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I never thought about friendship being something to work at, and I don't mind work. I guess if they don't have to fade away, maybe making friends isn't the waste of time I thought. But I've been so focused on my studies, I wouldn't know where to start.
~ Luster Dawn on the importance of friendship
Luster Dawn is a minor character in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, who only appeared in the series finale "The Last Problem". She is Twilight Sparkle's personal student.
Luster Dawn is somewhat like her teacher was during her youth/young adult years expect she jumped to conclusions whether she listens to something, and was uncertain to spark off new friendships. However, she soon learns about her mentor's story and ultimately is willing to give friendship a shot.
Luster is a unicorn with a pink coat and a golden tail and mane with a bracelet ponytail. Her cutie mark is that of the sun setting.
Sometime before the future, Luster became a personal student of Twilight.
In the future as depicted in "The Last Problem", Luster approaches her teacher and says she has no interest in the school curriculum's focus on making friends, seeing friendship as a waste of time and preferring instead to pursue independent study. Princess Twilight then tells Luster the story of how her coronation went disastrously wrong many moons prior.
At first, Luster interprets Twilight's story as proof of her view that making friends is pointless, but after meeting Twilight and her friends' "Council of Friendship" and seeing how close they have stayed throughout the years, she changes her stance. When Luster is unsure how to start making friends herself, Princess Twilight sends her to Ponyville, where her own journey of friendship first began. At the end of the episode, Luster Dawn departs to spend time with her new friends, including a Kirin, a griffon, a yak, and another pony.
Her relationship with her mentor is similar to Twilight's relationship with Princess Celestia.
Luster Dawn is the final character to be introduced in the series.