felicity Lemon | Ariadne Oliver | George the Butler | Superintendent Spence | Colonel Johnnie Race | Superintendent Battle | Countess Vera Rosakoff | Raymond West | Joyce Lemprière

Victims & Attempted Victims
Alexander Bonaparte Cust | Miranda Butler | Mrs. Otterbourne | Pilar Estravados | Olga Seminoff

Poirot's Minor Supports
Bella Duveen | Dulcie Duveen | Colonel Carbury | Dr. Stavros Constantine | Dr. Gerard | Sarah King | Katherine Grey | Ginerva Boynton | Judith Butler | Lydia Lee | Miss Bulstrode | Monsieur Bouc | Nadine Boynton | Rosalie Otterbourne | Stephen Farr | Tim Allerton | Valerie Saintclair | Virginie Mesnard

Bridget Conway | Hori | Katherine Corrigan | Monsieur Giraud | Sophia Leonides

Adaptational, Homage & Non-canonical
Knives Out (2019): Benoit Blanc | Marta Cabrera | Linda Drysdale
