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Haha! Sure. You've made your mistakes. But we all realize sooner or later, with all that you've been gifted...there's no happy ending without you. MePhone4.
~ MePhone4S as an illusion for MePhone4 in Inanimate Insanity Invitational.
I know now why I was a bad guy, but it’s something I can never undo. Goodbye.
~ MePhone4S's last words before downgrading himself to revive MePhone4.

MePhone4S is one of the three overarching protagonists (alongside The Prime Shimmer) of the animated web series Inanimate Insanity, serving as the secondary antagonist of Season 1, and one of the three overarching protagonists (alongside The Prime Shimmer) of Inanimate Insanity II, and Inanimate Insanity Invitational.

He is MePhone4's brother created by Steve Cobs that was assigned to terminate him and take over his show, before later on where he decided to reform and protect MePhone4 from his successor, MePhone5.

He was voiced by Brian Koch, who also prominently voices Fan in the same series.


MePhone4S directly looks like MePhone4. His difference from his predecessor is mainly his red background, alongside his shades. Underneath the shades, are a pair of red eyes. MePhone4S also humorously had an alternate Hello Kitty background, which blinded him.

He also has several function as opposed to the original MePhone4, including Siri and a talking hand.


Inanimate Insanity[]

MePhone4S first appears in the episode, “Sugar Rush”, where he was seen eavesdropping on Pickle and Marshmallow from a bush. After the two leave, he dons his shades by sliding his screen to the right. Later on when he is confronting Cheesy and stating he is a recommended character, Cheesy points him to a bench for verification. MePhone4S gets past this by ramming a car directly at Cheesy. At the end of the episode, after MePhone4 is seen scolding Apple, MePhone4S appears to confront him next.

In “4Seeing the Future”, beginning where the last episode took place, MePhone4 askes what MePhone4S wants, and he states that Meeple Inc. announced that he is the new version of the MePhone. MePhone4S then boasts about being the better technology out of the two and claims he has multiple functions, including Siri, before announcing his assignment to terminate MePhone4, as he is getting too old. As MePhone4 corrects him, MePhone4S claims he has a cookie, before shoving MePhone4 and shooting him, cracking his screen.

After Lightbulb becomes devastated over MePhone4's death, MePhone4S claims he is now the host of Inanimate Insanity. During the episode's elimination ceremony, MePhone4S uses Siri to conjure cookies, to award those safe. After Pepper is eliminated, MePhone4S shuts down Salt's despair over losing her best friend, and announces that the next challenge is going to be deadly and hilarious. OJ comments that about it become homicidal, causing MePhone4S to tell him to shut up, right before Pickle remarks his ire for the new host. MePhone4S catches him saying that, and claims he poisoned Pickle's cookie in response, causing the latter to drop dead, as OJ protests, right before MePhone4S intimidates him.

The next challenge set up by MePhone4S is to simply cross a quicksand lake, as he temporarily disbands the teams. After Marshmallow uses Apple to get across the quicksand, MePhone4S applauds her "evilness." While MePhone4S is seen shouting at Apple, OJ, Taco, and Marshmallow use a time machine to travel back on the night MePhone4S kills MePhone4. Right as MePhone4S fires his pistol, the trio pause time and replace MePhone4 with a lookalike dummy, allowing him to live.

Back in the revised present, MePhone4S announces the losers of the challenge, with MePhone4 standing right behind him to reclaim his position as the host. MePhone4S claims that he still owns the show, before preparing to shove MePhone4 into the quicksand. MePhone4 defeats him by swiping his screen, which blinds MePhone4S and tosses him into the quicksand instead.

In the following episodes, MePhone4S is seen as brief cameos around the contestants, implying he has escaped the quicksand offscreen.

MePhone4S makes his return in the episode, "The Tile Divide", where he drops onto OJ, much to the confusion of Paper, who has never once seen him. MePhone4S then makes his way back to MePhone4, much to the latter's shock, and demands that he let him become his co-host, otherwise he'll kill OJ again. MePhone4 approves, and later during the elimination ceremony, he wants to hand out chainsaws as the prize, as opposed to MePhone4 handing out lollipops instead. The two eventually settle on handing both out, which causes a few casualties among the safe contestants, and ends with them eliminating Bow from the competition.

MePhone4S, now during the announcement of the episode's challenge, wants to put all remaining contestants through his deathtrap, (with Taco only wanting to do it) rather than going with MePhone4's actual challenge, the Tile Terror. Before the challenge starts, since Pickle and Taco won the episode's last challenge, they win a hoverboard that MePhone4S snaps in half and breaks for them to split. After OJ wins the challenge, MePhone4S takes the losers to his deathtrap, where they all die.

While MePhone4S finds this amusing, MePhone4 on the other hand has had enough of him and prepares to send him away. MePhone4S then warns MePhone4 that someone else is coming for him, before being flung into a nearby cage.

In "Journey Through Memory Lane (Part 1)", MePhone4S escapes the cage offscreen and approaches MePhone4 once more, much to the latter's dismay. After MePhone4S forces MePhone4 to talk to the hand, he explains that he is here to protect him as a newer threat will prepare to terminate the two of them. Just then, the assassin, MePhone5 appears right on the scene, while MePhone4S continues to explain that he is an advanced model and the new version of the MePhone. After MePhone4S shoots MePhone5, he forces MePhone4 to come along with him to hide. They end up hiding on top of the elimination area, but unfortunately, MePhone5 finds the two and knock them off.

Continuing in the final episode, "Journey Through Memory Lane (Part 2)", MePhone4S and MePhone4 survive the fall, right as MePhone5 lands next to them, causing the two MePhones to flee. When MePhone5 retrieves the million dollars held within a case, MePhone4S lunges at him, despite MePhone4's protest. This in turn gets MePhone4S stunned by MePhone5's plasma gun, with the latter preparing to shove MePhone4 off the Crappy Cliff. MePhone4S grabs Taco as a ditch effort to save MePhone4, before shooting a lemon out of her, knocking the two other MePhones, alongside Bow off the cliff to their demise.

When the contestants mourn over MePhone4's death, MePhone4S claims that there is a way to resurrect the dead host. He opts to downgrade himself to "MeOS4", causing Siri to beg for him to not go. Paintbrush slides the bar for downgradient as MePhone4S sheds one final tear, right before MePhone4 is resurrected in his place. Nickel then concludes that MePhone4S did have good in him after all, and later on, OJ mentions MePhone4S in his monologue to the other characters.

Inanimate Insanity II & Inanimate Insanity Invitational[]

In the following episodes of Season 2 and Season 3, MePhone4S' legacy lives on in cameos of other characters and flashbacks.

In "Marsh on Mars", MePhone4S is seen as one of the many masks that the Cherries created.

In "Mine Your Own Business", a picture of MePhone4S is hidden on a piece of paper behind MePhone4's on Steve Cobs' desk. Additionally Cobs indirectly mentioned MePhone4S with the comment, "Plus, I always did like that red."

In "Friend or Froze", MePhone4 also indirectly mentions MePhone4S when being interrupted by The Floor, his assistant for the season.

In "You Can't Do This Forever", while viewing Springy fall to his demise in the volcano, MePhone4S appears as an illusion for MePhone4 after the latter feels guilty for everyone risking their lives for him. MePhone4S claims that they all make mistakes, but without MePhone4, there is no happy ending. Because of MePhone4S, MePhone4 regains his courage and quickly modifies his code in MeLife so that he can revive Springy.

External Links[]


           Inanimate Insanity Logo Heroes

MePhone4 | MePhone4S | MePad | Toilet | The Floor

Season 1
OJ | Paper | Pickle | Bow | Apple | Marshmallow | Paintbrush | Lightbulb | Balloon | Nickel | Knife | Baseball
Season 2
Suitcase | Test Tube | Microphone | Fan | Soap | Cheesy | Box | Yin-Yang | Cherries
Season 3
Cabby | Candle | Bot | The Floor | Goo | Clover | Silver Spoon | Tea Kettle | Life Ring
Inanimate Insanity Infinity Contestants

MePhone3GS | Baxter | Springy | Light Shimmers (The Baby Shimmer | The Prime Shimmer)
