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Luna (Dead or Alive) contains mature content that may include coarse language, sexual references, and/or graphic violent images which may be disturbing to some. Mature articles are recommended for those who are 18 years of age and older.

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Luna is a character from the videogame Dead or Alive. She is a young girl and friend of misaki and Honoka.

She was voiced by Shiori Mikami.


Luna has purple-ish hair and using sometimes a blue shirt and pants, or her Green bikini.


She is somewhat  seems emotionless. She also was a scholar, and had come to investigate Zack Island to discover its secrets. She was also somewhat eccentric, as she tends to use rabbit like poses, putting her hands over her eyes in a similar manner to goggles, and even use the onomatopoeia "pyon" (the sound used for a rabbit hopping in Japan). Largely because of her eccentricism and the way she worded her goals on the island, Ayane and Hitomi speculated that Luna may have been an extraterrestrial. 


            Dead or Alive logo Heroes

Ayame | Ayane | Helena Douglas | Hitomi | Honoka | Kasumi | Kokoro | Lei Fang | Lisa Hamilton | Marie Rose | Mila | Momiji | NICO | Nyotengu | Tina Armstrong

Bass Armstrong | Bayman | Brad Wong | Eliot | Gen Fu | Hayate | Jann Lee | Rig | Ryu Hayabusa | Zack

Crossover Characters
Akira Yuki | Jacky Bryant | Kula Diamond | Mai Shiranui | Naotora Ii | Pai Chan | Rachel | Sarah Bryant

Movie Characters
Ayane | Christie Allen | Kasumi
