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Heroes Wiki
Maxine Gibson

Maxine "Max" Gibson is a supporting protagonist in the DC Animated Universe television series Batman Beyond. She was the smartest student at Hamilton High School and a friend of Terrence "Terry" McGinnis, being one of the few people to know his secret identity as Batman and being one of his allies. She is voiced by Cree Summer.

Max was brought up in an unhappy childhood, with her parents divorcing, resulting in her and her older sister moving in with their mother. In order to make ends meet, Max's mother was at work, away from home most of the time, leaving Max and her sister alone to fend for themselves. Max later became the class valedictorian after getting the highest score on her GAT test. She managed to create a computer program to find out the new Batman's identity and Terminal's identity. Max deduced from her findings that the new Batman had to be involved with the school, and suspected that Terry was a member of the Jokerz who had been attacking her. After the GAT tests, Terminal led the Jokerz to attack the school. Terminal found Max and tried to kill her, but was stopped by the Batman. Terminal's identity was later revealed to be Carter Wilson, a student at Hamilton High who tried to murder Max because she had the highest score on a test, with him getting second place, so that he could get first place with her out of the way. Max told Terry that she knows that he is Batman and promised not to tell anyone else. Terry agreed and called her "Alfred". Max helped Terry keep his normal life in check.



            DCAU logo Heroes

Batman: The Animated Series and The New Batman Adventures
Main Characters
Batman | Robin | Nightwing | Batgirl | Alfred Pennyworth | James Gordon | Catwoman
Harvey Bullock | Creeper | Harvey Dent | Zatanna | Janet Van Dorn | Yoru Sensei
Gray Ghost | Charlie Collins | Earl Cooper | Michael Stromwell | Phantasm

Superman: The Animated Series
Main Characters
Superman | Lois Lane | Jimmy Olsen | Supergirl
Lana Lang | The Flash | Aquaman | Orion | Steel

Batman Beyond
Main Characters
Terry McGinnis | Bruce Wayne | Dana Tan | Maxine Gibson

Static Shock
Main Characters
Static Shock | Gear | Rubberband Man
She-Bang | Anansi

The Zeta Project
Main Characters
Zeta | Rosalie Rowan

Justice League and Justice League Unlimited
Main Characters
Justice League (Superman | Batman | Wonder Woman | The Flash | Hawkgirl | Green Lantern | Martian Manhunter)
Green Arrow | Black Canary | Huntress | The Question | Captain Marvel | Booster Gold | The Atom | Mister Miracle | Big Barda | Fire | Captain Atom | Vigilante | Gypsy | Justice Guild of America
