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Mayor Yukari is a minor protagonist of the Netflix live-action series Avatar: The Last Airbender, which was based on the original animated series of the same name. She is a mayor of an unnamed village at Kyoshi Island and a mother of Kyoshi Warriors leader, Suki. During the Hundred Year War, she has to closed off her village from the outsiders until her life changed upon meeting Avatar Aang.

She is portrayed by Tamlyn Tomita.


Yukari used to be a Kyoshi Warrior, which explains her fighting skills and how much she's good at using a war fan as a weapon. She later had a daughter named Suki, who later became a Kyoshi Warrior just like her. After retiring as a Kyoshi Warrior, she became a mayor of the small village on the Kyoshi Island and has to closed off the village from the outsiders during the Hundred Year War.

When the Team Avatar were brought to her, Mayor Yukari explains how the village has been closed off to the outsiders during the Hundred Year War until Aang convinced her to help them. She then allowed them to stay for 48 hours. The next morning, Yukari and the others are confronting Zhao and his soldiers when they arrived at the Kyoshi Island and fought against them until they're outnumbered. However, they later witnessed Aang (possessed by Kyoshi) arrives and defeats Zhao and his soldiers, forcing them to retreat.



           Avatar The Last Airbender Logo Heroes

Team Avatar
Gen I: Aang (The Last Airbender & Netflix) | Appa (The Last Airbender & Netflix) | Katara (The Last Airbender & Netflix) | Momo (Netflix) | Sokka (The Last Airbender & Netflix) | Suki (Netflix) | Toph Beifong | Zuko (Netflix)
Gen II: Asami Sato | Bolin | Korra | Mako | Naga | Pabu | Tenzin

Wan | Szeto | Yangchen | Kuruk | Kyoshi | Roku | Aang | Korra

Order of the White Lotus
Iroh | Jeong Jeong | King Bumi | Pakku | Piandao | White Lotus leader | White Lotus sentries

Air Nomads
Aang | Appa | Bumi | Gyatso (Netflix) | Ikki | Jinora | Kai | Meelo | Momo | Oogi | Opal | Pathik | Poki | Tenzin

Earth Kingdom
Baatar Jr. | Bolin | Haru | Jet | Jiang | King Bumi (Netflix) | Kuvira | Kyoshi | Kyoshi Warriors | Lin Beifong | Mayor Yukari | Republic City Police | Suki | Suyin Beifong | The Boulder | The Metal Clan | Toph Beifong | Wei & Wing | Wu

Fire Nation
Fire Sages | Iroh (The Last Airbender & Netflix) | General Iroh | Izumi | Jeong Jeong | Mai (Netflix) | Mako | Piandao | Rangi | Roku | Shyu | Sun Warriors | Ty Lee (Netflix) | Ursa | Wan | Xu | Zuko

Water Tribe
Desna & Eska | Hakoda | Huu | Katara | Korra | Kuruk | Kya | Naga | Pakku (The Last Airbender & Netflix) | Sokka | Tonraq | Varrick | Princess Yue (The Last Airbender & Netflix) | Zhu Li

Aye-Aye Spirit | Lion turtle | Raava | Tui & La
