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Heroes Wiki

Melody is a potoo that makes her debut in Angry Birds 2 as a new bird to the series, introduced in November 2022. She was teased on November 16th, and more details were given a day later, on November 17th. Her design was officially shown on November 20th due to leaks.


Melody is a female potoo. Her body is oval-shaped. Her eyebrows are large, her yellow-tinted eyes are big, and she is apricot-colored. Her chest and head feathers are brown with brown tips. Her tail is also brown, and she has a brown spot on her cheek. Her beak is also yellow.


Melody is a bird who grew up in a nest with lots of music because her parents are musicians too. She loves jazz because it reminds her of home. Melody cares a lot about her friends and family. She doesn't get mad very easily, but when she does, she sings a song. When she sings loudly, anything that isn’t tied down can get pulled into the air and then shot out when she gets to the chorus. She also likes to travel to different islands to perform.


Melody's ability is to suck things up like a vacuum, while she is singing, and then launches everything back out, similar to Darth Vader in Angry Birds Star Wars II. While she can pick up blocks, it is revealed that she can also bring them through portals and spitting plants. She can't pick up Bosses.


  • After seven years since Silver's debut, Melody will be the newest flock member (that isn't a pig) in Angry Birds 2. She is also the third female bird to debut into the main cast in a row, the first being Stella (if Tony doesn't count) and the second being Silver.
  • Melody's design was leaked on the Portuguese App Store on November 18th, the day after more details about her were revealed on November 17th and 16th.
  • Her ability is similar to Kirby's ability from the Nintendo franchise of the same name.
  • At some point in development, Melody was going to have a different design, with it resembling more closely to a pelican and was going to be male.
  • Despite Melody being a potoo, an update description for Angry Birds 2 referred to Melody as a songbird. Songbirds are a taxonomic order/suborder to which potoos do not belong. It is possible that the update description could have been made with incomplete information or referred to Melody as a songbird only in the sense that she is a bird who sings.


           AngryBirdslogo Heroes

Angry Birds
Red | Ruby | Northern Cardinals | The Blues | Chuck | Bomb | Matilda | Hal | Terence | Bubbles | Stella | Silver | Melody

Bad Piggies
Piggy McCool | Professor Pig | Ross

Mighty Eagles
Mighty Eagle | Mighty Dragon | Mighty Philadelphia Eagle | Mighty Basketball

Angry Birds Space
Ice Bird

Angry Birds Star Wars
Red Skywalker | Qui Gon Jinn | Obi-Wan Kenobi | Yoda | Anakin Skywalker | Captain Panaka | Han Solo | Leia Organa | Chewbacca | Mighty Falcon

Angry Birds Epic
Red | The Blues | Chuck | Bomb | Matilda | Prince Porky | Pigiana Jones

Angry Birds Evolution
Kumiko | Clint | Mia

Female Red Bird | Female White Bird | Gaia

Bird Island
Red | Chuck | Bomb | Matilda | Stella | Terence | Mighty Eagle | Judge Peckinpah | Hal | Bubbles | The Blues (Jay, Jake and Jim) | Hatchlings | Silver | Samantha | Vincent | Zoe

Piggy Island
King Leonard Mudbeard | Courtney | Garry Pig

Angry Birds Stella
Stella | Dahlia | Luca | Poppy | Willow
