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I who have been cast out by Gjallarhorn will put an end to the Arianrhod Fleet's commander by myself and completely change the world! Regardless of birth or affiliation I believe, through honing one's own strength, it's possible to create a storm in this stagnant world. All the animals who cringe and cower because they don't know how to use their fangs, will be set loose in a wilderness where they can! When that happens victory will be mine!
~ McGillis as he makes his final stand against Gjallarhorn's Arianrhod Fleet in Gundam Bael.
I see you well enough, without your prodding. I have pretended not to see you all this time... If I hadn't rejected you and the others, I could never have moved forward... Whenever I found myself around you, all of the ambitions that I'd harbored my whole life seemed to waver. So I looked away... I even promised that I'd make Almiria happy, no matter what the cost...
~ McGillis's final words to Gaelio.

McGillis Fareed is the son of the Fareed Family of the Seven Stars of Gjallarhorn and one of two tritagonists (alongside Kudelia Aina Bernstein) of Mobile Suit Gundam IRON-BLOODED ORPHANS.

In Season 1, McGillis appears as one of two Gjallarhorn Inspectors alongside his childhood friend Gaelio Bauduin sent to pursue the Tekkadan forces protecting Kudelia Aina Bernstein. Secretly, McGillis provides help to Tekkadan in the alias of Montag, seeking to expose Gjallarhorn's corruption to the world and to reform it.

In Season 2, McGillis has managed to become one of the Seven Stars of Gjallarhorn after ousting his father and strengthens his alliance with Tekkadan in preparation for a coup against the Seven Stars. His main opponent is Rustal Elion, head of the Elion Family and Commander of the Arianrhod Fleet.

He is voiced by Takahiro Sakurai in the original Japanese version and by Steve Staley in the English dub, the latter of whom also voiced Banagher Links in Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn.



As a child, McGillis was a poor boy living on the streets until he was adopted into the Fareed Family by Iznario Fareed, who had McGillis pretend to be his illegitimate child while abusing him and forcing him to have sex with him. One night, McGillis discovered a book by Agnika Kaieru, the original founder of Gjallarhorn, and by reading through it, became inspired to one day take power in Gjallarhorn and reform it.

Growing up, McGillis was childhood friends with Gaelio Bauduin of the Bauduin Family and Carta Issue of the Issue Family. Carta had a crush on McGillis, though McGillis showed no interest in her romantically.

PD 323[]

McGillis Fareed and Gaelio Bauduin were sent to perform an inspection of the Gjallarhorn Mars Branch, headed by Major Coral Conrad. After the two discovered that a company had been sent out but had not returned, the two questioned Coral about it. Coral came up with an excuse and tried to bribe the Inspectors, but McGillis rebuked his bribe.

Later, as Gaelio and McGillis were driving along a cornfield, the two nearly run over the twins Cookie and Cracker and stop their car. Mikazuki misunderstands the situation and grabs Gaelio by the throat, but the misunderstanding is cleared up and Mikazuki apologizes to Gaelio while McGillis gives the twins chocolate. McGillis suggests that the twins see a doctor, and offers to pay for the bill if there is one, telling them to send it to the Mars Branch and give them his name.

When Coral led an attack to intercept Tekkadan as they were transporting Kudelia Aina Bernstein, McGillis and Gaelio took part in the battle, but were unable to stop Tekkadan from leaving Mars.

As McGillis and Gaelio head to Earth to continue their pursuit of Tekkadan, Gaelio appoints Ein Dalton as his subordinate after hearing his desire to avenge his superior, Crank Zent, who was killed by Mikazuki Augus. Along the way, McGillis and Gaelio take a break to meet McGillis' father, Iznario Fareed, and to attend a ball with Gaelio's sister Almiria, whom McGillis was engaged to.

While supposedly staying on Earth to spend time with Almiria while Gaelio continued the pursuit of Tekkadan, McGillis, under the alias of "Montag", provided covert aid to Tekkadan and Kudelia, warning Kudelia of an assassination plot against her being perpetrated by Nobliss Gordon. He would later reveal his true identity as McGillis to Tekkadan and his true intentions of overthrowing the Seven Stars and reforming Gjallarhorn, stating that he believed Tekkadan would be key to that process.

After Ein Dalton was fatally injured in battle protecting Gaelio, McGillis used him as a test subject for the Alaya Vijnana System by hooking his body up to the prototype Graze Ein Mobile Suit and transferring his mind into the suit. While Gaelio was horrified, Ein was grateful to be given another shot at avenging Crank.

After Carta Issue suffered two humiliating defeats at the hands of Tekkadan and was distraught over having tarnished her family's honor, McGillis gave her some words of encouragement to get her to go out and fight Tekkadan again. Her third battle against Tekkadan would be her last, as it ended in Mikazuki fatally wounding and killing her, ending the Issue Family line and tilting the balance of power in the Seven Stars in McGillis' favor.

As the Gjallarhorn forces blockaded Edmonton to prevent Tekkadan and Togonosuke Makanai from making it inside, McGillis showed up in a brand new mobile suit to fend off Gaelio and buy time for Mikazuki Augus to go in and defend Makanai and Kudelia from the Graze Ein. In his confrontation with Gaelio, Montag revealed his true identity as McGillis, along with how he had caused Carta's death and been using Gaelio too, all in order to achieve power within Gjallarhorn. Enraged at his friend's betrayal, Gaelio attacked McGillis' Mobile Suit, but was unable to make a dent in it before McGillis defeated him and stabbed him through his Mobile Suit, promising to take good care of his sister as he seemingly killed him.

After Kudelia arrived in the Edmonton parliamentary building and gave a speech exposing Gjallarhorn's corruption, along with Iznario Fareed's corruption, McGillis used the incident to unseat his father as head of the Fareed Family and have him arrested, allowing him to take his father's position as a member of the Seven Stars.

PD 325[]

Now a member of the Seven Stars, McGillis made a move to acquire more power for himself by requesting influence over Gjallarhorn's Mars Branch. He also made an official alliance with Tekkadan, allowing them and Teiwaz to use Gjallarhorn's routes to travel. McGillis made a promise to Tekkadan leader Orga Itsuka that, if Tekkadan backed him in his plan to take control of Gjallarhorn, once the leader of Gjallarhorn he would make Orga the Sovereign Mars and help realize Mars' economic independence from Earth.

Seeking to undermine McGillis' popularity, Rustal attempted to instigate a proxy war within Arbrau first by having Prime Minister Makanai assassinated with a bomb. While the bomb failed to kill him, it did render him and Tekkadan's Earth Branch chief Chad Chaden comatose, allowing Rustal's spy within the Arbrau military, Galan Mossa, to move in and take control of the Tekkadan Earth Branch, using them to carry out attacks against McGillis' Gjallarhorn forces. While Rustal intended for the proxy war to go on for years, McGillis thwarted his plans after only a month by unexpectedly stepping in to put down the conflict himself. After the main Tekkadan forces from Mars arrived at Earth and took command of Earth Branch, they led an assault against Galan Mossa's mercenary forces that ended in Mossa's death by suicide. While both McGillis and Orga suspected Rustal was responsible, they did not have any evidence to convict him on.

After discovering that Tekkadan had unearthed a Mobile Armor left over from the Calamity War on Mars, McGillis went down to the planet himself to inspect it, accompanied by his right-hand man Isurugi Camice and Tekkadan. To prevent the Mobile Armor from being reactivated, McGillis had Tekkadan not bring their Mobile Suits along so the Mobile Armor wouldn't sense them and wake up. However, suspicious of what McGillis was doing, Rustal sent down Iok Kujan to investigate, who got too close to the Mobile Armor in his Mobile Suit and caused it to reactivate. The Mobile Armor began wreaking havoc across Mars, but was destroyed by Mikazuki Augus after tapping into the full potential of his Gundam Barbatos.

McGillis later attended a meeting of the Seven Stars to discuss the incident on Mars. While Iok Kujan accused McGillis of purposefully awakening the Mobile Armor so he could destroy it and gain an Order of the Seven Stars, McGillis refuted his accusations and pointed out how Iok was the one who awakened the Mobile Armor in the first place with his recklessness. While Rustal Elion stayed silent on the matter, the other Seven Stars praised McGillis for his handling of the situation.

Later, after obtaining enough evidence of Rustal's crimes and the unsavory actions being undertaken by Gjallarhorn, McGillis launched a coup against the Gjallarhorn leadership and broadcast a televised speech in which his subordinate Liza Enza further exposed Gjallarhorn's corruption to the world and Rustal's underhanded political plays, including his involvement in the incident in Arbrau. After taking the Seven Stars hostage, McGillis went to room containing the Gundam Bael, which had once been piloted by Gjallarhorn's founder Agnika Kaieru, and, using the Alaya Vijnana system he had previously tested on Ein, was able to control the Gundam and was accepted by it as its pilot. Having been accepted by the Gundam Bael, McGillis proclaimed to the other Seven Stars that, by tradition, they must accept him as their new leader and give him their ground forces. However, Rustal and his Arianrhod Fleet refused to submit to McGillis' claim for leadership and gave a speech vowing to suppress "the traitor" McGillis' rebellion. Besides Iok, who sided with Rustal, the other Seven Stars chose to remain neutral in the matter and did not lend their ground forces to either side.

Meeting the Arianrhod Fleet in open battle in space, McGillis' Revolutionary Fleet and Tekkadan initially were able to push back Rustal's forces. However, the tide of the battle changed when Rustal had a spy he planted in McGillis' forces use a Dainsleif before committing suicide so the Arianrhod Fleet could justify using the forbidden weapon against McGillis' fleet. Despite gaining the advantage thanks to his vast number of Dainsleifs, Tekkadan and McGillis' forces came narrowly close to winning by having one of their pilots fire a Dainsleif-like weapon at the bridge of Rustal's flagship. However, due to a last second intervention by Julieta of the Arianrhod Fleet, the weapon was knocked off course and Rustal survived. Rustal's forces then pushed back the Revolutionary Fleet and Tekkadan, who retreated to Mars to continue the fight.

Despite Rustal's alliance with the new leader of the Mars Branch, McGillis' Revolutionary Fleet and Tekkadan were granted permission to land on Mars by the Mars Branch leader personally, who was impressed with McGillis' penchant for good luck. As the Arianrhod Fleet began their push towards Tekkadan's Mars base, McGillis learned from Orga of his intention to evacuate Tekkadan's members through the Mars base's underground tunnels and wished him good luck in that endeavor, though noted that he would also use that as a factor in his plans to kill Rustal Elion.

After using Tekkadan's final stand as a distraction, McGillis was able to pierce through the Arianrhod forces in his Gundam Bael and move his forces back out into space. After dismissing his crew from his flagship and having them evacuate, McGillis had the ship perform a suicidal run on the Arianrhod Fleet. When the fleet fired on the ship and destroyed it, McGillis rose from the flames in the Gundam Bael and launched a one-man attack on the entire Arianrhod Fleet, destroying numerous Mobile Suits aligned with Rustal's forces before making it to Rustal's flagship. Before he could attack it however, Gaelio, who had become a subordinate of Rustal and assumed a new identity as "Vidar" following his supposed death, appeared to confront McGillis in his own Gundam "Vidar". The two fought fairly evenly in a one on one battle, and though McGillis came close to beating Gaelio, Gaelio was able to cripple McGillis' Gundam and destroy its swords. Not ready to give up, McGillis crashed both his and Gaelio's Mobile Suit into the interior of Rustal's flagship, before getting up, heavily injured, and pressing on to go kill Rustal himself, armed with nothing more than a pistol. Before McGillis could reach the bridge however, he was faced by Gaelio again, donning his Vidar mask. McGillis shot at Gaelio's head, but his bullet was blocked by Gaelio's metal mask. Gaelio, in turn, shot and fatally wounded McGillis. Gaelio then took the time to exchange some final words with McGillis. McGillis admits that his feelings of friendship towards Gaelio were genuine, but that he pushed him away because they were dampening his hatred towards Gjallarhorn and his resolve towards one day reforming the organization. McGillis laments that he won't be able to make Almiria happy anymore once he's dead and goes on to call Gaelio a true friend to him before a crying Gaelio cuts him off and tells him not to, stating that if McGillis calls him a friend then he won't be able to hate him anymore. Nevertheless, McGillis passed on knowing that Gaelio knew what he meant. Though McGillis died without killing Rustal, his exposure of Gjallarhorn's corruption forced Rustal to, following the end of the conflict, completely reform Gjallarhorn and remove the Seven Stars from power, restructuring Gjallarhorn to be more outwardly democratic while placing himself as the sole head.


Machines bearing the name "Gundam" have appeared in many turning points throughout our history. They've played a major role in the fate of mankind. If this one serves Ms. Bernstein, an advocate for Mars Independence, who knows what will happen next?
~ McGillis upon learning that Tekkadan's mobile suit is a Gundam.
To grasp another person's heart and to control their future actions is rather easy - Just unveil their past. By doing so, you limit their choices and make it easy to predict their next move. Jealousy, hate, disgrace, shame... we are endlessly harassed by days long gone and our supposedly bright future wasted on cleaning up the mistakes of our foolish past. It's something I know all too well. So Tekkadan, do you think that the step you're taking will lead to progress? Because, if you truly believe in your hearts that it will, then show it to me.
~ McGillis Fareed (as Montag)'s monologue in episode 19.
Gjallarhorn have long advocated bionic modification to be evil, yet they've created something that contradicts that principle. Ein is living proof that shows the disorder within the organization. To many, he will seem to be a cursed embodiment of fear. Those who fight that the detestable monster and protect the Maiden of Revolution are Tekkadan, who are becoming famous as heroes. And they pilot the legendary Gundam frames. If Makanai wins the election being held at the same time, the collusion between Henri and my father Iznario will come to light. Our public stance of watching the world from the outside will crumble, and the distortion within Gjallarhorn will be exposed. It's a sensational production fit for a dramatic stage, no?
~ McGillis revealing his machinations to Gaelio Bauduin.
That's right Gaelio. Come at me with your hatred. Use your fury against me. Friendship, love, trust... such soft-hearted emotions. Unfortunately, they won't reach me, as I have lived my life in anger far too long. Gaelio, what I told you before was the truth. If I'm going to lead Gjallarhorn in the right direction, I needed you as I do Ein. And, for as long as I can remember, you were my only friend. Truly. The rest is up to you, Tekkadan.
~ McGillis during his confrontation with Gaelio in Episode 25.
Rustal Elion, you've been declared the victor in this fight to control Gjallarhorn. And yet, in a situation such as this one, I can finally grasp the world I've truly wished for! Just wait and see, Rustal. I'll show you a world of truth, one that can only be brought about by pure power!
~ McGillis as he has his ship perform a suicide run on the Arianrhod Fleet, right before making his final stand.

Mecha Piloted[]

EB-05s Schwalbe Graze[]

Schwalbe Graze McGillis

A custom machine developed from a prototype of the common Graze. It is a sister machine developed for commanders and ace pilots, and it is inferior in stability at low output, so it demonstrates its true value in high maneuver combat where high output is required. The "GR-Es01 Flight Unit" using the technology of the interplanetary spacecraft is attached to the back, and by using boosters on the shoulders, waist and legs together, it demonstrates high flight ability even under gravity. The head has a unique shape that uses a two-stage upper and lower sensor and a large antenna, but a spherical sensor common to the Graze frame is housed inside. The cockpit is unitized and can be separated from the suit in an emergency. Many suits, such as the blue McGillis suit and the purple Gaelio suit, have been colored and customized to suit the pilot. Later, the Gaelio plane was transferred to Ein Dalton, and the McGillis plane was transferred to Isurugi Camice. The armament is the same as the Graze, and the left arm is additionally equipped with a wired injection type wire claw. The Gaelio suit is equipped with a 16.5m lance for anti-laminate armor at the tip of the short rifle.

V08-1228 Grimgerde[]

Grimgerde Front

A crimson MS piloted by McGillis while in the guise of Montag. It is derived from the direct prototype of the frame for the Graze mobile suits. It is a lightweight, high-mobility vehicle that takes advantage of the Valkyrie frame, and is highly adaptable both in space and on the ground. However, due to its light weight, its striking power during close-quarters combat is low, and accurate control of the center of gravity of the aircraft is required to give effective hits. Also, in order to hide the identity of the aircraft, the area around the cockpit has been replaced with the latest one. It isrmed with the "110mm Valkyrie Rifle" developed in consideration of the weight balance of the aircraft, the "Valkyrie Shield" on both arms, and the "Valkyrie Blade" made out of rare metal. The shield doubles as a blade sheath, allowing the blade to be deployed directly from the tip.

EB-06rs Graze Ritter Commander Type[]

McGillis' Graze Ritter Ground War Type Front

A sister suit utilized by the Outer Earth Orbit Control Integrated Fleet and Vingólf. After assuming command of the fleet, McGillis Fareed began piloting a Commander Type painted blue and yellow. It is a highly maneuverable type that supports low-earth orbit combat, and has a chicken crown-shaped head antenna that is different from its sister suit, Graze, and a large shoulder armor with a built-in thruster. These designs reflect not only their practicality as weapons, but also the idea of ​​embodying the idea of ​​the Gjallarhorn, and are also used for ceremonial events. The versatility of the frame machine is still alive, and it is equipped with a back booster common to Graze in space, and a thigh hover unit of the same type as the Graze ground battle specification on the ground. The commander-only suit has extended shoulder armor, and the design around the chicken crown-shaped head antenna and cockpit hatch has been changed. Since McGillis took office as commander of the fleet, the suit has undergone a complete overhaul and has been refurbished to maximize its maneuverability under gravity. In addition to the same armament as Graze, it is equipped with a double-edged night blade that imitates a knight sword. Since it is a suit that also attends ceremonies, the night blade has a shape that includes elegance in the standard sword.

ASW-G-01 Gundam Bael[]

ASW-01 Gundam Bael (Front)

The first Gundam frame, originally piloted by Gjallarhorn founder Agnika Kaieru. Featuring a pure white body color, a variable thruster wing on the back, and a horned whistle emblem on the left shoulder, the Gundam frame bears the name of the devil king Bael but has an angelic appearance. At the time of the Apotropaic Magic, the MAs were driven out with overwhelming combat power, creating an opportunity for the Gundam Frame to be given special attention. After the war, it was deified as the suit in which the soul of Agnika dwells, and it is reported that those who operate the suit are qualified to stand at the top of the Gjallarhorn. It is one of the few MSs that still exists during the war, and since the cockpit is still compatible with the Alaya Vijnana system at that time, there is no one who can move it in the Gjallarhorn that prohibited Alaya Vijnana. It had long been enshrined in the underground altar of Vingólf. It was launched for the first time in 300 years by McGillis Fareed, who had undergone the Alaya Vijnana surgery, and became a central symbol of the Gjallarhorn Revolutionary Army. It is armed with a double-edged sword "Bael Sword" two swings suspended from a movable blade holder on the back of the waist, and an electromagnetic cannon built into each of the left and right wings. Rare metals refined by a special technique are used for the blade of the sword, and although it is smaller and lighter than other melee weapons due to the difficulty of processing, it demonstrates the sharpness of cutting the MS frame by frame. After the McGillis Fareed incident, it was recovered by Rustal Elion's forces and resealed with the cockpit removed, to prevent it from ever being piloted again.


           IBO logo Heroes

Mikazuki Augus | Orga Itsuka | Eugene Sevenstark | Norba Shino | Akihiro Altland | Biscuit Griffon | Takaki Uno | Ride Mass | Yamagi Gilmerton | Chad Chaden | Dante Mogro | Atra Mixta | Nadi Yukinojo Kassapa | Merribet Stapleton | Hush Middy

Naze Turbine | Amida Arca | Lafter Frankland | Azee Gurumin

McMurdo Barriston

Revolutionary Fleet
McGillis Fareed | Isurugi Camice | Liza Enza

Kudelia Aina Bernstein | Togonosuke Makanai

See Also
Gundam TWM Heroes | Gundam Heroes
