Heroes Wiki

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Heroes Wiki

Meteoheroes are the main protagonists of the cartoon with the same name. Led by Margherita Rita and have heroes like Pluvia, Nix, Fulmen, Thermo, Ventum and Nubess and they are trying to save the earth from Dr. Makina and The Maculans. Sometimes Giantgiga joins them and helps them.


Meteoheroes (TV Show)[]

They appeared in the TV Show. When there is an trouble. Tempus will alert the Meteoheroes and they go and save the day.

Meteoheroes (Video Game)[]

Meteoheroes also appeared in the Video Game. Mostly the main characters Pluvia,Nix,Fulmen,Thermo,Ventum and Nubess Trying to defeat the Maculans



  • Tempus: He is an AI. Created by The Meteo Expert Center. His job is to alert the Meteoheroes about upcoming dangers.
  • Margherita Rita: She is the manager of MEC and a teacher to the Meteoheroes
  • Emila: She is the MEC housekeeper.
  • Penguin Peeguu: he is the mascot of Meteoheroes. He was saved from South Pole. And now lives at MEC. He can also understand what animals are saying.


  • Fulmen/Adam Bolt: Fulmen is very fast. He can create Lighting to defeat the Maculans. He is a jerk at times
  • Nix/Su Pa Sin: Nix is an Meteohero that can create snow and has snow shurikens. She also has ice skates. So she can go faster. When she is in trouble, she will call GiantGiga to help
  • Thermo/Giorgio Latini: Thermo has every weather power. He can use heat or melt for his heroic deeds.
  • Ventum/Andrew Khumalo: Ventum can create tornados and use them for help his friends
  • Pluvia/Patty Storm: Pluvia can create storm and rain to help the others or defeat the Maculans
  • Nubess/Angelita Perez: Nubess can create clouds ride on them. She can turn her cloudy head into any shape. She can fly and create fogs to distract her enemies.
  • GiantGiga: GiantGiga is an giant snowman that comes for help when nix call him. He is very loyal and kind to his friends and they work with eachother defeat The Maculans.


  • Nix and Giantgiga are best friends and know each other a lot.
  • Pluvia and Fulmen argue at times.
  • Fulmen is kinda selfish.
  • Fulmen is like Sonic the Hedgehog.