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Luviagelita Edelfelt is a heroine from the Fate series debuting in Fate/hollow ataraxia. She is better known as Luvia in fandom.
In Japanese version, she is voiced by Shizuka Itō, who also voiced Female Byleth in Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Akeno Himejima in HighSchool DXD, Bianca in Pokémon Black and White, Sailor Venus in Sailor Moon series, Kaori Kanzaki in A Certain Magical Index, Lenalee Lee in D.Gray-Man, Elisabeth Blanctorche in The King of Fighters XI, Yayoi Kunizuka in Psycho-Pass, Boota in Gurren Lagann, Belial in The Seven Mortal Sins, Wilhelmina Carmel in Shakugan no Shana, Saratoga in Kantai Collection, Himawari Kunogi in xxxHolic, Akiha Tohno in Tsukihime, Rachel in Baccano!, Steina in I'm Quitting Heroing, and Nanase Kudo in Kaze no Stigma.
In English version, she is formerly voiced by Shelley Calene-Black, who also voiced Mireille Bouquet in Noir, Yuriko Takagi in Highschool of the Dead, Ais Wallenstein in Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?, Nobara Yukinokōji in Inu x Boku SS, Najenda in Akame Ga Kill!, Ageha Chono in Wizard Barristers, Medaka Kurokami in Medaka Box, Canaan in Canaan, Cortana in Halo Legends, Kyou Fujibayashi and Yuki in Clannad, Tomika Amato in Maken-Ki!, Narvi Stryze in Break Blade, Rei Wakana in BanG Dream!, Rutile in Land of the Lustrous, Naomi in Girls und Panzer, Misery in Gate: Thus the JSDF Fought There, Kuroko Smith in Monster Musume: Everyday Life with Monster Girls, and Lyza in Made in Abyss, and she is currently voiced by Lauren Landa, who also voiced Female Robin in Fire Emblem: Awakening, Kyoko Sakura in Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Leia Rolando in Tales of Xillia, Leixia in Soucalibur V, Litchi Faye-Ling in Blazblue: Calamity Trigger, Kasumi in Dead or Alive, Annie Leonhart in Attack on Titan, Mio Naruse in Shinmai Maou no Testament, Sailor Neptune in Sailor Moon franchise, Merlin in The Seven Deadly Sins, and Lorelei in Pokémon Masters.
Luviagelita is the daughter of a distinguished lineage of magi, the Edelfelt, as well as their young and talented family head. As a student in the Clock Tower, the Mage's Association academy, she is one of the candidates for the position of student president for the current academic term.
She became acquainted with Rin Tohsaka after she began to study in the Clock Tower after the Fifth Holy Grail War. She finds in Rin a worthy rival due to their similarities; their encounters always result in fierce clashes. After a year together, a silent agreement was forged within the Department of Mineralogy of Clock Tower that "Tohsaka and Edelfelt must not attend classes together". The facade that she built for herself was withering away after a decade of use and her bad temper was already starting to appear, but after Rin showed up her daily life improved.
As long as Rin Tohsaka is not nearby, Luvia's attitude is always graceful, never blaspheming and displaying a beauty similar to that of a swan. Of course, that is all just a facade; as she is actually very competitive and suffers from perfectionist tendencies.
Although wealthy, Luvia does not tolerate excessive spending. However, she knows that such spending of money is meaningful because aristocrats are aristocrats. She understands that commoners do not have good views about the aristocrats, but loves them strongly because she understands them. She accepts that her fate is to marry a high-class gentleman of noble birth, but her personal tastes are more towards a simple man.
Luvia has long golden blond hair styled entirely in large coils. She physically resembles Rin somewhat, furthering speculation that the younger Edelfelt sister from the Third Holy Grail War may have married into the Tohsaka family.
A Finn who is an expert in the use of the Gandr shooting curse, she is also trained in the England-original Lancashire-style of martial combat (which is quite similar to pro-wrestling) and received the nicknames of "Hunting Dog of the Ring" and the "Forklift Lady" for it. Usually wearing a blue dress, the sleeves of said dress are optional attachments that can be easily and quickly removed in times of battle.
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Fate/Prototype Masters & Humans Servants Archer | Rider | Saber | Paracelsus von Hohenheim | Hassan of Serenity Fate/Zero Masters & Humans Kiritsugu Emiya | Irisviel von Einzbern | Kariya Matou | Waver Velvet | Natalia Kaminski Servants Fate/Apocrypha Black Faction Sieg | Jeanne d'Arc | Caules Forvedge Yggdmillennia | Fiore Forvedge Yggdmillennia | Archer of Black | Berserker of Black | Rider of Black | Saber of Black Red Faction Shirou Tokisada Amakusa | Kairi Sisigou | Archer of Red | Assassin of Red | Caster of Red | Lancer of Red | Rider of Red | Saber of Red Others Artoria Pendragon | Lord El-Melloi II | Merlin Lord El-Melloi II Case Files Lord El-Melloi II | Gray | Reines El-Melloi Archisorte | Flat Escardos | Svin Glascheit | Luviagelita Edelfelt | Caules Forvedge | Olga Marie Animusphere | Rider Fate/Stay Night Masters & Humans Shirou Emiya | Rin Tohsaka | Sakura Matou | Illyasviel von Einzbern | Taiga Fujimura Servants Saber | Archer | Lancer | Berserker | Rider Fate/hollow ataraxia Masters & Humans Shirou Emiya | Bazett Fraga McRemitz | Caren Ortensia | Luviagelita Edelfelt | Rin Tohsaka | Sakura Matou | Illyasviel von Einzbern | Taiga Fujimura Servants Saber | Archer | Lancer | Berserker | Rider Fate/strange Fake False Masters Tiné Chelc | Flat Escardos | Tsubaki Kuruoka | Orlando Reeve True Masters Ayaka Sajyou | Haruri Borzak False Servants True Servants Others Fate/Extra Hakuno Kishinami | Nero Claudius | Tamamo-no-Mae | Rin Tohsaka Fate/Extra CCC BB | Lancer (Fate/Extra CCC) | Saber (Fate/Extra & Fate/Extra CCC) | Caster (Fate/Extra CCC) | Sakura Five (Passionlip | Meltryllis | Kingprotea | Violet | Kazuradrop) Fate/EXTELLA Charlemagne Kara no Kyoukai Shiki Ryougi | Mikiya Kokutou | Touko Aozaki | Azaka Kokutou | Daisuke Akimi | Tomoe Enjou | Shizune Seo Fate/Grand Order: Observer on Timeless Temple Chaldea Security Organization Ritsuka Fujimaru | Mash Kyrielight | Leonardo da Vinci | Romani Archaman | Olga Marie Animusphere | Galahad | Sherlock Holmes | Marisbury Animusphere | Mable Macintosh | Arnold Beckman | False Lancer FGO Exclusive Servants Jeanne d'Arc Alter | Mash Kyrielight | Fou | Leonardo da Vinci | Sherlock Holmes | Nitocris | King Hassan | Gilgamesh | Ereshkigal | Ishtar | Kingu | Leonidas | Ana/Gorgon | Quetzalcoatl | Archer Alter | Edmond Dantès | Parvati | Scáthach | Florence Nightingale | Helena Blavatsky Others Rushd | Siduri Fate/Grand Order: Epic of Remnant Shinjuku Edmond Dantès | Jeanne d'Arc Alter | Saber Alter Agartha Fergus mac Roich | Chevalier d'Eon | Berserker of El Dorado SE.RA.PH. BB | Tamamo no Mae | Hans Christian Anderson | Passionlip | Meltryllis | Kingprotea | Archer Alter Shimosa Miyamoto Musashi | Katō Danzō Salem Lavinia Whateley (Fate) | Charles-Henri Sanson | Mata Hari | Nezha | Robin Hood | Caster of Okeanos | Caster of Midrash Fate/Grand Order: Cosmos in the Lostbelt New Chaldea Members Goredolf Musik | Sion Eltnam Sokaris | Jingle Abel Meuniere Defected Crypters (and their Servants) Kadoc Zemlupus | Ophelia Phamrsolone (Saber) | Scandinavia Peperoncino (Archer) Lostbelt Kings Scáthach-Skadi | Qin Shi Huang | Kukulkan Tokugawa Kiara Sessyoin | Parvati | Lady Kasuga | Matsudaira Nobutsuna | Yagyuu Munenori | Caster of Nightless City Servants Archer of Red | Caster of Black | Billy the Kid | Antonio Salieri | Napoleon Bonaparte | Mordred Pendragon | Berserker of Red | Captain Nemo | Mandricardo | Super Orion | Jason | Charlotte Corday | Romulus-Quirinus | Miyamoto Musashi | Katou Danzou | Sakata Kintoki (Heian-kyō) | Watanabe-no-Tsuna (Heian-kyō) | Minamoto-no-Raikou (Heian-kyō) | Nursery Rhyme | Medea Lily | Habetrot | Artoria Caster | Senji Muramasa | Taigong Wang | Constantine XI | Charlemagne | Don Quixote | Koyanskaya of Light | Grigori Rasputin | Nitocris Alter | Fairy Knight Gawain | Space Ishtar | James Moriarty (Archer) | Pope Johanna | Morgan/Aesc | Baobhan Sith | Mysterious Heroine X | Zhang Jue | Beowulf | Kriemhild | Qin Liangyu | Odysseus | Merlin | Abigail Williams | Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart | Taisui Xingjun | Paracelsus von Hohenheim | Ibuki-douji/Shuten-douji | Kyokutei Bakin | Marie Antoinette | Kiyohime | Cleopatra | Ibaraki-douji | Arjuna | Anastasia Romanova | Tenochtitlan/Tlaloc/Huitzilopochtli | Zenobia | Saint Martha | Xu Fu | Dobrynya Nikitich | Hassan of Serenity | Trung Sisters | Souji Okita | Leonidas I | Melusine | Nagao Kagetora/Uesugi Kenshin | Medb | Barghest | Miyamoto Musashi | Charlotte Corday | Tomoe Gozen | Boudica | Osakabehime | Mandricardo | Jack the Ripper Others Patxi | Gerda | Adele and Macarios | Hephaestus | Ares | Knocknarea | U-Olga Marie Fate/Grand Order Arcade Servants Merlin (Prototype) | Jacques de Molay | Larva/Tiamat | Noah | Kama (Mistake) |