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Major Snake

Major Snake is a secondary hero in Lobo.


Rock Star[]

Snake was a famous rockstar and is Lobo's favorite singer. At one of his concerts, Snake sang at the top of his lungs that he burned his uvula.

Life In Prison[]

Through unknown means, Snake got sent to Oblivion Intergalactic Correctional Facility, where he became cell mates with Slaz.


The Main Man arrived at Oblivion and wanted to free Slaz out of jail but things got out of hand now that it's Snake's birthday.

Final Moments[]

As Lobo, Snake and Slaz prepare to leave, the SpazzFrag 666 has too many people, so Lobo killed him. His last words were, "Oh, cool".


Major Snake outside of his rockstar persona is very lazy, tired and slurs his speech often.


  • "Oh, cool."
  • "Open what?"
  • "Prison rocks."
  • "Oh, Green M&Ms."
  • "My meds... Octabong."


  • Voiced by Tom Kenny who voices SpongeBob SquarePants and The Mayor of Townsville.
  • A parody of famous rock singers.
  • Snake made a cameo in Looney Tunes “Loch Ness Mess” as the lead singer of the rock band Loch Ness Monster with red hair.
           Looney Tunes Logo Heroes

Looney Tunes/Merrie Melodies
Bugs Bunny | Daffy Duck | Porky Pig | Sylvester Pussycat | Tweety Bird | Elmer Fudd | Yosemite Sam | Road Runner | Tasmanian Devil | Foghorn Leghorn | Speedy Gonzales | Barnyard Dawg | Granny | Sylvester Junior | Hector Bulldog | Sam Sheepdog | Goofy Gophers | Gossamer Monster | Witch Lezah | Hugo the Abominable Snowman | Buddy | The Three Bears | Clyde Bunny | Dr. Oro Myicin

Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Eddie Valiant | Roger Rabbit | Jessica Rabbit | Dolores | Benny the Cab | Baby Herman
Space Jam
Michael Jordan | Stan Podolak | Bugs Bunny | Daffy Duck | Lola Bunny
Tweety's High Flying Adventure
Tweety Bird | Aoogah
Looney Tunes: Back In Action
D.J. Drake | Kate Houghton | Bugs Bunny | Daffy Duck | Damien Drake
Space Jam: A New Legacy
LeBron James | Dom James

Baby Looney Tunes
Granny | Floyd Minton
Tiny Toon Adventures
Buster Bunny | Babs Bunny | Plucky Duck | Hamton J. Pig | Dizzy Devil | Elmyra Duff | Fifi La Fume | Shirley McLoon | Furrball | Sweetie Bird | Calamity Coyote | Mary Melody | Concord Condor
Animaniacs/Pinky and the Brain
(1993): Yakko, Wakko and Dot Warner (1999) | Pinky | The Brain | Dr. Scratchansniff | Bobby, Pesto and Squit | Hello Nurse | Slappy Squirrel | Skippy Squirrel | Buttons | Rita and Runt | The Mime
(2020): Cindy | The Incredible Gnome in People's Mouths
Duck Dodgers
Duck Dodgers | Green Loontern | Queen Tyr'ahnee | Yoshimi
Loonatics Unleashed
The Loonatics (Ace Bunny, Rev Runner, Lexi Bunny, Danger Duck, Slam Tasmanian, & Tech E. Coyote)
The Looney Tunes Show
Bugs Bunny | Daffy Duck | Lola Bunny | Tina R. Duck | Jor-El Bunny | Bat-Rabbit
Wabbit/New Looney Tunes
Bugs Bunny | Daffy Duck | Squeaks the Squirrel | Claudette Dupri | Bigfoot

Robby the Robot | Major Snake | Dr. Henry Jekyll | Shaggy Rogers | Scooby-Doo |

See Also
Animanics Heroes | Loonatics Unleashed Heroes | Space Jam Heroes | Who Framed Roger Rabbit Heroes
