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Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words: "With great power comes great responsibility."

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I know what it's like to see ghosts that don't go away. To be watching a scary movie in your head, whether you want to or not, watching it alone.
~ Mark to Sidney Prescott.

Detective Mark Kincaid is a supporting character in Scream 3. After assigning Gale Weathers to help him investigate the Stab 3 murders following Cotton Weary and Christine Hamilton's murders, he develops an interest in Sidney, her mother and their story.

He is portrayed by Patrick Dempsey, who plays Kenai (Brother Bear 2), Robert Phillip (Enchanted franchise).





          SCREAM Heroes

Sidney Prescott | Gale Weathers | Dewey Riley | Randy Meeks | Cotton Weary | Mark Kincaid | Kirby Reed | Sam Carpenter | Tara Carpenter | Chad Meeks-Martin | Mindy Meeks-Martin | Danny Brackett

Emma Duval | Audrey Jensen | Noah Foster | Brooke Maddox | Jake Fitzgerald | Maggie Duval | Gustavo Acosta | Marcus Elliot | Liv Reynolds | Kym | Amir Ayoub | Manny
