McWinkle is one of the two secondary antagonists (alongside Gluntz) of the first season of the Netflix series Green Eggs And Ham, who is a top member to the B.A.D.G.U.Y.S. (Bureau of Animal Defense Glurfsburg Upper Yippville Section) agency and Gluntz's workmate.
He is voiced by Jeffrey Wright, who also portrayed Felix Leiter in the James Bond reboot series.
McWinkle is a large man who has a well-built body and blue fur. Additionally, he only wears glasses and a black hat.
McWinkle is shown to always be tough and serious, extremely intelligent, and very seldom smiles. He had been a member of the B.A.D. G.U.Y.S. for a long time, although his mission with Gluntz was his last. He took this job very seriously and did whatever it took to catch the two main characters.
Although Sam and Guy thought that he and Gluntz were bad for having an acronym that implies that they're the "bad guys," they were actually not bad and just wanted to return the stolen chickeraffe to the zoo. Gluntz admits how misleading the acronym is and wanted to change it.
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