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Heroes Wiki

This is Maxilos. Being completely mechanical, he is the perfect guard, for he cannot be bribed or deceived. His reflexes are faster than any living being.
~ Hydraxon to Matoro about the Maxilos.
Then, what should've we do, did hydraxon that's only one with battling of their potential. There I was wrong about you, I must admit have been easily destroyed, wasn't you? Matoro.... because that he fighting at the mahri nui. priak, then barraki things cause by a monkey. He one with jaller and hewkii, Hahli, haven't long ago... if however was be a enough so you've badly responsibility. By mistaken. I meant to say about meaning of existed. I'm realized was even thinking about you've charged. even though likely could uselessness the metru nui. Believe this remembered something else. But how is that possibilities, toa tuyet, toa lhikan, and toa Nidhiki. What if why thoses are the dark hunters that will be, have shouldn't never regret it. After hatred having to something wrong. I think it's wondering so much are being hatred having to do, what if something it was so wrong about you, As i wanted to feel not unbearably have seen her saw everything.... New kid, we need have to get out of this thing. There is no much time.
~ Maxilos's Final last speech to Zenet and New kid. To explained about the Neathia Transition tablet puzzle key of Mata nui. The Artifacts.

The Maxilos Robots, also known as Maxilos or MAXILOS in short are the major heroes that appeared in the BIONICLE franchise. They are the robotic guardians who were created by Artakha and were later used by the Order of Mata Nui as their army.

Some of them served as the guardians of the Pit as they assisted Botar and Hydraxon to capture anyone who committed the crimes against the Great Spirit's rule.

Later in the Mahri Nui arc, one Maxilos was possessed by Makuta Teridax who used its body as his vessel in order to survive in Mahri Nui before it was destroyed during the confrontation with the Barraki.

One day aftering his We're been destroyed all everythings. Destoryed by Barraki, at Neathia's chamber of the lighthouse. New kid and Zenet must getting explained him. Had finals time with getting Puzzled of Neathia's keys.


The Maxilos Robot was used to be created by Arthak to guard the underwater prison known as The Pit,

Little it's known, how many of this robots were created, or when exactly they began to serve the Order. They were served to help Hydraxon to guard The Pit, When the Great Cataclysm struck, the cells collapsed and the prisoners escaped into the sea.


Being a mechanical robots, the Maxilos do not possess any of the emotions as they are loyal to the Order of Mata Nui as they are willing to complete their tasks in order to serve the Great Spirit's will and also did not deceived or bribed easily, as stated by Hydraxon.

Despite that, they can speak the Matoran language in the mechanical tone.

Meanwhile, when mechanical robots fellow and his destructions are the abandoned at library of Neathia's chamber of the lighthouse. New kid must desperately finally faded someplace spokens in order of the Neathia's prophecies. At mahri nui of voya nui. Explains what's he talking about toa matoro mahri.

Powers & Abilities[]



           BionicleTitle Heroes

Toa Mata
Tahu | Gali | Lewa | Pohatu | Onua | Kopaka | Takanuva | Toa Ignika

Toa Metru
Vakama | Nokama | Matau | Onewa | Whenua | Nuju

Toa Inika
Jaller | Hahli | Kongu | Nuparu | Hewkii | Matoro

Vakama | Nokama | Matau | Onewa | Whenua | Nuju | Dume | Lhikan

Jaller | Hahli | Kongu | Nuparu | Hewkii | Matoro | Kapura | Macku | Hafu | Onepu | Taipu | Kopeke | Nuhrii | Vhisola | Orkahm | Tehutii | Ehrye | Sarda | Idris | Defilak

Order of Mata Nui
Mata Nui | Helryx | Axonn | Brutaka | Hydraxon | Johmak | Krakua | Mazeka | Tobduk | Trinuma | Botar | Ancient | Maxilos | Spinax | Umbra

Toa Hagah
Norik | Bomonga | Gaaki | Iruini | Pouks | Kualas

Voya Nui Resistance Team
Garan | Balta | Dalu | Piruk | Kazi

Ussal (Pewku) | Gukko (Ka) | Graalok | Krahka | Tahtorak | Keetongu | Toa Terrain Crawler | Klakk

Great Beings | Artakha | Makuta Teridax

Bionicle G2
Tahu | Gali | Lewa | Pohatu | Onua | Kopaka | Ekimu
