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Hey Carl!
~ Meatwad
It's spreadable, and it's edible." "What's the magic word, bitch?" "I get it, it ain't making me laugh but I get it.
~ Meatwad

Meatwad is one of the main protagonists of the Adult Swim animated series Aqua Teen Hunger Force. He is a dimwitted but lovable wad of meat who is tormented by his older brother Master Shake at times. He is also the most childish of the trio.

He is voiced by Dave Willis, who also voiced Carl Brutananadilewski in the same series, and Leto Otel in Ballmastrz: 9009.


Meatwad is quite arguably the most childish and dumbest member of the Aqua Teens. He is a gullible and extremely unintelligent character whose child-like innocence is often the target of numerous forms of ridicule and bullying by Master Shake and even The Mooninites. Though his oldest brother Frylock tries to protect him from their abuse and corruption, Meatwad is often too oblivious to realize that he is, in reality, being used by them for their various schemes; in fact, there have been times in the series where he would often side against Frylock in an effort to fit in with his supposed friends.

Despite his child-like persona, Meatwad does seem to possess limited knowledge of adult culture. An example of this is his knowledge of profanity, although due to his childish outlook on life, he is shown to misinterpret certain words and mistake them for another meaning (Meatwad believed that saying "Fart you, Farthead," was how a person dropped an F- bomb).


Aqua Teen Forever: Plantasm

Meatwad is one of the two deuteragonists (alongside Shake) of the 2022 film Aqua Teen Forever: Plantasm.



  • As the youngest member of the Aqua Teen, Meatwad is 9-years-old.
  • Being a ball of meat, Meatwad can shape-shift, though this ability is often used to transform into either a hot dog or igloo (as seen in the intro). Rarely, Meatwad can reform into other shapes.

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