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NOTE: This article is about the incarnation of Madame Web from the 2024 film. The mainstream version can be found here: Madame Web (Marvel).

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Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words: "With great power comes great responsibility."

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And now time resumes!

Whatever the future holds...we'll be ready. And you know the best thing about the future? It hasn't happened yet.
~ Cassandra/Madame Web's final words in the movie

Cassandra Webb, also known as Madame Web, is the titular main protagonist of the 2024 Sony's Spider-Man Universe film of the same name.

She is a New York City Fire Department paramedic who developed precognitive powers. With these powers, she protected three young women named Julia Cornwall, Anya Corazon, and Mattie Franklin from Ezekiel Sims as Madame Web.

She is portrayed by Dakota Johnson, who also played Anastasia Steele in Played Fifty Shade.


Early Life[]


Prior to her birth, Cassandra "Cassie" Webb was diagnosed with an incurable neuromusuclar disease. Due to this, her mother Constance Webb travelled to Peru after hearing rumors of a specific spider native to Peru. She hired Ezekiel Sims to be her protector as she searched for the spider species. However, Sims wanted power for himself. He killed Constance's research team and stole the spider that Constance trapped. During a confrontation with Constance, he accidentally shot her during the struggle. He left her to die until Cassandra was found by Las Aranas, natives of Peru who had spider-based powers. Santiago, the tribe's leader, used the native spider's venoms to save the Webbs' lives. However, Cassandra's mother died in childbirth while she was saved.


Cassie was eventually sent back to the United States, where she grew up in the foster system. According to Cassandra, some of the foster homes she lived in would get worse overtime. During her time with her foster families, Cassandra grew up resenting her mother for risking her own life which ultimately got her killed.

Joining the FDNY[]

When Cassandra was an adult, she recieved her college degree. She was eventually qualified as a paramedic and hired at New York City Fire Department, where she became close friends with Ben Parker and O'Neil.

Madame Web[]

Developing Spider-Powers[]


To be added

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Mutant Physiology: When Cassandra was still growing in her mother's womb, she was diagnosed with a neuromuscular illness. In an attempt to save her life, Santiago of the Las Aranas tribe, exposed her to a venom from a spider, native to the Amazon Rainforest of Peru. It was not until 2003, when Cassandra first developed her precognitive powers.
    • Prescience: The spider venom within Cassandra allowed her sixth sense gives her the ability to see into the future.
      • Clairvoyance: Her visions are triggered in near and present danger.
      • Astral Projection: Madame Web's precognitive abilities give her the ability to project her own consciousness outside of her own body. Her abilities increased after Madame Web became paraplegic.
        • Astral Multipresence: Madame Web can also project her consciousness into other vessels after forming a connection to the web of life. During a fight with Ezekiel Sims, she gained this power defending Julia, Anya and Mattie
    • Poison Immunity: The spider venom allows Madame Web to become resistant towards all forms of poison, as she quickly recovers from Sims' poison without having to go to the hospital.


  • Expert Physician


Madame Web Suit





  • It’s never revealed what happened to her father, possibly either he died or left her mother prior before her birth.
  • After her trip to Peru, it reveals her actions with the girls, Julia, Anya, and Mattie, is what led them to protect Ben Parker and Mary Parker, while she's giving birth to Peter Parker, who will soon become Spider-Man while Cassie is now blind and disabled to walk on the day of his birth, which would be considered to be their destiny.
  • In the original script, Webb was meant to lead the girls in protecting the unborn Peter Parker from Ezekiel. However, the finished film is a complete mess; Ezekiel driven insane by fake visions of the girls as Spider-Women killing him as adults. Thus resulting in Webb trying to save the girls instead, with the true hero and possible anchor being of their universe being unrelated.

External Links[]


           Sony logo (white) 's Spider-Man Universe Heroes

Eddie Brock/Venom | Anne Weying | Dan Lewis | Dora Skirth | Mrs. Chen

Venom: Let There Be Carnage
Eddie Brock/Venom | Anne Weying | Dan Lewis | Patrick Mulligan | Mrs. Chen | J. Jonah Jameson | Spider-Man

Michael Morbius | Martine Bancroft | Emil Nicholas | Simon Stroud | Alberto Rodriguez

Madame Web
Madame Web | Julia Cornwall | Mattie Franklin | Anya Corazon | Ben Parker

Venom: The Last Dance
Eddie Brock/Venom | Rex Strickland | Teddy Paine/Agony | Patrick Mulligan/Toxin | Sadie Christmas/Lasher | Phage | Rascal | Mrs. Chen

Kraven the Hunter
Kraven the Hunter | Calypso Ezili | Dmitri Kravinoff

Miles Morales | Peter B. Parker

See Also
Spider-Man Heroes
