Heroes Wiki

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Heroes Wiki
Hero Overview

Max (Japanese: マサト Masato) is a supporting character in Pokémon the Series, and a former friend of Ash Ketchum. He is the younger brother of May.

He was voiced by Fushigi Yamada in the Japanese version of the anime, and by Amy Birnbaum, Jamie Peacock, and Kayzie Rogers in the English version.


Max was presented somewhat of a know-it-all who was proud of his book smarts. Max did not approve of how Ash had used Pikachu in battle and spent a portion of the episode lecturing him on what he thought was a better way to command the Pokémon. But despite this attitude, Max was not a close-minded person and was always eager to learn about Pokémon first-hand. He would become particularly excited when he could experience a Pokémon's move or Ability, such as Jigglypuff's Sing or Sharpedo's Rough Skin.


  • Although Max took Misty's role of pinching Brock's ear when he sees a pretty girl, he didn't start doing that until he saw Misty do it in The Princess and The Togepi!. However, he did drag Brock by the pants once in A Different Kind of Misty!.
  • He is Ash's first companion who is too young to be a Pokémon Trainer. The second would be Bonnie, although she does care for a Pokémon.

External links[]


           Pokémon the Series logo Heroes

Main Characters
Ash Ketchum | Pikachu | Misty | Brock | Tracey Sketchit | May | Max | Dawn | Iris | Cilan | Serena | Clemont | Bonnie | Rotom Pokédex | Kiawe | Lillie | Mallow | Sophocles | Lana | Goh | Chloe Cerise | Liko | Roy | Dot
Rising Volt Tacklers
Professor Friede | Orla | Mollie | Murdock | Ludlow | Captain Pikachu | Liko | Roy | Dot

Professor Oak | Professor Elm | Professor Birch | Professor Rowan | Professor Juniper | Professor Sycamore | Professor Kukui | Professor Amaranth | Professor Burnet | Professor Cerise | Professor Magnolia | Professor Sonia | Professor Friede

Gary Oak | Officer Jenny | Nurse Joy | Jimmy | Marina | Ritchie | Casey | Sakura | Drew | Solana | Zoey | Kenny | Barry | Candice | Looker | Riley | Lyra | Tobias | Bianca | Georgia | N | Rood | Danika | Quillon | Anthea and Concordia | Sawyer | Alain | Mairin | Aria | Tierno | Shauna | Trevor | Gladion | Guzma | Hapu | Wicke

Delia Ketchum | Johanna | Grace | Samson Oak | Lusamine | Mohn

Other Characters
Giselle | Duplica | Florinda Showers | Harrison | Cheryl | Ippei

Lance | Steven Stone | Cynthia | Alder (formerly) | Iris | Diantha | Ash Ketchum | Leon

Rising Volt Tacklers
Friede | Orla | Mollie | Murdock | Ludlow | Captain Pikachu

Movie Characters
Main anime timeline
Corey | Neesha | Fergus | Melody | Diana | Towa | Bianca | Sir Aaron | Rafe | Jack Walker | Alice | Newton Graceland | Maury | Eric Prince Raleigh | Princess Kimia | Karl | Tatsuki | Callahan | Latias | Latios | Lucario | Sheena | Kevin | Rowena | Baraz | Meray | Toren | Carlita | Damos | Risa | Koko
Pokémon the Movie: I Choose You! timeline
Ash Ketchum | Sorrel | Verity | Risa | Margo | Callahan | Oliver | Mia | Kellie | Toren | Harriet | Koko

Main Pokémon
Pikachu | Bulbasaur | Charizard | Squirtle | Eevee | Butterfree | Sceptile | Buizel | Lucario | Snivy | Greninja | Incineroar | Psyduck | Vulpix | Scyther | Blaziken | Skitty | Piplup | Pachirisu | Sylveon | Chespin | Fennekin | Sparky | Riolu | Cinderace

Legendary/Mythical Pokémon
Mewtwo | Mew | Lugia | Ho-Oh | Entei | Celebi | Kyogre | Latias | Latios | Deoxys | Dialga | Palkia | Giratina | Cresselia | Darkrai | Shaymin | Arceus | Zekrom | Reshiram | Kyurem | Meloetta | Diancie | Zarude | Zacian and Zamazenta | Enamorus

Other Pokémon
Ivysaur | Venusaur | Blastoise | Raichu | Jigglypuff | Gyarados | Ditto | Snorlax | Pichu | Gardevoir | Metagross | Munchlax | Oshawott | Zoroark | Inkay | Malamar | Wyrdeer | Ursaluna | Basculegion | Sneasler | Hisuian Braviary

Groups and Organizations
Ash's Friends | Pokémon Trainers
