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Taco: See? This is why you listen to me, Mic. Delectable. isn't it? Finally, a taste of recognition. Finally, I can finally-
Microphone: Is that what you said to Pickle? Make him think he was doing what he wanted? Like he was heard? (sighs) I thought I gained a friend. Turns out, I gained nothing...
~ Microphone to Taco.

Microphone, labeled The Loud And Proud, is a major protagonist in Inanimate Insanity II, she was placed with the Grand Slams. she got 6th place due to her quitting the show on her own terms in the episode Hatching the Plan. she is voiced by Hailey Chapman.


At the start of the season, Microphone began as one of the most level-headed newbies. She is upbeat, kind, and especially open to meeting others. Mic's energetic temperament makes her a determined and competitive contestant who aims to do her best in challenges. However, most of Mic's positive attributes involve her voice getting irritatingly loud, which can annoy others easily. This causes some to view her more as an annoyance than a good ally. Despite this, Microphone initially is proud and holds herself in high regard.

Microphone is generally outspoken and honest about her opinions, noting that Soap's pizza looked unappetizing in "Cooking for the Grater Good" and affronting Dough in "A Kick in the Right Direction". She also appears to be easily irritated by others who disrespect or mock her, most particularly Cheesy (until Cheesy got eliminated) and often dismisses others' criticisms. Microphone's honesty can make her impulsive and lose control of her actions, often causing her to mess up in contests or offend others. However, she is working on how to control herself, and her temper.

In "Theft and Battery", it is revealed that Microphone keeps a secret diary where she writes her personal thoughts, in which, nobody else is supposed to know about. In her passages, Microphone becomes self-critical and writes about her bad traits, particularly losing challenges and irritating others. After Taco learns of Mic's strife in "Rain On Your Charade", she offers her a deal to help in challenges and lead her on a more definitive yet fraudulent path to victory. Microphone is reluctant at first but agrees to secretly align with Taco.

Microphone begins to warily obey Taco's mischievous plans for victory, such as using her gain to get Taco to help her out of the main "Mazed and Confused". Microphone suddenly realizes, Taco wants to cause trouble to others, who disagrees with Taco's idea, thinking it's wrong in "Kick the Bucket" and vouches for alternative means of mental manipulation.

it was up until "Hatching the Plan" where she has had enough of Taco's evilness taking control of her. after rescuing Fan, Mic realizes that Taco's just using her to get recognition and asks her if the said the same thing to Pickle. that Taco would also manipulate him into doing bad stuff to win, according to Microphone. she mutes her gain to never listen to Taco ever again. during the elimination, Microphone votes herself out of the show. and stating that there was a "Voice In Her Head" pushing her to go further than Mic was originally willing to go. and she concludes by stating that the choices she made weren't exactly the best, and having herself voted out of the show would be the first good choice. before heading through the portal, she warns Knife that Taco is still out there, and advises Knife to do what he told Microphone down in the mines. and that's to watch himself.

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           Inanimate Insanity Logo Heroes

MePhone4 | MePhone4S | MePad | Toilet | The Floor

Season 1
OJ | Paper | Pickle | Bow | Apple | Marshmallow | Paintbrush | Lightbulb | Balloon | Nickel | Knife | Baseball
Season 2
Suitcase | Test Tube | Microphone | Fan | Soap | Cheesy | Box | Yin-Yang | Cherries
Season 3
Cabby | Candle | Bot | The Floor | Goo | Clover | Silver Spoon | Tea Kettle | Life Ring
Inanimate Insanity Infinity Contestants

MePhone3GS | Baxter | Springy | Light Shimmers (The Baby Shimmer | The Prime Shimmer)
