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If you had something horrible happen to you, could you just forget about it and move on?
~ Lumen to Dexter.
I look different, don't I? Without my hands tied behind my back.
~ Lumen to Alex Tilden before she kills him.

Lumen Ann "Lu" Pierce is the deuteragonist in Season 5 of the crime drama series Dexter. She is a woman who was raped and tortured by the Barrel Girl Gang, but is inadvertently saved by Dexter Morgan after he kills Boyd Fowler. Afterwards, she teams up with him to hunt down and kill her rapists.

She is portrayed by Julia Stiles.


Early Life[]

Lumen grew up in Minneapolis. She was supposed to marry a man named Owen, but on their wedding day, she backed out, deciding instead to move to Miami.

While staying at the Towne House Motel, she went to the Hurricane 26 bar, where Dan Mendell convinced her to leave with him. When she did, she was kidnapped and brought to Camp River Jordan, where Dan and his friends raped, flogged, and cut her. The man himself would stick his fingers in her mouth to stop her from screaming while he raped her. Cole Harmon, known as "Suit-and-tie" by Lumen, was the one who cut and flogged her (he also didn't bother blindfolding her, unlike the others), and Boyd Fowler and Alex Tilden also raped her. A fifth man, Jordan Chase, known as "Watch Guy" by Lumen, didn't touch her but did dangle his watch next to her ear and say, "Tick-tick-tick. That's the sound of your life running out." Eventually, the group had enough and gave her to Boyd to kill.

Season 5[]

Dexter Morgan links Boyd to the murders of twelve women (the gang's previous victims), breaks into his cabin, and kills him. After doing so, he sees Lumen watching through a door. When he walks over to investigate, she tries to run away before collapsing and passing out. Dexter locks her in an abandoned Visitor Information Centre because she saw him kill Boyd.

After waking, Lumen reacts violently to Dexter, believing he wants to rape her, until he sedates her with M99. He then takes her fingerprints and identifies her as Lumen Ann Pierce from Minneapolis, finding where she was staying. When she comes round again, he offers her medicine but she refuses. Lumen continues to refuse to trust Dexter, and he is forced to padlock the door again. Dexter retrieves a letter from Lumen's mother from her motel room and drops it off at the centre, causing Lumen to break down in tears.

The next day Dexter comes to check on Lumen, but she hits him over the head and runs away. She reaches the side of the road but hesitates to enter a car full of young men due to her PTSD, allowing Dexter to drag her away. Instead of taking her back, he takes her to the marsh where Boyd dumped his victims in order to show her that he saved her. In order to prove he's telling the truth and isn't going to hurt her, Dexter gives Lumen his knife. She stabs him in the arm and he doesn't fight back, finally convincing Lumen that he's not going to hurt her. Back at Dexter's car, Lumen tends to his wound and she tells him Boyd wasn't the only one who hurt her.

The next day, Lumen voices to Dexter her desire to hunt down the rest of her rapists. Dexter advises her not to, but she refuses to listen. Dexter himself begins hunting down Boyd's accomplices in order to kill them. Investigating Boyd's house, he finds that it's been broken into and comes across Lumen's fingerprints. He breaks into her room and realizes she's stalking Robert Brunner, Boyd's old cellmate. Dexter himself stalks Brunner and almost kills him before finding that he's wearing an electronic tag and therefore can't be guilty. Lumen hunts down Brunner and tries to shoot him, but Dexter interrupts and stops her, telling her Brunner must be innocent. Lumen agrees to go back to Minneapolis and Dexter drops her off at Miami Airport, but she has a trauma-induced panic attack in airport security and decides to stay.

Lumen disguises herself and goes back to Hurricane 26. She smells a strange odor, recognising it as one she smelled on the man who kidnapped her. She figures out it's coming from a nearby man, lures him to a nearby warehouse with the promise of sex and confronts him. He calls her a c*nt, so she shoots him and calls Dexter. He is displeased that she stayed despite his warnings, not helped when he sees that the man survived and escaped. Following his blood trail Dexter and Lumen find him and identify him as Dan Mendell. He initially insists that he's innocent despite Lumen's claims. Dexter takes Lumen outside, only for Mendell to use the opportunity to call the other gang members and tell them that Lumen is alive. Dexter and Lumen hear this, and Dexter snaps his neck. Back at Dexter's house he agrees to help Lumen kill the other rapists.

Lumen tells Dexter about Suit-and-tie and Watch Guy. Meanwhile a traffic accident leads to the gang's victims being discovered after a truck attempting to remove the bodies from the marsh crashes, although the driver escapes. A police investigation finds that the truck was registered to motivational speaker Jordan Chase, of whom Boyd was a fan, and he and his bodyguard Cole Harmon are interviewed. Dexter shows Lumen a photo of them and she recognises Cole as Suit-and-tie. They go to his house to kill him but Cole overpowers Dexter. Lumen is able to knock him out and they escape without Cole seeing their faces. Later Dexter brings Lumen to see his baby son Harrison and she's immediately affectionate.

Dexter attends one of Jordan's speeches to get close to Cole. Meanwhile Lumen gets a call from her ex-fiancé trying to reconnect, but decides to ignore him. She and Dexter go to a hotel to kill Cole. Unfortunately their attempt is derailed when Cole decides to have bondage sex, which stops them getting close to him and causes Lumen to have a panic attack. The next day Cole sees Lumen, recognizes her and chases after her, but she manages to text Dexter, who arrives just in time to stop Cole killing her and knocks him out. They cling film him to a table and Dexter kills him. As they leave Jordan approaches Dexter and uses one of his motivational phrases: "Tick-tick-tick. That's the sound of your life running out". Dexter realizes Jordan is Watch Guy.

Dexter continues to investigate Jordan, finding that he wears a vial containing the blood of a still-alive woman named Emily Birch. Jordan finds out Dexter has been investigating and calls his house. When Lumen answers she immediately recognizes his voice and he tells her to tell Dexter "Tick-tick-tick. That's the sound of his life running out". He addresses her by name and hangs up.

Dexter and Lumen ask Emily about Chase but she denies knowing him. Lumen later goes to talk to her alone and tells her what happened. Emily admits to knowing Chase, and tells her that she used to work at Camp River Jordan before it was closed down. While there, she was abducted and gang raped by Boyd, Dan, Cole and another teenager named Alex Tilden while Eugene Greer (now known as Jordan Chase) watched and urged them on. Dexter and Lumen break into Alex's house and find jewelry that was stolen from Lumen. When Alex gets home he finds a video of Lumen being tortured and raped playing. He tries to run but Dexter sedates him and restrains him with cling film. Lumen confronts him for his actions and ignores his pleas before killing him with a knife to the chest. Dexter and Lumen go to Dexter's apartment, where Lumen kisses him and they have sex.

Dexter realizes that someone is spying on him and Lumen, and goes to deal with the perpetrator (it turns out to be corrupt private investigator Stan Liddy, who is unaffiliated with the Barrel Girl gang). While he's gone, Lumen gets a call from Emily asking her to come and speak to her. Lumen goes, only to find that it's a trap set by Chase. Chase overcomes her and forces her to call Dexter to lure him there. He freaks out about having to do the killing himself and angrily beats Emily to death with a poker before fleeing with Lumen to Camp River Jordan.

Dexter tracks them down and finds Lumen tied up. Jordan knocks him down and ties him up before preparing to kill them, but Dexter is able to grab a knife and cut through his restraints before stabbing him in the foot. Jordan wakes up restrained to a table. He remains defiant and taunts Lumen about what they did until she eventually stabs him to death. Dexter's sister, Detective Debra Morgan, shows up and finds Jordan dead; knowing what he did, however, she chooses to let his killers go without ever seeing their faces. Lumen tells Dexter that she has to leave, as her "darkness" is gone now that all the gang members are dead. Dexter is heartbroken, but understands. Lumen apologizes and leaves, leaving Dexter alone once again.

External Links[]


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