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Breaking news! Foreign killer turtles are swarming Elmore. Are they here to eat you, or worse, take your job?! Elmore news will cover these terrible events until we find something worse to exaggerate.
~ Mike on the job in "The Nest"

Michael Hills, more commonly known as Mike the Microphone Guy, is a minor character in The Amazing World of Gumball. He is Elmore's primary news reporter.

He is voiced by Kerry Shale.


He is a headless humanoid dressed in a mustard-yellow trench coat, a white shirt, a navy blue tie with matching cuffs, and black pants and boots. His head is a handheld microphone labeled with a large white "N" on a red block, featuring a simplistic face.


Mike generally has a casual personality, as seen in his interactions with coworkers and interviewees. However, he is fully committed to delivering the news to Elmore’s citizens, presenting it clearly and concisely while overcoming challenges. For example, in "The News," he continuously ascends and descends the helicopter to report on different stories, which causes him to sweat and breathe heavily. In "The Nest," he insists that the team keep rolling, even as he’s swarmed by the Evil Turtle’s babies.

At times, he seems somewhat oblivious or indifferent to the absurdity of the stories he reports or the nature of his job, covering them bluntly and without question. In "The News," for instance, he asks Elmore citizens, “Any thoughts?” or “What do you think about it?” without providing any context and while admitting that there is nothing to report anyway. Another example is in "The Vegging," where he nonchalantly interviews Gumball about his marriage to an alien wife who seemingly appeared out of nowhere.

He also appears to comment on news clichés that he embodies, such as admitting to wasting the audience's time in "The News" or exaggerating stories in "The Next."


  • His full nickname was revealed in "The News," and his real name in was revealed in "Ancestor Act."
    • Michael Hills is also the name of a foley artist on the series.

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           The Amazing World of Gumball logo Heroes

Watterson Family
Gumball Watterson | Darwin Watterson | Anais Watterson | Nicole Watterson | Richard Watterson | Joanna Watterson | Louie Watterson

Fitzgerald Family
Penny Fitzgerald | Polly Fitzgerald | Patrick Fitzgerald | Judith Fitzgerald

Robinson Family
Gaylord Robinson | Rocky Robinson

Banana Family
Banana Joe | Banana Barbara

Wilson Family
Tobias Wilson | Rachel Wilson

Yoshida Family
Masami Yoshida | Yuki Yoshida

Jötunheim Family
Hector Jötunheim | Mrs. Jötunheim

Elmore Junior High Students and Staff Members
Carrie Krueger | Leslie | Sarah G. Lato | Bobert 6B | Teri | Molly Collins | Alan Keane | Carmen Verde | Idaho | Sussie | Juke | Anton | Clayton | Billy Parham | Clare Cooper | Nigel Brown | Steve Small | Joan Markham | Moonchild Corneille

Elmore Citizens
Larry Needlemeyer | Donut Cop | Gary Hedges | Marvin Finklehimer | Mike the Microphone Guy | Pest Controller

Santa Claus | Sluzzle Dude | Chimera | New Bobert | Cartax
