Mike's first appearance as he plays Dungeons and Dragons with his friends.
Mike being told by his mother to end his D&D campaign as it is a school night.
Mike begging his mom to let him, and his friends continue their campaign.
"How was I suppose to know it would last for more than ten hours?"
Mike trying to ask his dad to let him and his friends continue playing, only for his father to tell him to listen to his mom.
Mike in disbelief when his parents order him to end his two-week planned campaign.
Mike watching his friends about to head home.
Mike being told by Will that he rolled a low number, meaning the Demogorgon got him.
After his friends leave, Mike notices his garage light flicker rapidly for a few seconds.
The next morning, Mike eats breakfast with his older sister,
Nancy and dad.
Upon arriving at school, Mike is surprised to not see Will.
Mike and Lucas thinking Will got to school early.
The boys confronted by their school bullies, Troy Walsh and James Dante.
Mike, Dustin, and Lucas being bullied by Troy.
Mike and Lucas as Dustin tries to defend his cleidocranial dysplasia.
Mike, Dustin, and Lucas being made fun of by Troy and James.
Mike watching Dustin flex his arms, which disgusts Troy and James.
Mike cheering Dustin up by comparing his cleidocranial dysplasia to Mr. Fantastic's powers.
Mike and Lucas proceeding to head to class.
At the end of class, Mike, Lucas, and Dustin meet up with their teacher, Mr. Scott Clarke.
Mike, Lucas, and Dustin amazed with the new Heathkit Ham Shack radio for their AV Club.
"Australia?"-Mike asking if the radio can reach Australia.
Mike going to test out the Heathkit.
Mike speaking in an Australian accent.
Mike laughing when Dustin also speaks in an Australian accent.
The boys surprised to see their principal arrive with Police Chief
Jim Hopper who requests to speak with them.
When Chief Hopper reveals Will has gone missing, the boys start rambling nonstop until Hopper quiets them.
(Hopper: "You. You said he takes what?") "Mirkwood."
Mike as Lucas and Dustin argue over Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit.
Mike explaining to Hopper where Mirkwood is.
Mike, Lucas, and Dustin offering to help look for Will.
The boys ordered by Hopper to not go searching for Will.
Mike annoyed when Lucas and Dustin continue to argue about Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit.
(Hopper: "Do I make myself clear?") "Yes, sir."
Mike eating dinner with his family later that night.
Mike arguing with his mom as he wants to go help look for Will.
Mike and Nancy being forbidden by their parents to leave their house for the time being until Will is found.
When Nancy argues on how unfair that it, Mike calls her out for wanting to leave because she only wants to spend time with her boyfriend,
Steve Harrington.
Mike exposing his sister's new relationship with Steve to his parents, causing Nancy to leave in anger.
Mike arguing with his parents on being more concerned about staying safe rather than Will's well-being, causing him to storm off in anger.
Later, Mike contacts Lucas through his walkie-talkie.
"I know it's you. And say over when you're done talking so I know when you're done. Over."
Mike admitting to Lucas he's worried about Will.
Mike recalling to Lucas how Will casted fireball during their Dungeons & Dragons campaign last night.
(Lucas: "What's your point? Over.") "My point is...he could've played it safe, but he didn't. He put himself in danger to help the party."
Mike turning off his walkie after Lucas tells him to meet him at ten o'clock.
Mike sneaking off to find Will.
Mike noticing Steve Harrington sneaking into Nancy's room to meet with her.
Mike, Lucas, and Dustin arriving at Mirkwood.
Mike, Lucas, and Dustin searching for Will.
Mike and his friends meeting and finding
After taking Eleven to his house, Mike, Lucas, and Dustin begin questioning her.
Mike seeing Dustin going to test to see if Eleven is deaf.
Mike looking at Dustin after he sees Eleven is not deaf.
"All right, that's enough! Okay? She's just scared and cold."
Mike going to grab some clean clothes for Eleven.
"Here. These are clean. Okay?"
Mike, Lucas, and Dustin watching Eleven admire her new clothes.
Mike, Lucas, and Dustin seeing Eleven about to take off her shirt right in front of them.
Mike stopping Eleven from changing right in front of them as Dustin and Lucas look away in disgust.
"See, over there? That's the bathroom. Privacy. You get it?"
Mike watching Eleven go to change in his basement's bathroom.
"You don't want it closed?"
Mike closing the bathroom door a little bit for Eleven.
Mike, Lucas, and Dustin discussing Eleven as she changes in the bathroom.
When Lucas and Dustin propose they tell his mom about Eleven, Mike reminds them they were forbidden from searching for Will and revealing how they found Eleven will only get them in trouble with their parents.
Mike giving Eleven a sleeping bag and a place to sleep for the night.
"Hey, um, I never asked your name."
Mike being shown Eleven's tattoo on her wrist which says "011".
After learning Eleven's name, Mike introduces himself to her.
Mike covering El's pillow fort.
Mike heading upstairs to bed.
The next morning, Mike grabs some Eggo waffles for breakfast.
Mike eating really fast which disgusts his sister.
Mike telling Nancy he knows she spent the night with Steve, causing him to receive a glare and a kick from his sister.
Mike and Nancy saying nothing's wrong to their mother.
"Hey! You found my supercom. Pretty cool, huh?"
Mike giving El an Eggo waffle for breakfast.
Mike telling El his plan to have her ask his mom for help.
Mike surprised when El refuses to meet up with his mom and ask for help.
"You're in trouble, aren't you?"
Mike realizing Eleven is in trouble.
Upon hearing his mom call for him, Mike promises El he'll come right back for her.
After his parents leave, Mike rides back to his house.
Mike offering El anything to drink.
"I guess so."-Mike when El compliments on a photograph of Nancy.
Mike seeing El take an interest in his father's La-Z-Boy.
"It's where my dad sleeps."
Mike and Eleven bonding as they play with the La-Z-Boy.
Mike realizing that El knows something about Will.
Mike being confronted by his mom on why he didn't go to school today.
Mike claiming to his mom that he was sick.
Mike moved when his mom reassures him she understands he's going through a hard time with Will's disappearance.
Mike and his mom hearing a noise upstairs.
Mike lying and keeping Eleven's presence a secret from his mom.
When his friends arrive at his house, Mike tells them that El knows about Will.
Mike going to show Dustin and Lucas the photograph of the science fair they participated in.
Mike showing the photograph, saying El recognized Will and that finding her in the same place where Will disappeared is a coincidence.
Mike and Dustin watching Lucas demand to know where Will is.
Mike watching Lucas interrogate El who has no idea how to explain or talk to him.
(Lucas: "This is nuts! We have to take her to your mom!") "No! Eleven says that telling any adult would put us in danger."
(Dustin: "Mike, what kind of danger?!") "Danger, danger."
Mike doing the gun hand signal in attempt to tell his friends of the impeding danger.
Mike and Dustin watching Lucas storm towards the door with the intent to tell his mom about El.
When the door slams shut and locks itself, Mike and his friends are shocked to discover El has telekinetic powers.
Later, Mike and Dustin sit quietly at the dinner table.
Mike grabbing his cup of milk.
When his mom suggests to Nancy to take the boys to her school assembly, Mike and Dustin immediately refuse.
Mike about to spit his milk when he sees Eleven walking downstairs.
Mike coughing up milk as Dustin prevents his mom from noticing Eleven by banging on the table.
Mike looking over his stained shirt.
Mike, Lucas, and Dustin watching El use their game board.
"Did you see Will? On Mirkwood? Do you know where he is?"
Mike, Lucas, and Dustin having watched El flipped their game board upside down before placing the miniature wizard figure on it to reference the figure as Will.
(El: "Hiding.") "Will is hiding?"
Mike surprised and confused when El places a Demogorgon figurine next to the wizard figure, referencing it as who Will is hiding from.
The boys looking for rocks to use for Lucas's "Wrist Rocket".
"What does that matter? The X-Men were weirdos."
Mike and Lucas talking about El.
Mike being teased by Lucas for having romantic feelings for El.
"Shut up, Lucas!"-Mike annoyed with Lucas's childish teasing.
Mike and Dustin being confronted by their bullies.
Mike hearing Dustin defending Will from Troy and James.
"Come on. Just ignore them."
Mike getting tripped by Troy.
Mike on the ground, injuring his chin after being tripped by Troy.
Mike on the verge of tears after being helped up by his friends.
Mike and Lucas being shown a rock by Dustin.
Mike being cheered up by Dustin.
Mike and his friends biking through the woods.
Mike and his arriving at Sattler's Quarry.
Mike and his friends hiding behind a fire truck.
Mike and his friends seeing Will's "body" being pulled out of the quarry.
Mike and El shocked to see Will's "body".
"You said he was alive! Why did you lie to us?!"
Mike angrily and sadly accusing El of lying to him about Will being alive.
A tearful Mike having returned home.
A sad Mike being hugged by his mom.
Mike sadly looking through pictures after finding Will's dead body.
"Are you deaf?!-Mike angry and annoyed with Eleven.
Mike angrily accusing Eleven for thinking Will was alright.
"Lucas was right about you."
Mike suddenly hearing Will's voice singing "Should I Stay or Should I Go" on his supercom.
Mike hearing Will's voice as El contacts him on Mike's supercom.
Mike realizing Will is still alive.
Mike sitting in bed the next morning as his mom comes to check on him.
Mike saying he doesn't want to go to school today, which his mom understands.
Mike watching his mom leave after she allows him to stay home from school today.
After his mom leaves, Mike goes to contact Lucas through his supercom.
Mike telling Lucas to come over to his house and bring Dustin with him.
Mike going to use some makeup.
Mike getting a makeup brush and some powder ready.
Mike applying makeup on El's face.
Mike putting lip balm on El's lips.
Mike examining El's makeup once he's done applying it.
The boys waiting for El to finish changing into a new outfit.
(Dustin: "Wow! She looks-") "Pretty."
"Good. You look pretty good."
Mike watching El admire her new look in a mirror.
The boys riding their bikes to school.
Mike and El riding on the bike together.
The kids riding their bikes through the town of Hawkins.
The Party getting closer to reaching the middle school.
Mike and his friends sitting in the audience during the assembly.
Mike and Lucas noticing nobody around them looks sad about Will.
Mike and his friends noticing Troy and James laugh during the assembly.
Mike hearing El call Troy a mouth breather.
After the assembly, Mike goes to confront Troy.
"You think this is funny?!"-Mike angrily confronting Troy for showing no respect towards Will.
"I saw you guys laughing over there. And I think that's a real messed up thing to do."
Mike and his friends hearing Troy and James mock them over Will's "death".
Mike enraged as he watches Troy and James begin to leave.
An enraged Mike following Troy.
Mike having pushed Troy in a fit of anger.
Mike surprised when Troy suddenly gets frozen before he could attack him.
Mike watching Troy get humiliated when he suddenly wets his pants.
Mike amused and confused before he realizes El used her powers to freeze Troy and wet himself.
Mike, Lucas, and Dustin setting up the Heathkit Ham Shack radio so El can contact Will.
Mike, Dustin, and Lucas watching El use the Ham Shack radio.
Mike and Dustin surprised after the lights suddenly go out.
Mike, Dustin, and Lucas hearing Will's voice transmitted through the radio.
Mike and Dustin hearing Will cry out to his mom, saying he's in a place "like home, but dark, empty, and cold."
Mike and his friends the radio being destroyed after El transmits Will's signal.
Mike and El watch Dustin put out the flames with a fire extinguisher.
Mike and Lucas look concerned as they realize El is too exhausted to stand up.
Mike and Lucas carrying an exhausted Eleven.
Mike, El, and Lucas escaping from the school as a fire alarm is triggered.
After returning home, Mike recounts everything Will said during the radio transmission.
Mike, Lucas, and Dustin recalling everything Will said where he was "like home, but dark, empty, and cold."
"Like home. Like his house?"
Mike upon hearing El mutter "upside down".
"When El showed us where Will was, she flipped the board over, remember? Upside down."
Remembering when El took him and his friends to Will's house, Mike theorizes Will probably was at his house, but couldn't be seen.
"This is where Will is."-Mike referencing the back of the D&D board.
Mike listening to Dustin read an article about the Vale of Shadows, a dimension from Dungeons & Dragons.
Mike listening to Dustin read the Vale of Shadows is a dark alternate dimension inhabited by monsters and decay.
Mike realizing Will is in an alternate dimension.
Mike asking El if she knows how to get into the Upside Down to which she says no.
The next day, Mike gets ready to go to Will's "funeral".
After the funeral, Mike and his friends approach Mr. Clarke.
Mike and his friends talking to Mr. Clarke about alternate dimensions.
Mike asking Mr. Clarke how to theoretically travel to an alternate dimension like the Vale of Shadows.
Mike watching Mr. Clarke draw an example of an acrobat walking on a tightrope with a flea next to him.
Mike, Lucas, and Dustin upon hearing Mr. Clarke say a flea would be able to go upside down a tightrope, referencing the alternate dimension.
When Mr. Clarke says the only way to get into the Upside Down is through a portal, Mike asks what if a portal already existed.
The boys in deep thought after Mr. Clarke explains about traveling to alternate dimensions and how to find gates to them.
Mike sitting alone in his basement the next day.
Mike having destroyed the pillow fort as he's still angry over his fight with Lucas.
"I just can't believe she hasn't come back yet."-Mike starting to get worried about El.
When Dustin comes to house, Mike realizes El had only prevented them from finding the gate as she wanted to protect them from its dangers, causing him to regret yelling at her.
Mike hearing Dustin defend Lucas, saying it wasn't just his fault, but also his and Eleven's.
Mike hearing Dustin tell him that Lucas is not the only one to blame for stepping out of line yesterday.
Mike refusing to apologize to Lucas as he's still angry at him for being rude to El ever since they met her.
(Dustin: "This isn't a discussion. This is the rule of law! Obey or be banished from the Party. You want to be banished?") "No."
Mike watching Dustin prepare to leave to meet up with Lucas and find El.
"I drew first blood so..."-Mike upon arriving at Lucas's house.
Mike and Dustin having told Lucas about El's actions and how she's missing.
Mike and Dustin pleased to hear Lucas agreeing to make amends with them before they hear he wants them to forget about El.
Mike looking at Dustin after he and Lucas refuse to make amends with each other.
Mike hearing Dustin remind him the last time their group was split up during a D&D campaign.
Mike hearing Dustin insist they need to stay together in order to find El and Will.
Mike telling Lucas that El is a part of their friend group now.
Mike defending El's actions, telling Lucas she didn't mean to hurt him and that she was only trying to protect them.
Mike hearing Dustin compliment on El telekinetically throwing Lucas into the air.
"That's why we need her! She's a weapon! Do you seriously want to fight the Demogorgon with your Wrist Rocket?"
"We're no use to Will if we're dead."
Mike upset and disappointed when Lucas stubbornly refuses to help look for El.
Mike and Dustin watching Lucas storm off to find the gate on his own.
Mike and Dustin riding their bikes together.
Mike asking Dustin what he's talking about when he states Lucas is jealous.
Mike unsure how to answer Dustin's question of Lucas being his best friend.
Mike listening to Dustin recount how they met in fourth grade.
Mike hearing Dustin insist Lucas is his best friend no matter.
Mike insisting he hasn't been paying too much attention to El, but Dustin points out that it is true.
Mike admitting he does consider Lucas his best friend, despite what happened between them.
Mike telling Dustin he considers him his best friend, not caring the logic of having only one best friend.
Mike continuing to pedal his bike.
Mike and Dustin coming to a stop where they see a commotion at the Bradley's Big Buy store.
Mike and Dustin realizing El was at the store.
Mike and Dustin riding off to continue looking for El.
Later, Mike and Dustin wander through the woods.
Mike and Dustin searching for El in the woods.
Mike and Dustin hearing a noise.
Mike and Dustin confronted by Troy and James.
Upon seeing their bullies armed with a switchblade, Mike and Dustin realize Troy and James intend to harm them.
Mike and Dustin fleeing to escape their bullies' wrath.
After running upstairs, Mike and Dustin look out a window where they see a repairman sitting in his van, watching the house.
Mike and Dustin fearing the repairman could be one of the "bad men".
Mike finding his mom in the kitchen, talking on the phone.
"Did you schedule any repairs?" (Karen: "What?") "Is there anyone suppose to come and do repairs on the house?"
Mike being warned by Dustin that they need to leave his house immediately.
"Anyone asks where I am, I've left the country."
Mike, El, and Dustin running out of the house to flee from the bad men.
Mike and El running up a hill.
Mike and El being spotted by Dr. Martin Brenner and his men after they get on the bike.
Mike, El, and Dustin riding their bikes to escape from Brenner and his men.
Mike riding his bike as El holds onto him.
Mike, El, and Dustin fleeing as they're being pursued.
Mike hearing Dustin rely on where Lucas wants to meet them after receiving a transmission from him.
Mike, El, and Dustin biking through the neighborhood.
Mike and El being pursued by HNL vans.
The Party reuniting at the streets Elm and Cherry in the neighborhood.
(Lucas: "Where are they?") "I don't know."
Mike and El hearing the vans behind them.
Mike, El, and Lucas seeing a van drive in front of them.
Mike and El watching the van fly above their heads due to El using her telekinesis.
The Party managing to escape from Brenner and his men.
Later, Mike uses a drawing of a flea and an acrobat to explain the Upside Down to Joyce, Hopper, Nancy, and Jonathan.
"Mr. Clarke said the only way to get there is through a rip of time and space."
Mike, Dustin, and Lucas explaining the gate to Joyce, Hopper, Nancy, and Jonathan.
Mike and Lucas listening to Dustin explain the gate's electromagnetic field to the two adults and teenagers.
Mike, Dustin, and Lucas hearing El answer Hopper's questions on where the gate is located within the lab.
The boys surprised that Hopper knows where the gate is after El answers yes to every one of his questions.
"He's seen it."-Mike realizing Hopper has seen the gate.
Everyone watching El using her powers to try and find Will and Barbara Holland.
Everyone having noticed the light flicker as El uses her powers.
Everyone sad & disappointed when El is unable to find Will or Barbara.
Mike trying to open the school's shed to get some tools.
Mike watching Nancy going to break down the door.
Mike amazed with his sister's strength.
Mike and Nancy talking to each other, discussing how they both were suspicious of each other.
Mike and Nancy deciding to not keep secrets from each other.
"Okay. Do you like Jonathan now?"
Mike shrugging when Nancy denies that she likes Jonathan.
(Nancy: "And do you like Eleven?") "What? Ew. No. Gross!"
Later, Mike works get the hose ready.
Once two hoses are plugged in, Mike uses them to fill an inflatable pool with water.
Mike by the pool as Lucas tells Nancy to make the water warmer.
Mike as Lucas tells Nancy to stop the water as its temperature is now perfect.
Mike, Dustin, and Lucas disappointed when an egg sinks into the pool.
After more bags of salt are dumped into the pool, Mike, Dustin, and Lucas are satisfied to see another egg floating on the water.
Mike setting up a walkie.
Mike and Joyce watching El getting ready to go into the pool.
Mike and everyone else watching El float in the makeshift sensory deprivation tank.
Mike, Jonathan, Nancy, and Joyce witnessing the school gym's lights going out.
The kids sitting on the bleachers.
The kids sitting quietly as Joyce and Jonathan tell Hopper where Castle Byers is located.
The kids sitting as Joyce and Jonathan follow Hopper to rescue Will from the Upside Down.
Mike and El sitting in the cafeteria together.
Mike explaining to El what pudding is.
Mike and El talking and discussing what they should do after Will is found and El is free from being used as a weapon from the government.
Mike offering El to live with him and his family.
When El asks if he will be her new brother, Mike says he doesn't want to be her brother as he feels different around her.
Mike looking away from El, feeling bashful.
"Well, I was thinking...I don't know. Maybe we can go to the Snow Ball together."
Mike explaining to El that the Snow Ball is a dance event hosted at Hawkins Middle School.
"You go to school dances with someone you know...with someone that you like."
Mike trying to explain to El what he means by "someone that you like".
Mike and El sharing a kiss.
Mike after kissing El and revealing his feelings for her.
Mike having exited the school building, thinking Nancy and Jonathan have returned due to having heard a car outside.
Mike shocked to see government vehicles arriving at the school.
Mike quickly heading back inside before any agents could spot him.
"They found us!"-Mike warning his friends that the agents have found them.
Mike, El, and Dustin running through the school.
The kids being spotted by some agents.
The kids turning around to run the other way to escape from the agents.
The kids being cornered by the agents who begin to hold them at gunpoint.
Mike and Lucas watching El use her powers to kill Agent Connie Frazier and the other agents.
The kids watching the agents surrounding them fall to the floor dead after being killed by El.
The boys seeing El faint from exhaustion after using her powers.
Mike trying to wake up El.
Mike sitting in an ambulance after the Demogorgon's defeat and El's disappearance.
Mike reunited with his mom.
Mike reunited with his parents.
"Something's coming. Something hungry for your blood."-Mike playing Dungeons & Dragons a month later.
Mike hosting a D&D campaign with his friends.
"It's the thessalhydra! Will, your action!"
"Will the Wise's fireball hits the thessalhydra!"
Mike imitating a screech.
Mike pretending to be a dying thessalhydra.
Mike getting back in his seat as his friends celebrate their win.
"Lucas cuts off its seven heads!"
"And Dustin places them into his bag of holding."
"You carry the heads out of the dungeon, victorious and present them to King Tristan. He thanks you for your bravery and service."
(Dustin: "That's not it, is it?") "Oh, there's a medal ceremony..."
Mike chuckling when Lucas makes a joke about Dustin.
After Will is picked up by Jonathan, Mike watches Lucas and Dustin play fight with each other.
Mike looking at El's pillow fort, missing her so much.
In October of 1984, Mike sits in El's pillow fort.
Mike receiving a transmission from Dustin who tells him how much money they have to go to the arcade.
Having forgotten to earn money to go the arcade, Mike turns off his supercom, not before telling Dustin to call Will.
Mike in Nancy's room where he managed to find her piggybank.
Mike emptying his sister's piggybank as she catches him in the act.
Mike promising Nancy he'll pay her back.
Mike putting the money in his pockets before he runs out of his sister's room.
Mike running downstairs as his sister chases him.
Mike having grabbed his bike once he gets outside.
Mike fleeing from his sister.
Mike escaping on his bike to go meet his friends at the arcade.
Mike having dinner with his parents and baby sister.
Mike being punished by his parents who order him to donate two boxes of toys.
Mike sighing in disappointment and shame.
Mike putting some of his toys in donation boxes.
Mike holding a toy model of the Millenium Falcon.
Mike missing Eleven as he looks at the pillow fort.
Mike tries to contact Eleven for the 352nd time.
When he gets up, Mike suddenly hears a transmission.
Thinking it's El, Mike answers his walkie-talkie, only to find it's Dustin who informs him that Max Mayfield is "MadMax."
Mike cutting off the transmission, disappointed it wasn't El.
A photo of Mike as a Ghostbuster.
Mike embarrassed by his mom as she wants to keep taking pictures of him.
After school, Mike, Lucas, and Dustin ride their bikes home.
Mike and Lucas suddenly being warned by Dustin that a car is speeding up behind them.
The boys trying to ride their bikes as fast as they to get away from the car.
Mike and Dustin crashing their bikes to the side of the road after the car suddenly turns away from them.
Mike finding Will as he snaps him out of an episode.
Mike sitting with Will in his basement.
Mike listening to Will reveal during his episode, he was back in the Upside Down and saw a large living shadow monster.
When Will thinks he's going crazy, Mike cheers him up by revealing how sometimes he feels like he can sense Eleven's presence.
Mike and Will in deep thought after their talk.
The next day, Mike and his friends sit in class together.
Mike, Will, and Lucas seeing Dustin arrive late to class.
Mike continuing the lecture as Dustin sits in his seat.
Mike, Will, and Lucas being told by Dustin they need to meet during lunch at AV Club.
Mike asking Dustin why they need to meet during lunch.
Mike, Will, and Lucas hearing Dustin explain he has something to show them later.
Mike, Will, and Lucas wondering what Dustin has to show them.
Mike hearing Mr. Clarke getting Dustin's attention.
Mike as Dustin gets out his textbook.
Mike, Lucas, Dustin, and Max continuing their class.
Mike and Will continuing the lecture as Dustin zips up his backpack.
Mike, Will, Max, Lucas, and Dustin looking into the homemade ghost trap.
Mike, Will, and Max being shown by Dustin a strange creature he has named D'Artagnan "Dart".
Mike and his friends talking about Dart.
Mike and Will listening to Dustin discuss his research on Dart.
Mike noticing Dart starting to have a strange growth.
Mike and his friends exiting out of the AV Club room.
Mike, Lucas, and Dustin walking together.
Mike and his friends deciding to show Dart to Mr. Clarke.
After school, Mike finds Will at his locker.
Mike asking Will if something is wrong.
Mike stopping his friends from showing Dart to Mr. Clarke.
The boys in the AV Club room.
Mike and Will explaining to Dustin and Lucas how the slug Will vomited last year looked similar to Dart.
Mike agreeing to take Dart to Hopper.
Mike arguing with Dustin who refuses to believe Dart is dangerous.
The boys scared when Dart starts screeching inhumanly while inside the ghost trap.
Upon releasing Dart, Mike and Will are shocked to see Dart sprout hind legs.
When Dart escapes, Mike decides to go after him.
Mike searching for Dart in the school gym.
Mike shocked, angry, and annoyed to see Max in the locker room.
Mike being confronted by Max for his coldness towards her.
Mike refusing to have Max in the Party as he doesn't want her to replace Eleven.
Mike being asked by Max to let her join the Party.
Mike watching Max perform some moves on her skateboard in order to convince him to let her join the Party.
When Max was thrown off her skateboard, Mike suspects Eleven had caused it.
Mike is too late to spot Eleven as she had already left.
Finding Dustin, Mike notices Will has mysteriously disappeared.
Later, Mike finds Will out on the school P.E. field.
Mike concerned for Will as he stands motionless.
Mike watching Will's mom attempting to wake him up.
Mike worried about Will before he suddenly wakes up on his own.
Mike and his friends watching Will leave with his mom after he wakes up from his trance.
The next day, Mike eats breakfast with his family.
At school, Mike and Max are founded by Dustin at the back of a building.
Mike, Dustin, and Max seeing Lucas throw trash bags out of a dumpster.
Mike and Max disgusted to see Lucas come out of the dumpster.
(Dustin: "Where's Will?") "He'll be here."
Mike and his friends poking through trash bags to look for Dart.
During Mr. Clarke's class, Mike stares at Will's empty seat, making him realize he's missing school today.
Later, Mike tries to call the Byers' house to check on Will, only for his call to go to voicemail.
Mike leaving the phone booth to rejoin his friends.
Mike telling his friends they need to talk.
Mike, Lucas, and Dustin going to talk in the AV Club room.
"Party members only."-Mike upon seeing Max following him and his friends.
(Dustin: "Come on, Mike.") "No! This is non-negotiable."
Mike entering the school building as Lucas and Dustin reluctantly exclude Max from their meeting.
Mike telling Dustin and Lucas about the shadow monster Will encountered on Halloween night.
(Dustin: "Well, if you're in another plane, you can't interact with the material plane, so theoretically, no, the shadow can't hurt him.") "Yeah, if that's even what's happening."
"This isn't D & D. This is real life."
(Lucas: "So what do we do?") "We acquire more knowledge. I'll go to Will's after school. See what's going on. You guys stay here and find Dart."
Mike pointing out Will heard Dart in the Upside Down when Dustin asks what he has to do with what's going with Will.
"If we find Dart, maybe we can solve this thing. Maybe we can help Will."
After school, Mike goes to the Byers' house to check on Will.
Mike seeing Will's mom answering the door.
Mike being greeted by Joyce.
Mike asking Joyce if Will is home.
Mike being told by Joyce that Will isn't feeling well.
Mike hearing Joyce promise to tell Will he stopped by to check on him.
"It's about the shadow monster, isn't it?"
Mike asking Will if he can feel the shadow monster in the Upside Down.
Mike listening to Will explain how he can feel the Mind Flayer in the real world as if he's spreading his presence from the Upside Down.
Mike and Will talking about his now-memories from the shadow monster.
Mike trying to cheer Will up by saying his connection to the Mind Flayer makes him a spy now.
Mike suggesting to Will that they use his connection to the Mind Flayer to spy on him so they can defeat him.
Mike and Will looking at the drawing of the Mind Flayer as Will worries the monster will also use connection to spy on them too.
Mike promising Will that they won't let the Mind Flayer use the connection to also spy on them.
Having slept over at the Byers', Mike wakes up the next morning, asking Will if something's wrong.
Mike watching Will tell Joyce that he had a vision of Hopper, revealing he is in grave danger.
Mike and Joyce seeing Will's drawing of Hopper's location.
Mike and Joyce going to look over the drawings to see which one matches the one Will just drew.
Mike and Joyce searching in the hallway.
Mike looking in the kitchen for a drawing identical to Hopper's location.
Mike finding a match to the drawing.
"Now we just need to find out where here is, right?"
Mike and Joyce hearing a car park outside.
Mike, Joyce, and Will showing Joyce's boyfriend,
Bob Newby the drawings so he can help them find Hopper.
Mike and Bob seeing Joyce draw a red X over Hopper's location to give the impression that it's game.
Mike and Will watching Bob going to pull Joyce aside so he can talk to her in private.
Mike and Will surprised when Bob reveals the drawings all over the house are a map of Hawkins.
Later, Mike holds a tape measure to the Lovers' Lake drawing to help find Hopper's location.
Mike, Will, Joyce, and Bob trying to do the math to figure out Hopper's location.
Mike, Will, and Joyce watching Bob estimate Hopper's location.
Mike, Will, and Bon watching Joyce take the paper map and run off to get to Hopper's location.
Mike and Will going to follow Joyce to join her in rescuing Hopper.
"Do you see anything? I mean in your now-memories?"
Mike and Will are surprised when vehicles from Hawkins Lab approach them.
Mike and Will surrounded by scientists and agents who have come to investigate the tunnels and rescue Hopper, Joyce, and Bob.
Mike suddenly seeing Will collapse to the ground in pain.
Mike is horrified when Will starts convulsing violently.
Having been taken to Hawkins Lab, Mike watches doctors treat Will who cries in extreme agony before he is sedated.
Mike and Bob watching over a sleeping Will.
Mike sleeping near Will's hospital bed the next morning.
Mike sleeping as Joyce tells Bob what happened last year.
Mike having woken up right when Will wakes up.