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Hero Overview

And I love you, random citizen!
~ Metro Man's most famous quote.
Roxanne: You're alive?
Megamind: You're alive?
Metro Man: I'm alive.
Roxanne: But… But, I… We… We saw your skeleton! You were dead!
Megamind: Are you a ghost?
Roxanne: There'd better be an amazing exclamation about this.
Megamind: Speak, apparition.
Metro Man: ....Okay, OK, OK, OK. You both deserve the truth. It all started back at the observatory. Roxanne was kidnapped, I was gonna stop you. My head wasn’t in the game that day. We were kind of goin’ through the motions. So, using my super speed, I decided to go clear my head. Then I realized, we had done this same silly charade our entire lives. I tried to get my mind off how I was feeling, but I just felt stuck. And I began to realize, despite all my powers, each and every citizen of Metro had something I didn’t: a choice. Ever since I can remember, I’ve always had to be what this city wanted me to be, but what about what I wanted to do? Then it suddenly hit me. I do have a choice! I can be whatever I wanna be! No one said that this hero thing had to be a lifetime gig. You can’t just quit either. That’s when I got the brilliant idea… to fake my death. Once your death ray hit, I’ve never felt so alive. So I borrowed a prop from a nearby nursing school. Metro Man was finally dead! And
Music Man was born!
~ Metro Man explaining how he faked to death to live his new life and clarifying his retirement to Megamind and Roxanne.
You know, little buddy: there's a yin for every yang. If there's bad, good will rise up against it.
~ Metro Man, telling Megamind about the latter's potential redemption.

Metro Man, real name Wayne Scott as of his adoption, is one of the three overarching protagonists (alongside Megamind's parents) of the Megamind franchise.

He is the former long time nemesis of Megamind, and Metro City's previous and grand protector.

Like Megamind, he hailed from the same dying galaxy as him and also arrived at Earth, going on to achieve great success and recognition amongst its people while Megamind was shunned by them, leading him to become a supervillain. However, mentally exhausted in his role, he retired and took up music, but looked up on the outcome of his old enemy stepping into the more heroic light.

He is voiced by Brad Pitt, who also voiced Sinbad in Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas and played David Mills in Seven, Benjamin Button in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Frank Harris in the 1992 film Cool World, Jerry Welbach in the 2001 film The Mexican, Rusty Ryan in The Oceans films, Aldo Raine in Inglorius Bastards, Don "Wardaddy" Collier in Fury, Vanisher in Deadpool 2, and Ladybug in Bullet Train.

In Megamind Rules!, he is voiced by Ross Marquand.


Metro Man at first appears to be the ideal man. Charismatic, friendly, noble, witty, mature, even-tempered, tough, respectful, optimistic, mild-mannered, altruistic, nice, modest, extroverted, thoughtful, rational, observant, merciful, affectionate, and no-nonsense and has a strong sense of justice. However, Metro Man was self-absorbed in his youth and bullied Megamind, which launched Megamind's descent into evil.

Due to the powers he acquired from his biology when on Earth, and the privilege of the upbringing he received from his extremely wealthy adoptive Earth parents, Metro Man felt obligated to fulfill some significant purpose; his superpowers made him believe that purpose was to be a superhero, drawing him into conflict with Megamind, who he had unwittingly antagonized his whole life.

As Metro Man aged and matured, he eventually recognized the repetitive, pointless conflict between him and Megamind, opting to follow his desires of becoming a musician, going as far as encouraging his former nemesis to find his own purpose as well and apparently making amends with the latter from their constant rivalry. He also recognizes that Megamind has his sense of humanity despite being a supervillain, making Metro Man himself a truly grounded being, too, despite his past narcissism as a superhero.



Metro Man, another alien refugee from the Glaupunk Quadrant, is the adopted son of Lord and Lady Scott, a retired superhero and Megamind's initial arch-nemesis of good (later to be 'replaced' by Tighten). He, like Megamind and Minion is the last member of his species.

When he was still an infant, a black hole destroyed his home planet. Before the planet was absorbed, his parents sent him off the planet in an escape pod to Earth, where he 'landed' (after knocking Megamind's pod off-course) under the Christmas tree of the Scotts' home. Metro Man maintained his heroic facade and inadvertently turned Megamind evil. From this point on, he would frequently fight Megamind, though as described by Megamind and a few others, Metro Man is always victorious. Metro Man adopted his ubiquitous alias later on, prompting Megamind to create that of his own.


In yet another of Megamind's schemes, Metro Man, on the inauguration of his dedicated museum, sped off to rescue Roxanne Ritchi. However, Megamind lures him into an empty observatory, where he argues with Megamind remotely. Metro Man attempts to escape, but fails. Claiming his weakness to copper, Metro Man is presumably killed when Megamind's Death Ray hit, leaving behind a skeleton with his cape.

The loss of Metro Man left Megamind in free reign of Metro City. Megamind, however, becomes unsatisfied with no hero to fight, and extracts Metro Man's DNA from his cape, which he plans to create a new hero. The plan backfires when Hal Stewart, his unwitting candidate, only plans to use his powers for evil. When Megamind discovers that copper no longer works against Tighten, he visits Roxanne for answers, which leads them to an underground facility covered by the remains of Megamind's dilapidated former schoolhouse. Metro Man, who was eating a sandwich, discovers them and attempts to step away silently, but the two spot him. At their insistence, Metro Man explains the circumstances of his retirement. Before his presumed death, Metro Man utilized his superspeed to catch a break over their unending conflict. He eventually recognized that he is locked in his heroic facade as Metro City's defender. Wanting to pursue a career in music but unable to publicly retire, Metro Man faked his death by claiming his weakness to copper, before stealing a skeleton from a nursing school and fixing his cape to it. He successfully escapes the death ray as he throws it, creating the impression that he actually died. Despite Roxanne and Megamind's desperate pleas, Metro Man refuses to intervene, but instead encourages Megamind that a hero will always rise in the face of evil, and Megamind, too, will find his true purpose as Metro Man himself did.

At the inauguration of the Megamind Museum, Metro Man attends personally in disguise, silently congratulating his former nemesis.

Megamind Rules![]


Powers and Abilities[]

  • Flight: He has shown to be able to fly since he was a baby. He also managed to reach two very distant locations within a few minutes of each other. When Megamind kidnapped Roxanne, Metro Man managed to get there in less than 10 minutes.
  • Superhuman Durability and Invulnerability: Metro Man is able to resist a blast that uses the energy condensed from the sun and generates a big explosion. As well as speeds higher than the speed of light, and apparently has no weaknesses. Neither was he affected in any way by Megamind's death-ray, which was a point-blank nuclear blast powered and fueled by the sun itself.
  • Superhuman Strength: Metro Man possesses extreme levels of superhuman strength, being able from childhood to lift an entire school. But since Titan was able to effortlessly lift a skyscraper with his bare hands, it is possible that Wayne is insanely strong. Probably strong enough to lift entire countries or continents, his strength being essentially immeasurable.
  • Superhuman Stamina: Metro-Man also possesses a seemingly infinite stamina, as he was able to remain fast even after covering the entire city in a second. Even when Metro-Man was traveling to several locations at the same time, he never showed signs of fatigue or exhaustion.
  • Superhuman Endurance: Although he was travelling at light speed, Metro Man was not impacted by the speed or its side effects, he never showed any signs of backfire related to this power, he seems to have a pretty high pain tolerance as when he was "hit" by Megamind death ray, he wasn't affected by the intense heat or the smoke or anything. When it was literally a thermonuclear explosion using the condensed energy from the sun.
  • Supersonic Speed: Metro-Man is able to travel at infinite speeds, he is able to reach anywhere in Metro-City in "0" seconds, while perceiving the rest of the world, such as Megamind, Roxanne and the people of Metro-City, as complete statues but remaining able to touch things such as when he is seen picking up a book on a bookshelf and reading it as well as opening the doors of the observatory and eating. Although, he could be seen for a brief second on the TV screens, appearing behind Megamind and disappearing for a second.
  • Superhuman Senses: Metro-Man obviously has superhuman senses, which allow him to detect any trace of smell, sound or presence, even though the traces are almost thin, as well as sounds emitted from miles away.
    • Telescopic Vision: In order to quickly locate Megamind who had kidnapped Roxanne Ritchi, Metro-Man used his telescopic vision to cover a vast perimeter.
  • Accelerated Perception: Metro-Man's mind was able to follow his movements at the light speed, as well as several activities at the same time, without once losing his concentration or anything.
  • Heat Vision: Generates enough heat to do some popcorn. Which is around ~300 Degrees Fahrenheit.
  • X-Ray Vision: As Metro-Man said in his song as Music-Man, "I have eyes that can see, right through the lead," confirming that he has a powerful X-Ray vision.


  • Metro Man is a spoof of Superman.
    • His X-Ray vision which allows him to see through lead is a jab at Superman’s weakness of his inability to see through lead.
    • His alleged "weakness" of copper is likely a reference to kryptonite, as it is an element that leaves them powerless.
    • He also shares some similarities with Batman, as, much like him, was raised in a very wealthy family. His first name "Wayne" could also be a reference to Batman's secret identity, Bruce Wayne.
  • There were a couple of hints in the movie which foreshadow his quiet retirement as a superhero in front of the public through faking his death, and that he was actually still alive after that moment:
    • During his charismatic speech in front of Metro City's citizens, one of his lines is "Who would I be without you?", with a genuine despaired tone. This indicates that his life as a superhero had later became tiresome to him.
    • During his final fight with his former archenemy Megamind, while he was inside the dome being recorded, a brief flickered view on him suddenly occurred. Because the death ray, which was supposed to defeat him, was still warming up at that moment, this gives a hint that he was given time to use his super speed to reflect his life as a superhero.
    • When he told that his supposed weakness is copper earlier in the movie, that happened later on instead of being immediate. This gives a clue that he actually doesn't get weakened by that material.
      • Also, when Megamind drops a dome of pure copper on Tighten, the latter then climbs out of it, meaning that the copper did not weaken him. And in the story, Tighten has garnered the same abilities as Metro Man does. This further proves that the copper could not truly weaken Metro Man, which means that something was wrong with his "death".
    • At the moment where Megamind finally "defeats" Metro Man with the former's death ray, a skeleton appeared to prove that he was finally "beaten" by the former. Realistically speaking, if Metro Man was to be fully vaporized by that same death ray, that would've happen to his own skeleton, as well.
    • Just before discovering that Metro Man is alive, Roxanne brings Megamind to his lair (the school building where Megamind and Metro Man once attended). There, Megamind and Roxanne discover old things that belonged to Metro Man. His lair was in perfect order and there was not even dust on his things (which would have accumulated since the supposed death of Metro Man). Also, just seconds before discovering that Metro Man is alive, Roxanne notices that the ice in the glass has not melted (and it could not help but melt in such a long period of time).

External Links[]


           Megamind Logo Heroes

Megamind | Ol' Chum | Roxanne Ritchi | Metro Man | Brainbots | Keiko Morita | Megamind's parents | Mr. Dount | Hu-Mouse | Dude Monkey | Supercool Power-Kid | Blanche Morita | Eccentric Eddie | Warden
