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Mai Igarashi is the deuteragonist of the yuri manga Be Careful, Onee-san. She is a elementary schooler who saved the protagonist Tae Honda from drowning. From there the two will becomes friends.


Despite her young age, Mai is a tall girl, being 170cm (20 taller than Tae), causing her to be mistaken as an adult many times. She has mid-length maroon hair and blue eyes.


Mai is a kind,positive and sefless girl friendly with anyone as seen when she saved Tae from drowning despite not knowing her. While she is sometimes childish, she is never hostile or agressive and always accepts the responsabily of her acts.

After meeting Tae, she is shown to be closer to her, such as teasing her Tae in front of others and not supporting when someone talk baldy about her.


One day when she sees Tae Honda drowning in the public pool, Mai saves her. This causes Tae to fall in love with her, not aware that despite being tall, Mai is in fact ten years old. When they meet again at the outside of the pool, Mai presents herself as a elementary schooler, making Tae realise that Mai is too young and that they can't be together.

Mai would meet Tae many times at the pool and eventually the two would become friends, going out several times together or with other people. As the time pass, Mai despite not understanding love, begins to have feelings for Tae.

In the last chapter of the manga, Tae and Mai meet at the park where Tae explains her things about love and that she will always be here for her. But as Tae is about leaving, Mai reveals that she is in love with Tae and asks her to wait until she is a adult if she loves her in return. While Tae is hesistant at first, she eventually decides at the end to accepts Mai's demand. Mai then tells Tae that if she breaks her heart, she will breaks things off with her, and so to be careful.

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