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Heroes Wiki

Mace incoming!
~ Macy in LEGO Nexo Knights: Merlok 2.0

Princess Macy Halbert is the titular deuteragonist of the LEGO Nexo Knights series. She is the daughter of King Halbert and the heir to the kingdom, as well as one of the Nexo Knights. She became a knight against the wishes of her father, who wanted her to focus on her duties as a princess instead, but eventually proved to him that she was worthy of her rank.

She was voiced by Erin Mathews, who voiced Robin Underwood in the same series.



Macy was born to the king and queen of Knighton. While she wanted too become a knight and a fighter, much like her mother was, her father was strictly against it and only saw his daughter as a princess and an heir to the throne, although he eventually let her enter the Knights' Academy as a student, where she met Clay Moorington, Aaron Fox, Lance Richmond, Axl and Jestro.

Nexo Knights[]

Season 1[]

Macy Halbert graduated from the Knights' Academy alongside her four classmates, but wasn't given a Nexo Shield by her father and had to use an old one. Celebrations were cut short as the royal jester Jestro turned evil and released Lava Monsters from the Book of Monsters. Macy and her friends stopped the monsters' assault on Knightonia and since then battled them countless times.

At one point, the monsters managed to capture Macy and the rest of the Nexo Knights, leaving the kingdom's capital defenseless. Luckily, the knights were freed by Aaron and managed to hold off Jestro's monsters until Clay defeated them all. At the celebration ceremony, King Halbert admitted his mistake and officially knighted his daughter, granting her a Nexo Shield.

Season 2[]

When Clay attempted to save Jestro from the Book of Monstrox by trading the Book of Deception for him, Macy and the rest of the knights came to his rescue. During the rescue operation they were guided by the redeemed Jestro, whom Macy still didn't trust, and fought off the Lava Monsters until the Book of Monsters was seemingly destroyed, saving the realm once again.


  • Macy Halbert is similar in appearance and concept to Princess Storm, a character from another LEGO theme, Knights' Kingdom, as they both hold status of a princess and rank of a knight consecutively.
  • Her name is a pun on the word "mace", which is her primary weapon.
  • According to a note in The Book of Monsters, Jestro saw Macy as a big sister figure before they became enemies. Ironically, out of all Nexo Knights, Macy seems to detest Jestro the most.
  • Macy is the Nexo Knight with the biggest amount of known relatives.

External links[]


           Nexo KnightsHeroes

Nexo Knights
Aaron Fox | Axl | Clay Moorington | Lance Richmond | Macy Halbert | Merlok 2.0
Knighton Royal Family
King Halbert | Queen Halbert | Macy Halbert
Knights' Academy
Staff: Merlok 2.0 | Principal Brickland | Sir Griffiths
Students: Ava Prentis | Fletcher Bowman | Izzy Richmond | Robin Underwood
Merry Mechs
Dennis | Robot Hoodlum
Jack Shields | Jestro | King's Guard | Lava Monsters | Ned Knightly | NK-422 | Order of the Eight | Rogul | Squirebots

See Also
Lego Heroes
