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Michiru Inukai is one of the major protagonists in the psychological thriller series Talentless Nana. She is the self-appointed best friend of Nana and her main defender.

She was voiced by Mai Nakahara in Japanese and Emi Lo in English.



After being harassed for her healing powers, Michiru befriends Hosokawa Hitomi after healing her dog. The two would remain friends for a majority of the school year until Hitomi was forced to leave due to her cancer treatment. When Hitomi passed, Michiru became more determined to help people.

While she was assisting her parents, she faints upon feeling lethargic realizing that she was casting her powers through her lifespan and it would slowly kill her.

Present day[]

When she first meets Nana, she uses her healing power to heal a cut she had sustained. Perplexed, Nana is conflicted with having to kill her because she had an estimated kill count of 1.5 million. As more corpses of slain students surface, Michiru has to be talked out of attempting to resurrect them as a result of the limitations of her powers. Upon staging an "attack" from the Enemies of Humanity through which she "rescued" Michiru, the two become close friends. It would further lead Nana to question her objective.

Whenever Nana was accused of murder, Michiru would be the first one to stand up in defense of her not knowing that she truly was guilty as charged. Even when there was hard evidence to condemn Nana, she maintained her total loyalty to her. Michiru is even the one to nominate Nana as their new leader after the presumed death of Nanao.

Eventually, Michiru is lead into the forests where she is ambushed by the sadistic Tsurumigawa Rentaro, a psychopath who despised "cute things" and would hack them up with knives. Nana intervenes and is grievously wounded in the attack. Michiru, seeing this, decides to use her full powers to heal Nana even when that would mean she herself would die. Nana is saved only to become devastated at seeing that Michiru died for her.

While the anime ends on that depressing note, it only covers half of the manga: Nana's superior, Tsuruoka arrives to the island to examine Nana and promises to help Michiru as long as Nana remained loyal to him. When she left, Tsuruoka fires a couple shots into Michiru's head to ensure she would not be able to regenerate.
