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Heroes Wiki

Micah is a minor character in the Warriors series and the deuteragonist in Moth Flight’s Vision.

He is SkyClan’s first medicine cat. Originally a loner living on the Twolegplace farm, he came into the forest after encountering Moth Flight and learnt healing skills from her.


Micah is a light-yellow tabby tom with bright green eyes.


Moth Flight’s Vision[]

Micah first appears when Moth Flight is chased by a dog following the green moth to the farm. He darts in front of the dog, luring it away from her. While she worries about him, Micah later returns telling her that he lured the dog into a thorn bush. He also tells her that he’s seen her in his dreams before.

He, Moth Flight, Mouse and Cow go hunting. Micah tells her he’s dreamt of her playing with a gray tabby (her brother Dust Muzzle) as well as her parents. She asks him if he's surprised about meeting her, in which he tells her that he expected her arrival. Micah holds her gaze and she feels warm, wondering if this cat is part of her journey.

Micah decides to leave the farm to go after the moth with Moth Flight. They trot past the Twoleg farm and across the fields until they finally reach Highstones. Micah halts, saying that they had to rest. Moth Flight is reluctant to let the moth go, but is reassured by Micah that it would come back. The moth stops and vanishes after circling the Highstones. They both realize that there is an entrance. Moth Flight wants to go in, and Micah offers to go with her. She refuses, saying that she has to do it alone.

When she dream again, she sees Micah as SkyClan’s chosen medicine cat. The next morning, Moth Flight tells Micah about her encounter with spirit cats and him being chosen for SkyClan. She is shocked when Micah recognises his would-be leader will be Clear Sky, the ‘bossy gray cat’, but he agrees to do it.

They soon head to the Clan Gathering, and Moth Flight points out all the cats for him. She then introduces him to the Clans, and tells him that he will be SkyClan’s medicine cat. The others are shocked and disgusted, though, especially Clear Sky. But after lightning strikes above them as Moth Flight predicted, everyone believes her. Although Clear Sky is still uncertain about Micah, Star Flower insists that they had to try and cure their kit, and he ends up agreeing, telling Micah if he can heal Tiny Branch, he can stay in SkyClan.

After all medicine cats are officially appointed, Moth Flight excitedly bounds towards Micah and exclaims that they did it. Instead of being excited, he looks sad, as he is going to miss her. Moth Flight reassures him that they'll see each other at the half-moon gathering. Clear Sky calls to Micah and he leaves, saying a farewell to her.

Warriors LogoHeroes

Alderheart | Berrynose | Blossomfall | Bluestar | Bumblestripe | Brackenfur | Brambleclaw | Briarlight | Brightheart | Bristlefrost | Cloudtail | Cloud Spots | Cinderheart | Cinderpelt | Daisy | Dustpelt | Featherwhisker | Ferncloud | Finchlight | Finchstar | Finleap | Firestar | Goldenflower | Goosefeather | Graystripe | Hollyleaf | Honeyfern | Ivypool | Jayfeather | Leafpool | Lightning Tail | Lionblaze | Lionheart | Longtail | Millie | Moonpaw | Mousefur | Nightheart | Owlstar | Pinestar | Purdy | Redtail | Sandstorm | Snowfur | Sorreltail | Sparkpelt | Spotfur | Spottedleaf | Squirrelstar | Stemleaf | Stripestar | Sunbeam | Sunstar | Swiftpaw | Thornclaw | Thrushpelt | Thunderstar | Twigbranch | Wafflepelt | Whitestorm | Yellowfang

Brambleberry | Crookedstar | Dappled Pelt | Duskfur | Feathertail | Frostdawn | Harelight | Icestar | Leopardstar | Mudfur | Mistystar | Mothwing | Oakheart | Owlnose | Reedwhisker | Riverstar | Silverstream | Stonefur | Sunfish | Willowshine

Badgerfang | Blackstar | Blazefire | Cloverfoot | Dovewing | Flametail | Fringewhisker | Juniperclaw | Lightleap | Littlecloud | Needletail | Nightstar | Puddleshine | Raggedstar | Rowanclaw | Runningnose | Sagewhisker | Shadowsight | Shadowstar | Sparrowtail | Pebble Heart | Snowtuft | Spireclaw | Tawnypelt | Tigerstar II

Ashfoot | Barkface | Breezepelt | Crowfeather | Deadfoot | Galestar | Gorsestar | Gray Wing | Harestar | Hawkheart | Heatherstar | Heathertail | Jagged Peak | Kestrelflight | Moth Flight | Mudclaw | Nightcloud | Onestar | Tallstar | Whistlebreeze | Whitetail | Windstar

Bellaleaf | Billystorm | Cloudstar | Echosong | Fidgetflake | Frecklewish | Hawkwing | Kitescratch | Leafstar | Micah | Needleclaw | Pebbleshine | Rileypool | Rootspring | Sharpclaw | Sparrowstar | Star Flower | Skywatcher | Tree | Violetshine

Outside of Clans
Arc | Barley | Brook | Crag | Fallen Leaves | Fang | Half Moon | Jake | Midnight | Monkeystar | Moonlight | Petunia | Ravenpaw | Sasha | Shanty | Smudge | Spiresight | Stalk Purr | Stick | Stormfur | Tadpole | Tumble Leap | Turtle Tail
