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I'll do...Whatever you think is the right thing.
~ Mai Kawasumi

Mai Kawasumi is a third-year high school student with mysterious powers. These powers scare people away so it prevents her from making friends. When she met Yuichi he wasn't scared of her powers and they played together when they were 10-years old. 7 years pass and when they meet up again, Yuichi doesn't remember Mai right away, but he seems to be curious about Mai.

She has powers to brings things back to life and to heal injuries. She once used her powers to cure her mother.

Mai's theme is "Shojo no Ori".

She is voiced by Yukari Tamura in the Japanese version of the anime, and by Melissa Davis in the English version of the anime.


Mai has a light complexion, has deep green eyes, and is usually seen wearing her school uniform. She has long black/blue hair, with her fringe coming down to her eyes. She has the sides of her hair hanging down to her waist and has the back tied into a long ponytail with a long blue bow. She is usually seen carrying her European-style sword because she feels weak without it.

When Mai was younger, she was short, so Yuichi gave her pink bunny ears. During the series however, she is statistically the tallest, and largest female character in the series. Her physical size is most likely due to her sword work and muscle build.


Mai is shy, mostly silent and only talks to her best friend Sayuri. Mai is shown to be a constant eater although she never gains weight. Mai also is not very good at the game Shiritori (Which is a Japanese game. The person who says a word ending with an N loses). In the Japanese original, Mai ends animal words often with "On" While in the English dub she ends words with "tion".

Mai is also a skilled swordswoman. She uses the sword to fend off "demons" that attack the school at night. It is later revealed the demons were really her powers.

She is very caring when it comes to her mother, Sayuri, and Yuichi. Her mother was once sick in the hospital. She cried and stayed near her and cured her with her powers. She once made a little zoo which was full with snow bunnies.


She wishes to become a veterinarian. Her favorite animal is a bunny.


  • Mai's astrological sign is Aquarius.
  • Melissa Davis, who voices Mai, also voices Shiina from Angel Beats!.