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1666797-maron macaron

Maron Makaron (or Maron Macaron) is a character of Queen's Gate: Spiral Chaos video game. She is the main heroine of the game.


Maron is quite timid, similar to Jean. At times she can be klutzy but she is a noble warrior, and will fight for her friends. She is also a chef, and Aryutta Katz is her main rival. Her hat also mimics some of her expressions as well.


During battles, Maron's weapons are known as the "Magical Scissor Nails." They are made out of strong material that causes them to become durable, allowing her inflict serious damage to her opponents.


  • Her combination attack with Cute in Queen's Gate: Spiral Chaos is possibly a reference to the Spirit Bomb from Dragon Ball Z.
  • Also, many of her attacks are references to other roles Mai Nakahara (Maron's VA) voiced before: Her Rocket Punch attack seems to be based in the "Sol Gravity Pressure Crusher Punch" from Chojuushin Gravion Zwei (she voiced Eina Zwei, who controls one of the arms used in that attack), her cut-in used during her Wonder Claw attack has the similar face used by Rena Ryuuguu (voiced by Nakahara) while being in a homicidal rampage from the visual novel Higurashi no Naku Koro ni and her Starlight Shower final attack is a combination between Gilgamesh's final attack "Gate of Babylon" from Fate/Stay Night and Nanoha Takamachi's Starlight Breaker from the Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha series (Mai Nakahara also voiced Teana Lanster, who is one of the Nanoha's apprentices)