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Madame President is the president of the Galactic Alliance in Buzz Lightyear Of Star Command.

She was voiced by Roz Ryan.

Physical Appearance[]

With teal skin and yellowish eyes, her species of alien is unknown. Her hair is statuesque, she has two mouths, and is short and stocky.


Her history before her election to the Presidency is unknown. She currently heads the Galactic Alliance, and is a staunch supporter of Star Command and a proponent of the Space Rangers.


The President takes a straightforward, no-nonsense approach to key issues, and does very little in the area of political maneuvering. She states the facts as she sees them, and brooks no beating around the bush. She has a tendency to shout and can be overbearing at times, but is generally a fair-minded and intelligent leader.


           BuzzLightyearOfStarCommandTitle Heroes

Star Command
Buzz Lightyear | Mira Nova | Booster Munchapper | XR | Commander Nebula | Little Green Men

XL | Madame President | Bonnie Lepton | Plasma Boy | Petra Hammerhold | Shiv Katall | Wirewolf
