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And now time resumes!

Marie Mahler is one of the three tritagonists (alongside Saki Mugendo and Nana Tachibana) of Yumeutsutsu Re:Master. She is a Greycirian soldier who came to Japan for cultural exchange. Her country is actually on a civil war. One day she is contacted by Ai Otori who found her drawing amazing in order for her to be the artist of the game NieMajo. She is later engaged and is in charge of the drawing of the game.

She is voiced by Haruna Ikezawa.


Marie is a tall girl with short grey hair and purple eyes. When she is on duty, she wears a grey military Greycirian uniform.



Maria Mercouri was a Greycirian girl who loved drawing. She was close a penpal friend named Marie Mahler Maniatie who loved her drawings. One day, her parents who were once assigned to an anti-governement group were killed by an assassin of this group when they wanted to leave the group. They were though to have been killed by crossfire between the governement and anti-government soldiers. Maria being orphaned was adopted by the Maniatie and Marie became an older sister to her.

One day, Marie came into contact with an anti-government group in Japan who claimed they had information about Maria's parents death. Marie joined them and found Maria's parents assassin. Marie fighted the assassin and both were killed as result with Marie being considered as traitor.

Maria was then tasked by the government to infiltrate the anti-government group in Japan under the name of her deceased sister, which she accepted. She then took the name of Marie Mahler.

Yumeutsutsu Re:Master[]

First Part[]

During her stay at Japan, she would pass by Ai Otori who was walking Banako without any interaction. She is later contacted by Ai who found her drawing on the internet and wanted to have a meeting with her to possibly engage her as game artist. On the meeting point, Marie would stop a thieve stealing someone's bag under Ai's eyes. Marie then approched Ai and the two went to Eureka Software where she would be finally be engaged to make the drawing of NieMajo.

After that, Marie is assigned to live in same building as Ai and Nana Tachibana, often passing time together before sleeping. All of that while being escorted by her bodyguards. During the development of NieMajo, Marie would get closer to Ai with the two learning more about the other.

Marie's route[]

Marie continues to work on NieMajo and to get closer to Ai while also secretly making contact with the anti government group. She eventually reveals that her name is Maria. After the completion of NieMajo, Marie would leave Eureka Software. Few days later she meet with one of the anti government group's member who happens to be one of her bodyguard. She is assigned to the civil's protection while the group would try to assassinate the Minister of the Defense Amaria Malher Maniatie who also happens to be one of Marie's adoptive mother. Before the day of the attack, Marie informs the government about the attack and is tasked to protect the civilians like she has to do.

The day of the attack, before the anti government group could do anything, they are countered by the government's forces and are killed. Marie flees to a safe place when Ai happens to meet her. But before they could talk, the bodyguard who tasked Marie of the mission appears and wants to kill her for her betrayal. Marie pushs Ai away and tells her to trust her.

Good Ending[]

Ai does try to get up to help Marie but isn't able to move, causing the bodyguard to shoot Marie before fleeing. Marie is then considered dead by the Greycirian governement, though she actually survives as she planned. She initially thinks about coming back to Greyciria but decided to not because she wants to be with Ai. She eventually comes to visit Ai to reveal that she is alive and tells her the truth about her.

The two live together for a month and eventually get married and later have childrens.

Bittersweet Ending[]

Ai is able to stand up and tries to protect Marie by taking the bullet instead. Before dying Ai tells that she is happy that Marie is fine. Because of the traumatism of Ai's death, Marie loses her sanity and is incarcerated to a mental institute.

Other routes[]

In the other routes, Marie helps at the development of NieMajo with the team and goes back to Greyciria at the end.

External Links[]
