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Heroes Wiki

Megurine Luka is a Vocaloid who was introduced in January 2009 and one of the main heroes in Vocaloid franchise. She debuted in VOCALOID2 engine. She is voiced by the famous Yū Asakawa.


Luka Megurine is a tall teenage woman who wears an electronic earphone. She has a long pink hair that reaches up to the lower body or thighs.


Luka Megurine is an intelligent and wise person, who is matured and kind-hearted to her friends. Although, she acted like an elder sister and a mother to the Vocaloids. She spends time look after them.

List of songs by Luka Megurine[]

Original songs with more than ten million views[]

Original songs with more than one million views[]

  • Hoshikuzu Utopia
  • Meguri Hime Buyou Kyoku

Powers and Abilities[]

Guitar Mastery - Luka Megurine is a master of playing the guitar or other guitar-related instruments such as acoustic bass, electric bass, flat top guitar and twelve-string guitar.

Performance Art Manipulation - Luka can manipulate performance arts, anything that has to do with singing, acting and dancing, allowing them to manipulate plays and music, how good or bad the performance art is, how "realistic" the performance art seems to be, etc.

Tactical Genius - Luka Megurine is a genius-level in strategy and tactics. She is able to see through all angles/information/patterns/perceptions of any subject, conflict, condition, environment, etc.


External Links[]


v t e Vocaloid logo.svg Heroes

Crypton Future Media
MEIKO | KAITO | Hatsune Miku | Kagamine Rin | Kagamine Len | Megurine Luka | Kasane Teto

Internet Co., Ltd.
Gackpoid/Camui Gackpo | Megpoid/GUMI

SF-A2 miki | Kaai Yuki | Hiyama Kiyoteru | Nekomura Iroha | Yuzuki Yukari | Tohoku Zunko | Kizuna Akari

Luo Tianyi | Yan He | Yuezheng Ling | Yuezheng Longya | Zhiyu Moke | Mo Qingxian

We've Inc.

See also
Black Rock Shooter Heroes | Hatsune Miku: Colorful Stage! Heroes | Kagerou Project Heroes
