Miguel O'Hara, also known as Spider-Man 2099, is one of the titular three tritagonists of the 2010 action-adventure video game Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions and the titular deuteragonist of it's 2011 spinoff sequel, Spider-Man: Edge of Time.
He is voiced by Dan Glivezan in Shattered Dimensions, who voiced Peter Parker in Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends and Bumblebee in the original 1980s Transformers series and Christopher Daniel Barnes in Edge of Time, who previously voiced Spider-Man Noir in Shattered Dimensions and Peter Parker in the animated series.
Spider-Man is recruited by Madame Web to recover pieces of the Tablet of Order and Chaos (alongside Noir and Ultimate) after his TRN579 counterpart accidentally destroyed it.
While Miguel was trying out his new spider-sense Madame Web gave him, he was attacked by the Hobgoblin (who has a piece of the fragment) and was mocked due to not knowing about the Hobgoblin despite the history of their namesakes. Miguel then retrieved the fragment after defeating the Hobgoblin and deduced that his Goblin Armor was created by Alchemax.
Spider-Man was present when Kron Stone attacked a Public Eye patrol officer to obtain a fragment of the tablet as Scorpion. Throughout the battle, Kron revealed that he was working for Serena Patel, who promised him to turn him human again. After defeating Kron, Miguel took the fragment and felt bad for Stone, wishing that there was another way to cure him.
Spider-Man then trailed for the last fragment to the Alchemax Tower and found the source of an adversary at the Shadow Division. There, he confronted Patel (who was mentioned by Kron as a "smart, green and yellow lady with numerous shiny arms."), who planned to use the fragment to power a Condensed Matter Reactor to destroy part of Nueva York as a testament to the fragment. He eventually destroyed the external power sources, shut down the reactor, and defeat Patel.
When Mysterio reclaimed the Tablet of Order and Chaos and changed it to his liking, He was teleported to his counterpart's world by Madame Web and defeated Mysterio alongside his counterparts. Before returning to his time period, he was mocked by Ultimate Spider-Man, who called him and the other Spider-Men by calling them "older and less cool" versions of him, resulting in Miguel countering by stating to him, all the other Spider-Men were "ancient history".
Edge of Time[]
Spider-Man received word that Walker Sloan, a scientist of Alchemax, plan to go back in time and create Alchemax years before it was created. He failed to stop Sloan, but his attempts made him unaffected by the new timeline and witness a possible future that included the death of Peter Parker.
Miguel then manufactured a telepathic link between him and his alternate predecessor and attempted to convince him to stay away from Anti-Venom; however, Parker didn't listen and was almost killed. Miguel was able to save him by transporting him to the future and going back and defeating Brock himself.
After Peter recovered from his near-death encounter against Anti-Venom, he and Miguel discovered that the two gateways had created a timestorm. It was accelerating due to the existence of a temporal paradox, Atrocity, and manipulations by an evil Peter Parker. O'Hara and Parker reversed the gateway's polarity and forced their respective adversaries into the timestream, erasing the alternate timeline.
Powers and Abilities[]
Miguel has superhuman attributes and other abilities associated with a spider after getting genetically imprinted with the DNA of a spider, which is not as radioactive based as the original Spider-Man. Unlike Peter, Miguel has accelerated vision, regeneration, talons on his hands and toes that allow him to crawl on walls, fangs, telepathy and the ability to organically shoot webs from the back of his wrists. Madame Web then gave 2099 new "web-slinging powers" such as sensing the location of the fragments of the Tablet of Order and Chaos, giving him X-Ray vision that allows him to see through objects, locate enemies, and discern structural weaknesses and a "Spider-Sense", which warns him of danger and allows him to predict various enemy attacks with relative ease.
His conversation with Spider-Man when he said that Mary Jane's death isn't important (with Peter responding to Miguel that what's important was to prevent people from suffering, especially if they have the power to stop it and if he doesn't get that, he doesn't understand the first thing about being Spider-Man) inspired the speech of Miles not letting his father die because of "some algorithm" in 2023 American computer-animated superhero film Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse.