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Merlin Ambrosius is one of the two overarching protagonists (alongside Kanjigar) of the Tales of Arcadia franchise.

He was voiced by David Bradley who also voiced Geppetto in Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio, Fowler in Chicken Run: Dawn of the Nugget and older Finn Mertens in Adventure Time: Distant Lands.


Merlin appears to wear armor that looks just like Jim Lake’s but differs in the regard that it is colored green. After he regains his lost magic, his armor now has white linings.


When he first appeared, Merlin seemed to have a racist attitude towards trolls, considering that he rather callously brushed off Blinky after the latter mentioned how honored he was to meet him, seemed to have a friendliness towards Claire that had some unsettling implications, and seemed to have more of a priority on regaining his power and defeating Morgana over protecting the people of Arcadia. Later on, these more unflattering attributes seem to have been dropped, with him treating trolls and Claire hardly any different from other humans, with his relationship with Douxie and Arthur being more emphasized as friendly, prioritized the latter's survival as well as the former's proper behavior, discipline, and training, and does not really consider his power that important this time.

Likewise, Merlin was generally condescending to others, casually insulting other characters, rendering his battle with Morgana "the real battle" while ignoring the massive threat Gunmar and his armies pose and trying to pull the moves on an underaged girl. However, underneath his jaded exterior, Merlin genuinely did care for his pupils, especially Douxie, even if he doesn't always show it. In his last moments, he admitted he was a poor master to Douxie and a poorer protector of the world by following Arthur blindly. Merlin reassures Douxie that he will be a redeeming replacement.

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           Tales of Arcadia logo Heroes

Guardians of Arcadia
Ninth Configuration
Jim Lake Jr. | Toby Domzalski | Claire Nuñez | Blinky Galadrigal | AAARRRGGHH!!! | Aja Tarron | Krel Tarron | Varvatos Vex | Douxie Casperan

Team Trollhunters
Jim Lake Jr. | Toby Domzalski | Claire Nuñez | Blinky Galadrigal | AAARRRGGHH!!! | Draal the Deadly | Gnome Chompsky | NotEnrique

House Tarron
Aja Tarron | Krel Tarron | Varvatos Vex | Luug | King Fialkov and Queen Coranda | Mothership

Team Creepslayerz
Steve Palchuk | Eli Pepperjack

Douxie Casperan | Merlin | Archie | Morgana

Jim Lake Jr. | Blinky Galadrigal | AAARRRGGHH!!! | Deya the Deliverer | Kanjigar the Courageous | Draal the Deadly | NotEnrique | Vendel | Stricklander | Nomura

Akiridions | Zadra | Izita | Loth Saborian

Knights of the Round Table
Sir Lancelot | Sir Galahad

Dr. Barbara Lake | Stuart | Buster | Sergeant Costas | Seklos | Nari | Nimue | Charlemagne the Devourer
