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Hero Overview

...Gusuke, where have you been all along!?...
~ Milk to Gusuke; also her first words in the movie.

Milk (also spelled Miruk) is a major supporting protagonist of the anime movie Doraemon: Nobita and the Winged Braves. She is a Birdpian girl who is Gusuke's childhood friend, always cheering him and helping him to learn to fly.

She was voiced by Kyōko Hikami.


Milk is a Birdpian kid with white fur, true to her name. She also has blue eyes and yellow beak. On her head, she has a ponytail tied by a pink bow. She also wears a blue dress with green collar and sleeves, and yellow socks.


Milk's personality is that of a typical tsundere. She is rather harsh to Gusuke due to worrying that he may get himself in danger, so much that she even interrogates him about where did he go once he returns from the human world. She also hates Tsubakuro and Tobio for bullying Gusuke, always trying to give them their just desserts when they bullies him. At the same time, Milk also wants Gusuke to be stronger instead of continuously relying on her. Despite all her harshness, at heart Milk is a sweetheart. She can be polite similar to Shizuka to others, providing that they are friends.

Like many other Birdpians, Milk also dislikes humans due to believing that they're dangerous. This changes when she realizes that her new friends are humans the entire time and have saved Birdpia from Phoenixia's danger.

It's implied that she has a crush on Gusuke, as she's always jealous when seeing him getting others' attention.



As a child Milk lived next to Gusuke's house. The two befriended and the two went to school together. Gusuke was frequently bullied by Tsubakuro and Tobio thanks to his inability to fly, although Milk always defended him. He also befriended Professor Hou, who considered Gusuke his son.

Not long prior to the movie's events, Gusuke's map caught his school's attention, and was chosen for their wall newspaper project. Milk reluctantly helped him to develop it. After the school however, Tsubakuro and Tobio forcefully took it away and fulfilled it, much to Gusuke's sadness after he managed to take it back thanks to Milk's help. However, Milk then gave him an advice to expand it further and that his world wasn't confined in one place, and Gusuke took it to heart.

Gusuke has also explored the human world multiple times against her and his parents' will, leading to her worrying of him.

Doraemon: Nobita and the Winged Braves[]

Milk first appears and asks Gusuke about where did he go and tells him to go home, with the main characters following them. During the dinner, Milk serves their dishes while Gusuke informs the protagonists about the annual Rally Icarus Race, which is created to honor Icarus and recruit new members for the Bird Migration Patrolling Troops, and invites the them to join. Just then, he is mocked by a passing-through Seagrid and his second-in-command, Colonel Babylon for his inability to fly, much to Milk's anger. Gusuke then tells the story of his adoption and inability to fly to the main characters. During the Rally Icarus Race, Gusuke and Tsubakuro win the competition, but Seagrid, having learned of Gusuke's aid in rescuing Suneo and Gian, disqualifies Gusuke not only of his victory but also from joining any future Rally Icarus race under the excuse of him "not flying naturally", much to Milk's displeasure. Later, she alongside Doraemon, Nobita and Shizuka (as Suneo and Gian are joining the troops at the time) discover that Professor Hou has disappeared and learn about the demonic dragon Phoenixia via the Translation Jelly. After learning that Seagrid is intending to unleash Phoenixia to the human world, the heroes, Gusuke included, travel to the prison island to find Icarus, and manage to convince him to free himself and rescue Birdpia. During the travel, the heroes find a projector which projects a hologram of Mamoru Torino, a 23rd-century ornithologist who wanted to create a safe haven for birds, which eventually led to the creation of Birdopia, an alternate timeline of the human world.

They manage to rescue Suneo, Gian and Professor Hou from Seagrid's imprisonment, but the vulture commander has successfully awakened Phoenixia from its slumber. Worse yet, thanks to Colonel Babylon's intervenation, Doraemon's Evolution Ray accidentally makes the dragon even larger, and thus much more dangerous and out of Seagrid's control. Milk and her friends then help to rescue the Birdpians while fighting Phoenixia. After Doraemon instead transported the time machine with Phoenixia back to billions of years in the past, saving Birdpia, he and the others of the main group reveal themselves as humans, much to Milk's shock. Now learning that humans aren't that bad after all, she and the other Birdpians no longer hold a grudge against them.

She's then seen in the ceremony where Gusuke is promoted by the Birdpian President to be the new Commander of the troops. After this, she alongside the other Birdpians bid farewell to the main characters as they go home.

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           Doraemon logo Heroes

Doraemon | Nobita Nobi | Shizuka Minamoto | Suneo Honekawa | Takeshi Goda | Dorami | Sewashi Nobi | Mini-Doras | Time Patrol

The Doraemons
Doraemon | Dora the Kid | Wang Dora | El Matadora | Dora-nichov | Dora Med III | Dora-rinho

Principal Teraodai | Jaidora | Noramyako | Robot Academy | Dorapin | Mimimi

Pisuke | Roppuru | Chammy | Clem | Kuntakku (Peko) | Eru | Miyoko Mangetsu | Papi | Riruru | Banhou | Ro | Linlei| Kukuru | Chippo | Sindbad | Paruparu | Sapio | Tap | Galaxy Super Express Train Conductor | Peave | Jack | Luffin | Lian | Theo | Gusuke | Milk | Poko | Fuuko | Ichi | Pisuke | Miyoko Mangetsu | Kibo | Princess Lire | Roppuru | Chammy | Clem | Sophia | Haribo | Riruru | Pippo | Dakke | Kurt Hartman | Kuntakku (Peko) | Aron | Kukuru | Carla | Flock | Sarah| Luca | Luna | Aru | Mozo | Kyu | Myu | Papi | Pinna | Sonya | Hanna | Marimba | Miina | Mikka | Chapekku | Claire | Milo | Chai | Pal |
