Masquerade is a former antagonist in Bakugan Battle Bralwers. He was a member of the doom beings and Alice Gehabich's alter ego. He redeemed himself by saving his rival Dan from evil Bakugan and giving Alice his Hydranoid.
Masquerade wears a purple and blue visor mask made out of either plastic or glass (it seems to function like a Bakupod). He also wears a white cape-like coat. It is buttoned by straps on its chest however towards the waist it is unbuttoned. At the waist if you look carefully you can see part of a blue shirt and two cross something that seem to go together.
Masquerade bralwed for the sake of ganing power and didnt care about sending his bakugan to the doom dmention to do it. He is also very power hungry. After losing to Dan he sees him as a worthy foe and helps him beat Nagas hechmen.
Masquerade initially appeared to be stealing Bakugan all over the world and beating Runo Misaki causing Dan Kuso to challnge him to battle. during their battle Masquerade witnesses the power of Drago and becomes interested in him. He brainwahses kids such as the JJ Dolls to battle the bralwers but all end in falure. He is later shown to be working for Hal-G planing to steal the invinty core. After many losses Masquerade desides to recurit Shun Kazami. he shows off his Bakugan Hydranoid and sends Reaper to the doom demension. Shun turns on Masquerade and uses Skyress to help Dan beat him.
After this, Masquerade summons the top-ranked Brawlers to his castle. Among them are Klaus von Hertzen, Chan Lee, Julio Santana, Komba O'Charlie, and Billy Gilbert, with their own guardian Bakugan in Sirenoid, Fourtress, Tentaclear, Harpus, and Cycloid respectively. Taking them to Naga, Masquerade has them brainwashed and turned against the Battle Brawlers, using them to send more of the Battle Brawlers' Bakugan to the Doom Dimension until Billy and Komba are snapped out of the brainwashing and rebel against him, followed by Klaus, Chan, and Julio after they are defeated following Drago evolving into Delta Dragonoid II and overpowering them. He then tells Naga and Hal G that he will beat the Brawlers himself.
With the top-ranked Brawlers having served their purpose, Masquerade then battles them with Hydranoid, defeating them one by one and sending their guardian Bakugan to the Doom Dimension as punishment. During his Brawl with Sirenoid and Klaus, Hydranoid evolves into Dual Hydranoid, and defeats Klaus and Sirenoid, sending Sirenoid to the Doom Dimension. With Dual Hydranoid at his disposal, Masquerade battles Dan and Drago, and defeats Drago. With the Doom Card in play, Drago is sent to the Doom Dimension, and Dan follows, refusing to be separated from his partner. After that, Masquerade challenges Shun next, but the Brawlers have a plan of their own. All four of them face Masquerade at once, only to be seen by Mrs. Kuso right before they start the match. When Mrs. Kuso can move again following the outcome of the battle, she finds Runo, Shun, Julie, and Marucho gone, and only Masquerade standing victorious. When she asks where they went, he simply replies, "Doom Dimension", and departs.
Going after Joe Brown and Wavern while the Brawlers are trapped, Masquerade is soundly defeated by Wavern as not even Dual Hydranoid can beat her. Incensed, Masquerade travels to the Doom Dimension himself and faces off with the Darkus Ancient Soldier, Exedra, who uses an illusion of Alice to battle Masquerade with. Despite Exedra's power and abilities, Masquerade and Dual Hydranoid are victorious, causing Hydranoid to evolve again into Alpha Hydranoid. Masquerade makes Hydranoid his only Bakugan and challenges Joe and Wavern again, but instead faces Dan and Drago, who has evolved into Ultimate Dragonoid. After several draws that cause severe damage to the battlefield, Drago is able to emerge victorious over Alpha Hydranoid. At that point, Dan offers his hand in friendship to Masquerade, but as Masquerade appears to accept, he instead lifts his hand to his visor, tells Dan it wouldn't work out as he's already part of the Battle Brawlers, and takes his visor off, letting it fall and crack on the ground as his blond spikes collapse into a long, beautiful bushel of orange locks, revealing Masquerade to be Alice Gehabich to the Battle Brawlers. After Hal-G appears and explains everything regarding how Alice and Masquerade are one in the same, devastated over the evil acts she committed as Masquerade, Alice departs from the Battle Brawlers to parts unknown.
She traveled to stay with her aunt and uncle, but traumatized by her actions as Masquerade, Alice was terrified of turning into him again should she ever play Bakugan again, giving up the sport entirely, not wanting anything to do with Bakugan ever again. However, finding herself wandering into the castle garden of Klaus and Sirenoid, the two force her into a Brawl in vengeance for when Masquerade sent Sirenoid to the Doom Dimension. However, it was also to teach Alice a lesson and inspire her to not give up on Bakugan. As a result, when she mentally hears Dan and Drago calling for help one day while watering the flowers outside her relatives' house, she prays for a way to help Dan and Drago, and is granted with Masquerade's cracked visor, indicating he wants to Brawl one more time and needs her help to do it. Traveling back to Klaus' castle, Alice asks for his help to reach the Vestroia portal in the Pacific Ocean, and he grants her request. As Klaus' aircraft hovers over the portal, Alice leaps out and skydives towards it. Closing her eyes and asking Masquerade for strength, Alice transforms into him one more time to help Dan and Drago, arriving just in time to help them against Naga's Darkus/Pyrus hybrids Centorrior and Druman. After defeating the hybrids, Masquerade prepares to depart from Alice's body completely, but before he does, he entrusts Alpha Hydranoid and all his powers and abilities onto her, knowing she can handle being a Bakugan Battle Brawler on her own now without his help. After he departs and Alice transforms back into herself, she thanks Masquerade before his cracked visor shatters to indicate the cessation of his existence within Alice. Alice then apologizes to the Battle Brawlers for making them worry and everything else she's done, either as herself or Masquerade, and they forgive her, before then asking about Alpha Hydranoid, and Alice reveals he's her Guardian Bakugan now. Alpha Hydranoid confirms that he fights with Alice now, and they become the Battle Brawlers' Darkus team, facing off with Naga's Subterra/Haos hybrid Rabeeder alongside Klaus, Sirenoid, and the young Christopher and Juggernoid that Alice befriended when Naga attacks Wardington to find Wavern and the Infinity Core.
In Bakugan: New Vestroia, Alice uses Masqeruade's gate card to send Spectra Phantom and Gus Grav back to New Vestorya. Alice is with Alpha Hydranoid after reuniting with him following the Bakugan Brawlers Resistance freeing him from the Vexos with the other Guardian Bakugan, when she is attacked by Vexos member Shadow Prove. During this time, Masquerade is heard and seen in Alice's mind, trying to coax her into turning into him again to face Shadow, but Alice is fearful of losing herself if she becomes Masquerade again. During as she and Hydranoid face off with Shadow and his mechanical Bakugan clone of Hydranoid, Hades, aided by Chan Lee and Fourtress, who had been sent to help Alice by Klaus, Alice is somehow able to summon Masquerade's spirit to help her stand up to Shadow, while maintaining her own appearance and not physically turning into him, and is able to have Hydranoid take down Hades, but she and Chan lose to MAC Spider, resulting in her grandfather's Dimensional Transporter being severely damaged. Nevertheless, that is the last time that Masquerade makes an appearance to aid his alter-ego and give her the confidence to face her fears and know Alice no longer needs to become Masquerade to win in a Bakugan Brawl.
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External Links[]
- Masquerade on the Villains Wiki.