Maximus's first appearance.
Maximus and the Captain chasing the thief,
Flynn Rider.
Maximus continuing to run when Flynn jumps on his back.
Maximus stops running when he realizes Flynn is on him.
Maximus glaring at Flynn.
Maximus offended when Flynn calls him a "fleabag".
Maximus trying to get Flynn's satchel which contains the tiara belonging to the lost princess of Corona.
Maximus and Flynn seeing the satchel containing the crown has gotten caught on a giant tree branch.
Maximus and Flynn racing to get the satchel.
Maximus with Flynn on top of his head.
Maximus seeing Flynn hanging underneath the tree branch.
Maximus trying to stomp on Flynn's hands as they both make their way to get the satchel.
Maximus and Flynn seeing the branch about to break due to their weight.
Maximus and Flynn screaming as they fall down a cliff.
Maxmius having survived the fall.
Maximus seeing he's in another part of the forest.
Maximus sniffing the ground.
Maximus sniffing to catch Flynn's scent.
Maximus still trying to catch Flynn's scent.
Flynn finding a wanted poster of Flynn with his nose poorly drawn.
Maximus not recognizing Flynn's wanted poster.
When he puts his hoove on Flynn's poorly drawn nose, Maximus is able to recognize his wanted poster now.
Maximus chewing the wanted poster.
Maximus hearing a twig snap.
Maximus looking for a place to hide.
Maximus coming out of hiding, thinking he caught Flynn.
Maximus dismayed to see it's not Flynn, but a woman named Mother Gothel.
Maximus confused with Mother Gothel's worried behavior.
Maximus watching Gothel run off in a hurry.
Later, Maximus arrives at the Snuggly Duckling restaurant.
Maximus pushing some thugs aside.
Maximus pointing to the floor behind a bar.
Maxmius revealing a secret passage to the royal guards.
Maximus and the guards emerging out of the tunnel.
Maximus and the guards cornering Flynn and
Maximus holding a sword in his mouth.
Maximus and Flynn dueling each other.
Maximus having disarmed Flynn.
Maximus holding Flynn at sword point.
Maximus seeing Flynn's hand getting wrapped in Rapunzel's hair.
Maximus seeing Flynn grabbing a hold of Rapunzel's hair.
Maximus shocked to see Flynn escape, using Rapunzel's hair.
Maximus kicking on one of the wooden beams holding the dam together.
Maximus kicking the wooden beam with his hind legs.
Maximus walking on the wooden beam to get Rapunzel and
Maximus seeing Rapunzel jump.
Maximus nearly biting Rapunzel's hair.
Maximus and the guards about to be washed away by a flood when the dam collapses.
The next morning, having survived the flood, Maximus finds Flynn/Eugene.
Maximus dragging Eugene by his foot.
Maximus biting down on Eugene's foot as Rapunzel pulls him away.
Maximus with Eugene's boot in his mouth after Rapunzel frees him from his grip.
Maximus being stopped by Rapunzel.
Maximus being stopped by Rapunzel in a peaceful manner.
Maximus being charmed by Rapunzel's kindness.
Maximus being told by Rapunzel to drop Eugene's boot.
Maximus wagging his tail like a dog.
Maximus admitting to Rapunzel that he's tired of chasing Eugene.
Maximus being hugged by Rapunzel.
Maximus bonding with Rapunzel.
Maximus smiling as Rapunzel finds out his name due to his name tag written on his saddle.
Maximus glaring at Eugene.
Maximus hearing Rapunzel inform him she doesn't Eugene to get arrested today.
Maximus not liking Rapunzel's proposition.
Maximus hearing Rapunzel promise he and Eugene will get each other's necks in 24 hours.
Maximus refusing to accept Rapunzel's deal until he relents upon hearing today is Rapunzel's birthday.
Maximus and Eugene begrudgingly making a truce.
Maximus and Eugene watching Rapunzel hearing Corona's bells ringing.
Maximus having hit Eugene in the stomach.
Maximus glaring at Eugene for taking down his wanted poster.
Maximus having Eugene's wanted poster shoved into his mouth.
Maximus having blown the wanted poster into Eugene's face.
Maximus and Eugene starting to fight until Pascal stops them.
Maximus and Eugene hitting each other after they're warned to be on their best behavior.
Maximus running to catch up with his new companions.
Maximus looking at all of the hair Rapunzel and Eugene have scooped up.
Maximus, Eugene, Rapunzel, and Pascal seeing four little girls braiding their own hair.
Maximus and Pascal noticing Eugene hiding from some guards.
Maximus, Eugene, and Pascal noticing Rapunzel's hair having been put up in one big braid.
Maximus laughing upon discovering Eugene developing an attraction towards Rapunzel.
Maximus, Pascal, and Eugene watching Rapunzel getting all of the villagers to dance during the festivities.
Pascal and Maximus seeing Eugene refusing to dance.
Maximus and Pascal smiling after the former gets Eugene to dance with Rapunzel.
Maximus watching Eugene and Rapunzel get on a boat to go see the floating lanterns being launched into the night sky.
Maximus suspicious when Eugene gives him a bag of apples.
Maximus pleased when Eugene says he bought the apples.
Maximus going to eat the apples.
Maximus confused when Eugene jokes that he bought most of the apples.
Maximus still waiting at the dock when nighttime arrives.
Maximus watching Eugene getting captured by the royal guards as he worriedly cries out for Rapunzel.
Maximus realizing Rapunzel is in danger.
Maximus reuniting with Eugene after the Pub Thugs free him from the dungeon and save him from execution.
Maximus smiling at Eugene, letting him that he was the one who brought the thugs over to help rescue him.
Maximus being thanked by Eugene.
Maximus giving Eugene a deadpan look, letting him that now is not the time to express gratitude.
Maximus and Eugene going to escape from the castle.
Maximus and Eugene jumping as they escape the castle.
Maximus and Eugene sliding down a roof.
Maximus jumping as a little girl watches in amazement.
Maximus running through the kingdom.
Maximus and Eugene leaving Corona to save Rapunzel from the evil Mother Gothel.
Maximus and Eugene jumping through some trees.
Maximus running through the forest.
Maximus and Eugene arriving at Rapunzel's hidden tower.
After Gothel's death and Rapunzel being revealed as Corona's lost princess, Maximus leads the royal guard in making crime activity in the kingdom disappear.
Maximus forgiving a soldier for being late by accepting and eating an apple the soldier offers him.