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This is Radio Free Oregon. The Truth Shall Set You Free. [...] This is Mark Copeland for Radio Free Oregon. Don't believe the lies.
~ Cope's famous introductory and concluding quote on his broadcasts.
Goddamn truther bullsh*t. You know, last I checked, the "grasshoppers" all armed themselves to the teeth, came in, and killed all your f***ing ants, and took everything you owned. So — if you're gonna tell parables, Cope. Just — get 'em right.
~ Deacon bitterly remarking one of Cope's usually incorrect claims.
Got word you were plannin' a little road trip. Stop these Militia sonsofbi***es from comin' in here, tellin' us what to do. Since you've done so much for us, thought we'd come along.
~ Copeland joining with Deacon on the preemptive attack to Wizard Island.

Mark Copeland, commonly known as Cope and derisively known as Truther by Deacon, is a major character in the 2019 video game Days Gone. One of the survivors of the 2017 Freaker Outbreak, Copeland later establishes a survivor encampment at Peaceful Lake, Oregon, sometime after human civilization ended from the apocalypse.

In reality, however, Copeland is a highly obsessive, infamous conspiracy theorist who shows an antagonistic, skewed viewpoint towards the U.S. government, as well as his twisted, skewed views of governmental organisations including NERO.

Due to his modus operandi of spewing conspiracy theories, Copeland is often the subject of constant ire and ridicule from Deacon for spouting his truther views through Radio Free Oregon.

Copeland is voiced by Crispin Freeman, who voiced Itachi Uchiha from Naruto.


Copeland is a middle-aged man in his early to mid-40s or in his late 40s, with an average build. He has a semi-balded head with brown hair, as well as a scruffy beard. His most defining physical trait are the three scars on the right side of his head.


Copeland is a bit of a hypocrite because he firmly believes in individual freedom and doesn't think it's his place to tell people how to live, but he is also quick to mistrust people who engage in actions he finds repugnant, like working with NERO. He even goes so far as to threaten people for these actions.

He does care about the welfare of the people in his camp despite his stern face.

Copeland's father instilled in him the conviction that the U.S. Constitution superseded current regulations, therefore he was already fond of weapons and hunting before the Freaker outbreak.

In most cases, Copeland is infamous for his conspiratorial nonsense on the radio, often misattributing or twisting things in most of his so-called "truths" in his RFO broadcasts, causing Deacon to often ridicule or correct his usually incorrect claims over the course of the story.



Little is known about Copeland's early years other than the fact that he used to go hunting with his father when he was a child and that the two of them once collaborated on the construction of a fallout shelter during the Cold War. Copeland's father was the one who instilled in him the radical libertarian views and mistrust of the federal government.

When he was younger, Copeland served in the US Marine Corps.

Christopher (also known as Christy) was a son that Copeland had at one point. Christy resided outside of Oregon but would travel back during hunting season to be with his father.

Copeland started his radio programme, Radio Free Oregon, where he communicates his conspiracy-driven and political convictions, in the final few weeks before the end of human civilization. He travelled from town to town while broadcasting his show in his unmarked van until settling down in his own camp of survivors.

Copeland continued to host his radio show even two years after the Freaker outbreak. While most of what he says is either distorted to suit his own interests or factually incorrect, he asserts in his radio segments that he foresaw the end of civilization in the early days of the virus and that the government was to blame.

Copeland mostly receives flak from other survivors outside of his camp because of his out-of-touch views of reality, including Deacon St. John and Iron Mike, who derisively labelled out the conspiracy theorist as a "truther."

Days Gone[]

That's great, yeah — Radio Free Oregon is on the air once again. Oh God, what have I done?
~ Deacon remarking Copeland's initial Radio Free Oregon broadcast.

Deacon's bike had been abandoned when Copeland's people discovered it, and Manny had disassembled it before taking it to their camp. Eventually, Deacon made his way to Copeland, where he unwillingly works for him in exchange for a bike. In order to keep transmitting Radio Free Oregon, Copeland tasked Deacon with fixing the radio uplink at a decrepit radio tower, much to Deacon's annoyance.

Copeland and several of his men will come to help Deacon in the preemptive attack with the militia in Wizard Island, during the quest "You Can't Do This Alone", if the player has attained Trust Level 3 in Copeland's Camp.


  • Copeland is one of the two possible allies to join with Deacon and the Lost Lake Camp on the preemptive attack on Wizard Island, with the other being Alkai Turner and the members of the Hot Springs Camp.


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Main Characters
Deacon St. John | Boozer | Sarah Whitaker

Copeland's Camp
Mark Copeland | Emmanuel Mendez | Jezzy | Damon

Hot Springs Camp
Ada Tucker | Alkai Turner | Zanny Norman

Lost Lake Camp
Iron Mike | Rikki Patil | Addison Walker | Joe Haslin | Blair

Diamond Lake Camp
Derrick Kouri | Glen Russell | Rick Mullins | Ava Bergstrom | Rumi Ikeda | Lucas Monroe

Wizard Island Camp
James Weaver | Arturo Jiminez | Justine Norwood | Caleb Tomlinson | Ella Salazar | Jacob D'Angelo

Lisa Jackson
