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Chihiro Ogino has declared Masayuki is to be renamed to
Masayuki Rudra Nam Ul Rasca

for the following reason(s): Include his full last name
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"I want you to know my real name. It's Chihiro."

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Masayuki Honjou, later known as Masayuki Rudra Nam Ul Rasca or simply Masayuki is one of the two overarching protagonists (alongside Shizue Izawa) of That Time I got Reincarnated as a Slime franchise.

He appears as a stray otherworlder from Japan, who got turned the emperor of the Eastern Empire. Later, results he is the reincarnation of Rudra Nam Ul Nasca.


Masayuki used to have black hair and brown eyes (though he bleached his hair for a while), but they eventually changed into Rudra's teal-blue eyes and blond hair. While acting as a hero, he wears simplistic outfits that are easy to move around in and while acting as a ruler he wears expensive and ornate clothing interweaved with gold thread.


At his core, Masayuki is a timid and reserved individual who often struggles to clearly communicate his intentions. Despite this, he is deeply honorable, valuing his responsibilities above all else—even his own life. While he doesn't genuinely enjoy being a hero, this reluctance never prevents him from doing what he knows is right.

Masayuki embodies perseverance. In his original life, he devoted himself to becoming the king and hero that Veldanava and his people expected him to be. In his new life, even without memories of his past, he once again rose to the challenge as the Chosen Hero and Emperor—though not without some complaints along the way.

Although his excessive pride often serves as a facade, Masayuki possesses a strong sense of integrity and believes in "doing things the right way." He even expressed dissatisfaction with how easily he gained an Ultimate Skill in his second life, finding it unfairly effortless. Upon regaining all of his memories, his personality remained largely unchanged, suggesting that his current self is a reflection of who he has always been.


  • In the Anime he already had blue eyes before being sent to the Central World where in Light Novel he gained them after being in there for awhile.

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Jura-Tempest Federation
Founder and Ruler: Rimuru Tempest

Twelve Guardian Lords
Benimaru | Shion | Geld II | Gabiru | Ranga | Diablo | Kumara | Zegion | Ultima | Adalman | Carrera

Gobta's First Corps
Leaders: Gobta | Rigur
Members: Gobte | Gobto | Gobzo | Star Wolves

Gabiru's Third Corps
Leaders: Gabiru | Gazat
Members: Kakushin | Sukerou | Yashichi

Benimaru's Fourth Corps
Leaders: Benimaru | Momiji | Gobwa

Leaders: Souka
Members: Touka | Saika | Nansou | Hokusou | Glenda Attley | Girard | Ayn

Shion's Personal Army
Leaders: Shion | Dagura | Liura | Debura | Gobzo

Black Numbers
Leaders: Diablo | Testarossa | Ultima | Carrera
Members: Moss | Veyron | Agera | Esprit | Zonda | Cien | Venom

Immortal Legion
Leaders: Adalman | Albert | Venti

Rigurd | Hakurou | Rugurd | Gard Mjöllmile | Regurd | Souei | Vesta | Testarossa | Ultima

Dungeon Dominators
Rimuru Tempest | Milim Nava | Ramiris | Gaia

Ciel | Masayuki | Treyni | Dryads | Charys | Beretta | Veldora Tempest

Chosen Heroes
Chloe Aubert | Hinata Sakaguchi | Granbell Rosso | Masayuki Rudra Nam Ul Nasca

Demon Lords
Milim Nava | Guy Crimson | Dino | Luminous Valentine | Ramiris | Leon Cromwell

Western Holy Church
Members: Hinata Sakaguchi | Glenda

Freedom Academy
Shizue Izawa | Chloe Aubert | Rimuru Tempest | Aslan Coleus | Bernie | Cyrus Malukshure | Elyun Grimwald | Fuze | Jinrai | Jiwu | Masayuki Rudra Nam Ul Nasca | Mjur Farmenas | Phos | Stella | Veldora Tempest | Youm

Kaval's Party
Kaval | Elyun Grimwald | Gido | Shizue Izawa

Team Lightspeed
Masayuki Honjou | Bernie | Jinrai | Jiwu

Lizardman Tribe
Gabiru | Souka | Abiru

ISEKAI Memeoires
Shinsha | Izis
