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Mia Queen (born Mia Smoak in erased 2049) is a supporting protagonist in the Arrowverse. She is the daughter of Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak, the younger paternal half-sister of William Clayton, the granddaughter of the late Robert Queen, Moira Queen, Noah Kuttler, and Donna Smoak, and the niece of Emiko Adachi and Thea Queen. She succeeded her father as the Green Arrow.

She is portrayed by Katherine McNamara, Carly Akin as a teenager and Jade Bamford as a child.



In the erased future, Mia was born Mia Smoak in late 2019. In order to protect her from the Ninth Circle, Oliver and Felicity moved into a small suburb on the outskirts of Star City until the threat had passed. Merely weeks after, her father died saving the multiverse from an upcoming Crisis, Mia and Felicity continued to live in secrecy, with Mia living under her mother's name. As such Mia grew up in a household without Oliver around and never had the chance to know her half-brother, William, her aunt Thea or any family friends. No one knew Mia was Oliver's daughter, except for Felicity and Oliver's friends, John Diggle, Laurel Lance and Nyssa al Ghul, who trained Mia from a girl from childhood to young adulthood.

Season 7[]




Mia Queen is one of the heroes summoned by Oliver Queen to help Nora and Bart West-Allen defeat Magog, Kal-El from an alternate dimension, Tanner Freyr/Clayface, Necrians, and the clone of The Needle. Eventually Mia and the other heroes defeated Magog's team and the villains were returned to their time.


Mia Queen is a beautiful woman who has blonde hair and blue eyes. In the original multiverse, she sported several tattoos in the original multiverse much like Oliver, In the new multiverse, however, Mia is devoid of tattoos.


Much like Nora West-Allen, Mia Queen grew up without a father and had no knowledge of her half-brother, William Clayton, in an erased future. She was resentful to both Felicity and Oliver for her mother ceasing contact with her and her father apparently abandoning them shortly after she was born. However, after Mia got to spend some time with Oliver in the past, she was more sympathetic of why her father did what he does.

In the new multiverse, due to being raised in a happier environment, Mia was a completely different person. She was notably more cheerful and optimistic, and had a loving relationship with her mother and adored her brother William due to having a happier childhood.

After Dinah and Laurel used the Martian memory replicator on her and restored her pre-Crisis memories, Mia's two personas merged. Like her father, she could be stubborn, hot tempered and impatient. However, this was mostly fueled by her need to save her brother William when he mysteriously disappears. After William was abducted, she recklessly and faced Eobard Thawne on her own. All the rage she felt is what abled Despero to submit her to his will before she broke out of it. With Iris West-Allen's guidance and advice, Mia accepted that she needed to find Felicity and ask for her help finding William. According to Iris, Oliver would have been proud of his daughter for being a hero.

Powers and abilities[]

  • Skilled Archer
  • Peak of human physical condition
  • High-level intellect
  • Master hand-to-hand combatant/Martial artist
  • Master markswoman
  • Indomitable will/High tolerance for pain
  • Expert survivor


  • Felicity and Oliver named their daughter in honor of Moira Queen
    • Thea once used "Mia" as an alias in "Corto Maltese" while on the island of the same name.
    • Mia also shares her name with Mia Dearden, the second Speedy.
  • In the Kingdom Come comic book, Oliver has a daughter with Dinah Laurel Lance named Olivia Queen.
  • Mia is a compilation of several characters from the original comics: She succeeded her dad as the Green Arrow like Connor Hawke does. She shares her name with Mia Dearden, the second Speedy and Olivia Queen.


           Arrowverse logo Heroes

Oliver Queen/Green Arrow | John Diggle | Felicity Smoak | Thea Queen | Laurel Lance (Earth-1) | Quentin Lance | Sara Lance | Tommy Merlyn | Shado | Nyssa al Ghul | Lyla Michaels | Ray Palmer | Curtis Holt | Rene Ramirez | Rory Regan | Dinah Drake | Laurel Lance (Earth-2) | Roy Harper | Malcolm Merlyn | Slade Wilson | Helena Bertinelli | Tatsu Yamashiro | Anatoly Knyazev | Vigilante | Mari McCabe | Mia Queen | Connor Hawke | William Clayton | Zoe Ramirez | Monitor

The Flash (CW)
Barry Allen/The Flash | David Singh | Iris West-Allen | Cisco Ramon | Caitlin Snow | Joe West | Eddie Thawne | Ronnie Raymond | Martin Stein | Jefferson Jackson | Wally West | Jesse Chambers Wells | Harry Wells | Jay Garrick/The Flash | H.R Wells | Cecile Horton | Ralph Dibny | Nora West-Allen | Harrison Sherloque Wells | Leo Snart | Kamilla Hwang | Allegra Garcia | Chester P. Runk | Nash Wells | Bart Allen | Monitor | Meena Dhawan | King Shark | Harrison Wells

John Constantine | Zed Martin | Chas Chandler

Mari McCabe/Vixen

Legends of Tomorrow
Sara Lance/White Canary | Ray Palmer | Mick Rory | Leonard Snart | Jefferson Jackson | Martin Stein | Kendra Saunders | Carter Hall | Rip Hunter | Amaya Jiwe | Nate Heywood | Zari Tomaz | Wally West | Leo Snart | John Constantine | Ava Sharpe | Gary Green | Zari Tarazi | Behrad Tarazi | Damien Darhk | Nora Darhk | Charlie | Monitor | Esperanza Cruz

Kara Danvers/Supergirl | Alex Danvers | James Olsen | Winn Schott | Cat Grant | J'onn J'onzz | Superman | Lena Luthor | Maggie Sawyer | Mon-El | M'gann M'orzz | Imra Ardeen | Querl Dox | Nia Nal | Kelly Olsen | Lois Lane | M’yrnn J’onzz | Andrea Rojas | Monitor

Freedom Fighters
Ray Terrill/The Ray

Black Lightning
Jefferson Pierce/Black Lightning | Jennifer Pierce | Anissa Pierce | Lynn Stewart | Peter Gambi | Bill Henderson | Khalil Payne | Grace Choi | Jeremiah Holt | Brandon Marshall | TC | Gardner Grayle | Erica Moran | Hassan Shakur

Kate Kane/Batwoman | Ryan Wilder/Batwoman | Luke Fox | Mary Hamilton | Jacob Kane | Sophie Moore | Julia Pennyworth | Monitor

Superman & Lois
Clark Kent/Superman | Lois Lane | Jordan Kent | Jonathan Kent II | Sam Lane | Lana Lang | Kyle Cushing | Sarah Cortez | Chrissy Beppo | John Henry Irons | John Diggle | Natalie Lane Irons

The Flash (CBS)
The Flash | Julio Mendez (Earth-90) | Tina McGee (Earth-90)

Clark Kent (Earth-167) | Lois Lane (Earth-167) | Superman (Earth-96) | Barry Allen (unknown Earth) | Helena Kyle | Lucifer Morningstar | Ryan Choi | Stargirl | Wildcat | Hourman | Dr. Mid-Nite | S.T.R.I.P.E. | Jason Todd

A.R.G.U.S. | D.E.O. | Justice Society of America | Paragons | Team Supergirl | Team Arrow | Team Flash | Legends | Legion of Super-Heroes | Freedom Fighters
