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Marasi Colms is a Pulser on Scadrial. Marasi is a constable in the Elendel constabulary under Constable-General Reddi. Marasi previously studied law and is a friend of Wax, Wayne, and MeLaan, among other important cultural figures of the time.  


The Alloy of Law[]

Shadows of Self[]

The Bands of Mourning[]

The Lost Metal[]

Criminal Justice Theories[]

Marasi has many theories on criminal behavior and justice that she talks about with Wax throughout her time with him.  

  • The city actually has half the amount of law keepers per population than in the Roughs, and there are more unsolved murders and petty crimes.  
  • Broken Windows theory: The best way to lower crime in an area is through renovation. A man is more likely to break a window if he sees broken windows around him.  
  • Deviations: When exploring a crime scene, finding the deviations from typical patterns, then finding out why they deviated will often yield something on the criminals.



           Cosmere Heroes

Breeze | Clubs | Demoux | Dockson | Elend Venture | Hammond | Harmony | Hoid | Kelsier | Kelsier's Crew | Marasi Colms | Mare | Marsh | OreSeur | Preservation | Sazed | Spook | Steris Harms | Tindwyl | Vin | Waxillium Ladrian | Wayne | Yeden

Stormlight Archive
Adolin Kholin | Dalinar Kholin | Jasnah Kholin | Kaladin Stormblessed | Knights Radiant | Shallan Davar | Stormfather | Sylphrena | Szeth | Wyndle
