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Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words: "With great power comes great responsibility."

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It is not fate, but merely the sum of your choices. Your own decisions have altered your very destiny.
~ Midgardsormr to Euden as he embarks to defeat Xenos completely

Midgardsormr is a major protagonist in Dragalia Lost, being one of the Six Greatwyrms, manifestations of the world's elements. He is Prince Euden's first Pactwyrm and mentor, as well as previously being Alberius's Pactwyrm.

The first of the dragons that allied themselves with Alberius, Midgardsormr is a legendary dragon whom Euden sought out for a pact. Thus, after being satisfied by the prince's bravery, Midgardsormr swears himself as Euden's ally, becoming one of his closest companions and mentors in the process.

He is voiced by Nils Hognestad in English and Koichi Yamadera in Japanese.


Initially, Midgardsormr was a callous and proud dragon who cared little for mortal lives, only obeying orders to maintain nature's order. This would all change when he met Alberius, a determined and noble young man who desired to liberate his people from oppression, whom Midgardsormr would follow out of curiosity. From there, Midgardsormr would wholly change for the better, appreciating the bravery and determination of portals to improve their lives. As such, he would become a much more humble and kindly dragon, championing dragon-humanoid relations, which is exemplified from how he stands up for Alberius against Elysium, the lord of all dragons.

In the modern day, Midgardsormr takes up a more mentor-like role, eager to help Euden realise his true potential and strengthen himself to brave challenges that may come. As such, he frequently provides valuable information to him on various foes and takes the initiative to set up certain trials for the party, such as when he comes up with the idea for the Auspexes and Primal Greatwyrms to battle each other so as to hone each others' powers. Battle aside, Midgardsormr is also quite amiable as after educating Notte on the relations of dragons to faeries, he obliges to take the role of a "grandfather" to her, seeing as she lacks memories of having a family.


In his normal form, he resembles a green bipedal dragon with a mane of the same color.

In his High form, his eyes become a completely yellow glow and his body takes on a whiter color scheme. He also has pupiless yellow eyes.

His mini form is a miniature of his normal appearance, though with a more blue-ish shade of green and lacking many details.

In his Primal Form and during his lifetime as Midgardsormr Zero, he was a white dragon with green wings and details on his horns and green horns on his wings, as well as pupilless green eyes.

In his humanoid form, he has long green hair with white horns, retaining his tail as well. He wears a beige cloak with green sleeves, black gloves, a black tunic with gold details, brown pants and beige shoes.

Powers and Abilities[]

  • Greatwyrm physiology: As a Greatwyrm, one of the powerful dragons representing the universe's elements, Midgardsormr is exceptionally strong, possessing enhanced magic compared to a normal dragon. Midgardsormr is also capable of assuming different forms in order to boost his power even more, allowing him to assist Euden in whatever trouble he encounters.
    • Supernatural physical attributes: Midgardsormr is exceptionally powerful and strong, being capable of smashing through tree trunks effortlessly and defeating a manticore, a highly feared and powerful fiend, with a single blow. Midgardsormr can also knock fully armoured adventurers off their feet with a single wingbeat. Likewise, he is also incredibly durable, being capable of sustaining numerous hits from other dragons and powerful beings.
    • Mana being physiology: As a being of pure mana, Midgardsormr is functionally immortal, being capable of reincarnating into his next iteration so long as his soul remains intact, though his next iteration will lack the memories of his previous lifetime. He also possesses no need to eat, sleep or drink as a result, and his flesh contains extremely potent mana that can grant Wind-attuned adventurers additional power.
    • Aerokinesis: As the Greatwyrm embodying the wind, Midgardsormr is incredibly adept at utilising his element, being capable of sending out tornadoes, creating concentrated balls of rushing air and channeling jetstreams through his attacks. Even as a humanoid being he can imbue his arrows with storm gales to make them hit harder.
    • Summoning magic: Midgardsormr can summon monsters to aid him in battle, ranging from small raptors to golems capable of generating huge shockwaves. He can also summon compressed balls of air that unleash devastating blasts if not destroyed in time.
    • Flight: As a winged dragon, Midgardsormr can fly, gliding in short bursts during battle and being capable of flying longer distances otherwise. In his Primal Form, he can hover mid-air with minimal effort.
    • Shapeshifting: As an exceptionally powerful dragon, Midgardsormr is capable of assuming a smaller, humanoid form as he pleases, typically to blend into crowds. He retains his draconic powers in this form and can turn back into his normal form whenever he wants.
    • Form changing: Midgardsormr can assume different forms to boost his abilities, typically restraining his powers as his normal form and assuming his true High Midgardsormr form when facing worthy opponents. After Euden reclaims the Primal Marks from Elysium and returns them to the Greatwyrms, Midgardsormr can assume his Primal Form, granting him godly amounts of power and strength.
      • Enhanced physical attributes: In his Primal Form, Midgardsormr becomes much more powerful, generating winds from simple slashes of his claws and being able to rend foes apart. He also is much more durable than his base form and can take numerous blows from tougher foes.
      • Enhanced magic: After assuming his Primal Form, Midgardsormr gains an even stronger control of the wind, being capable of summoning hurricanes, lethal shockwaves and even changing the weather with his very presence. His summoning abilities are also enhanced to be able to summon shades of adventurers and even replicate their attacks. Furthermore, Midgardsormr can cleanse himself from any debuffs and afflict adventurers with Stormlash, an affliction that is impossible to resist, indicating greater power from him.
      • Creation magic: As he possesses a Primal Mark, Midgardsormr is capable of channeling the powers of creation, using them to manipulate the element of wind to whatever way he pleases. As he likely possesses a similar degree of control to the first Windwyrm, he likely can control all of the wind in the world. It is unclear however, if he possesses the causality-altering powers Xenos and the Origin have, just like the other Greatwyrms.
  • Wisdom: Having lived for hundreds of years, Midgardsormr is incredibly wise and full of useful advice for anybody who seeks him out. He is wise enough to recognise the benefits of allowing humans and dragons to coexist together, which he vehemently defends, constantly proving over and over again the strength of his bond with Euden.
  • Vast supernatural knowledge: Midgardsormr is highly versed in matters pertaining to magic and the supernatural, being able to discern the nature of the Astrals, having great amounts of knowledge on dragons, their relatives as well as the history of Grastaea. However, he lacks most knowledge of the time before Ilia's rise, seeing as he lacks the memories of his predecessor and most records from the time were erased.
  • Bowmanship: In his humanoid form, Midgardsormr is a skilled archer, being able to fire multiple arrows in rapid succession and even imbue them with magic.




            Dragalia Lost Logo - Copy Heroes

Main Cast
Prince Euden | Zethia | Notte | Elisanne | Ranzal | Luca | Sarisse | Cleo | Mascula / Laxi | Alex | Mym | Midgardsormr | Mercury | Jupiter | Zodiark | Chthonius | Leif | Zena | Chelle | Leonidas | Valyx | Gatov | Sheila | Phares | Ilia | Emile | Nedrick | Origa

Southern Ilian Church
Zethia | Elisanne | Alex | Cibella | Hope | Ryozen | Ricardt | Hildegarde | Julietta | Curran | Tobias | Ariel

The Blacksmith Sisters (Ramona, Rena, Renee) | Arctos | Lazry | Gaibhne & Creidhne

Rage of Bahamut
Lily | Cerberus | Albert | Forte | Yurius | Azazel | Vania | Grimnir | Rose Queen

New Years
Botan | Ieyasu | Marishiten | Sazanka | Addis | Shishimai | Hanabusa | Mitsuhide | Daikokuten | Nobunaga | Chitose | Kuzunoha | Seimei | Gozu Tenno | Yoshitsune | Izumo | Shingen | Yukimura | Fudo Myo-o | Amaterasu

Summer Festival
Yaten | Natalie | Eugene | Catherine | Styx | Sandy | Becky | Marvelous Naoto

Victor | Noelle | Kirsty | Joachim

Lovecraftian Heroes
Curran | Heinwald | Lathna

Journey to the West
Xuan Zang | Fa Ming | Wu Kong | Yulong | Jiang Ziya | Zhu Bajie | Sha Wujing | Tie Shan Gongzhu

Syndicate Heroes
Aldred | Andromeda | Bellina | Grace | Farren | Lil' Barb

Apostles and Archangels
Nevin | Ramiel | Pinon | Gabriel | Ryszarda | Raphael | Faris | Uriel | Regina | Sandalphon | Basileus | Michael

Reborn Dragons
Poseidon | Zephyr | Jeanne D'Arc | Agni | Nidhogg

Other characters
Alberius | Cecile | Cassandra | Meene | Mordecai | Myriam | Nina | Patia | Saint Starfall | Audric | Nino | Zacharias | Finlorda | Saboa | Magnus | Harle

Crossover Characters
Alfonse | Sharena | Fjorm | Marth | Chrom | Tiki | Peony | Mega Man | Pecorine | Joker | Mona | Panther | Sophie
