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Dr. Maura Isles is one of the two titular antagonists of the Rizzoli & Isles novel series and the subsequent TV adaptation series of the same name. Dr. Isles is the chief medical examiner of the Boston PD and the closest friend and confidant of Detective Jane Rizzoli. In addition to the trials and tribulations of her job, she looks for love and has to reckon with finding out she's descended from murderers to balance it with her legal duties and moral compass.


In the Novels[]

Dr. Isles was originally born from the illicit union of her cousins Elijah and Amalthea Lank, having a twin sister named Anna Leoni. The two of them were given up for adoption through an illegal child broker and raised by separate families. Isles was adopted by a loving Catholic couple, and she grew to be a physician residing at the University of California San Francisco Medical School as a professor. She was swiftly hired by Dr. Ashford Tierney to fill the vacant position left by a former physician, who was fired due to a drug addiction disrupting his responsibilities and eventually overdosed. The media called her the "Queen of the Dead" due to her reserved professionalism and constant dress in dark colored outfits on the job.

She was originally introduced during her shift on the job while examining victims of a killing spree that would become a part of Warren Hoyt's manhunt. She eventually befriended Detective Rizzoli and became her ally when rationalizing through her crises, such as her recovery from Hoyt attacking her and her pregnancy from and feelings for Agent Gabriel Dean. This was also around the time her ex-husband, charity founder Dr. Victor Banks, returned to seduce her into another relationship, despite her leaving him when his charity work kept them apart and he eventually had an affair. In spite of them sleeping together once, Isles turned her back on Banks when it was revealed he was in league with a company surveying her current case. In spite of Banks insulting her by saying her work didn't matter and lying she was the least trustworthy out of them both, Isles never associated with him again.

Isles instead gravitated to Father Daniel Brophy, an empathetic Catholic priest Isles met when she was investigating the attacks of two nuns in his convent. She wanted to be with him, but his devotion to God and chastity delayed their relationship. After a long period refusing to associate, they grew closer through Father Brophy's work as a police chaplain. They eventually formed a relationship that became intimate, but it was threatened when Isles wanted a break due to Father Brophy constantly not being around. After Father Brophy sorted his feelings out during missionary work in Canada, he came back, and they agreed to permanently commit to each other.

It didn't take long for Rizzoli to return the favor to Isles as a confidant, as Anna tracked Isles and Amalthea, who by then surrendered herself to prison to cover her son Sean, the final killer in the family still at large, in the hopes of Anna reconnecting with her family. But Anna was shot outside of Isles' house when hoping to meet her. isles' own colleagues feared she was dead when her flight was late, and Isles herself was shaken seeing her twin sister dead, murdered. She dug into her family history and found Amalthea, who tried to manipulate Isles into her influence by saying they were so similar, but Isles turned her back on her. Sean was later killed by a captive him who broke free and was later rescued by police. Isles was particularly shaken when after she fell in love with Detective Rick Ballard, Anna's protector and secret romance, Rick's estranged wife and Anna's, Officer Carmen Ballard, shot him dead and nearly killed Isles, before she was shot by police.

Isles attracted the attention of Anthony Sansone, a scholar and socialite who believes demons exist and formed the Mephisto Foundation to track their activities through crimes and misdeeds. She never believed his philosophy, but she nevertheless dedicated her efforts to track killers opposing his organization, when their members started to be violently butchered in ritualistic fashions. After the killers, died, Sansone and Isles maintained professional contact, and the Mephisto Society joined Isles and the Boston PD when they again crossed paths in later investigations where they were all obligated to protect survivors.

In the TV Series[]

