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Heroes Wiki

The Maverick Hunters, known as Irregular Hunters in Japan, are an organization of heroic assassins founded by Dr. Cain, dedicated to protecting the world at large from Maverick attacks. The main Maverick Hunter headquarters, stationed in Abel City, was featured in The Day of Σ, only to be destroyed near the end of the OVA.


Main Leadership[]

  • Signas (Commander post-X4)
  • Dr. Cain (commander pre-X5, retired)
  • Colonel Redips (Far East HQ commander, turned traitor)
  • X (Unknown)
  • Zero (Unknown)


Special 0 Unit (Shinobi)[]

  • Zero (Commander post-X2)
  • Magna Centipede (Commander pre-X2)
  • Blast Hornet (Temporarily rejoined in pre-X3, previously defected)
  • Web Spider (Retired pre-X4, joined Repliforce)

4th Overland Unit (Desert Post)

  • Flame Mammoth

6th Marine Unit[]

  • Launch Octopus
  • Wheel Gator
  • Bubble Crab
  • Squid Adler (Retired pre-X5 due to the death of Launch Octopus)

7th Air Calvary[]

  • Storm Eagle
  • Overdrive Ostrich (temporarily rejoined and deceased, previously defected)

8th Armored Division[]

  • Armored Armadillo

9th Special Forces (Ranger)[]

  • Sting Chameleon

13th Polar Region Unit[]

  • Chill Penguin

14th Grapple Combat Unit

  • Magma Dragoon

17th Elite Unit[]

  • Sigma (Commander pre-X1)
  • Zero (Commander in X1)
  • X (Commander post-X1-6, post-X7)
  • Vile
  • Chill Penguin (in The Day of Sigma)
  • Storm Eagle (in The Day of Sigma)
  • Boomer Kuwanger
  • Spark Mandrill
  • Flame Stag
  • Gravity Beetle
  • Mac
  • Double


  • Alia
  • Pallette
  • Layer
  • "Navigator" (unnamed, Maverick Hunter X)
  • Iris (Mega Man Xtreme 2 only)

Other members[]

  • Axl (post-X7, rejoined)
  • Lifesaver (Medical control officer)
  • Douglas (Mechanic)
  • "Green Biker Dude"
  • Shadow (turned traitor)
  • Depth Dragoon (Far East HQ)
  • Neon Tiger (rejoined)
  • Blizzard Buffalo (rejoined)
  • Tunnel Rhino (rejoined)


The game is set in 21XX, after scientist Dr. Cain discovered a robot sealed away in a capsule left by the late Dr. Light; one capable of advanced AI and even free will. Dr. Cain studied the robot, known as X, and attempted to duplicate his functions.

Having free will, some of the Reploids began to go rogue, and were thus branded "Mavericks." To counter the threats of Mavericks, a law enforcement group known as the Maverick Hunters, led by Sigma, were formed. Of course, then Sigma himself goes Maverick, taking many of the Hunters with him to lead an anti-human rebellion. X, feeling responsible for the chaos and desperate for peace, heads into battle alongside the Maverick Hunters' ace Zero to stop Sigma.


  • Before he and X square off, Double calls the Maverick Hunters "Mavericks, Hunters." This is most likely an error.


Mega man logoHeroes

Mega Man
Mega Man | Proto Man | Bass | Duo | Roll | Rush | Dr.Light | Dr. Mikhail Cossack | Eddie | Beat | Tango | Treble | Cut Man | Guts Man | Ice Man | Bomb Man | Fire Man | Elec Man | Time Man | Oil Man | Splash Woman | Kalinka Cossack | Auto

Mega Man Legends
Mega Man Volnutt | Roll Caskett | Tron Bonne | Servbots

Mega Man Star Force
Dr. Vega | Geo Stelar | Omega-Xis | Sonia Strumm | Lyra | Luna Platz | Queen Ophiuca | Vogue | Bud Bison | Taurus | Zack Temple | Pedia | Patrick Sprigs | Kelvin Stelar | Hope Stelar | Aaron Boreal | Tom Dubius | Bob Copper | Wolf | Cancer | Solo | Laplace | Amy Gelande | Ace | Acid | Queen Tia | Jack | Joker | Heartless | Dr. Goodall | Ice | Strong | Belle | Woodrow Boffin | WAZA Chief | Satella Police

Crossover Heroes
Alex Kidd | Billy Hatcher | Sonic the Hedgehog | Miles "Tails" Prower | Knuckles the Echidna | Sally Acorn | Rotor the Walrus | Bunnie Rabbot | Antoine D'Coolette | Nicole the Holo-Lynx | Amy Rose | Vector the Crocodile | Espio the Chameleon | Charmy Bee | Blaze the Cat | Silver the Hedgehog | Cream the Rabbit | Cheese | Shadow the Hedgehog | Rouge the Bat | Big the Cat | Sticks the Badger | Amaterasu | Nights | Ryu | Ken Masters | Chun-Li | Vyse | Viewtiful Joe | Sexy Silvia | Tyris Flare|

OVER-1 | Bad Box Art Mega Man | Mega Man (Captain N) | Fan |

Archie Comics
Mega Man | Quake Woman | Mega Man X | Zero | Dr. Cain | Signas | Alia | Axl | Navigator

See Also
Mega Man X Heroes | Mega Man Battle Network Heroes | Mega Man Starforce Heroes | Mega Man Zero/ZX Heroes
