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Misty (also referred to as The Illusive Mistery) is the major supporting character turned on-off antagonist in the animated series, My Life as a Teenage Robot.

She is a ninja alien heroine who later has a dark side. She possesses ghostly psychic powers and advanced martial arts skills. She appeared in the episodes Teen Team Time, Teenage Mutant Ninja Troubles, and Mist Opportunities.

She is voiced by Audrey Wasilewski, who also voiced Tuck Carbunkle, XJ-7 and XJ-8 in the same show.


Misty's powers are primarily psychic in nature, with the ability to read and control others' minds, as well as an ability to turn into a cloud of ghostly and illusory mist. She also has advanced martial arts skills and is referred to as a ninja.

Misty makes her first appearance in "Teen Team Time," as a member of the superhero team, Teen Team. Misty has a dark side despite her initial friendship with Jenny; she doesn't like to relate to "normals", only does her heroics/villainy for pay.

In "Teenage Mutant Ninja Troubles", she attends Jenny's school but quickly gets expelled when she goes a little too far when pranking and getting revenge on the Crust Cousins, becoming megalomaniacal and sadistic.

Later, in "Mist Opportunities", she and Jenny clash and seem to become enemies when Misty reveals that she is actually quite greedy, reckless, and harsh. She performs heroic deeds only if she is paid, and doesn't truly care about the citizens of Tremorton. She nearly let the city get completely destroyed by a monster, with absolutely no remorse, and became reckless, threatening to use a school bus full of children to slam the monster against a hospital building. Jenny and Misty get into a fight over this, with Misty nearly destroying Jenny out of anger. When Jenny sadly mentioned that she thought they were friends, Misty flew away in a huff, furiously stating that the only reason she doesn't destroy Jenny is because no one is paying her to do it. Misty is never seen again in the series after this.


Misty has a scrawny body, with pale lavender skin, purple hair and purplish-pink eyes. She wears purple and black karate clothes, with gloves and shinobi footings. In Mist Opportunities her color scheme changed to red hair, red eyes, red pants, orange sleeves, and tan skin.


When Misty was part of Team Teen, she did superheroics seemingly because it was fun and with a condescending attitude toward "normies". Likewise, she was genuinely heroic and saved people without expecting payment despite her arrogant tendencies. After coming back to Earth and enrolling at Tremorton High, she shows she can be a rather vindictive bully. After she's expelled, then moves back to Tremorton, Misty is basically just a money-grubbing mercenary who'll endanger civilians to get her job done faster.

Powers & Abilities[]


Misty's Mist Mimicry and Mind reading

Misty demonstrates her powers on the monster.

  • Mist Mimicry: Misty's main superpower is her ghostly ability to transform parts or all of her body completely into mist/smoke at will. She can use this form to cushion a fall. In this form, she cannot be physically hurt.
  • Mind Reading: She can use her ghostly powers to literally get inside the minds of people, robots, and animals to know what they are thinking and discover their biggest fears. She can also induce nightmares, as seen in Teenage Mutant Ninja Troubles.
  • Flight: She can fly and levitate while assuming her smoke form, as well as her normal form.
  • Mist Teleportation: She can appear and dissappear in her mist form.
  • Superhuman Strength: She is strong enough to kick anything faraway and through a building with ease, lift a massive monster over her head, and even pick up a fully-occupied school bus with only one hand.
  • Superhuman Durability: She can withstand a punch in the face with only a black eye.
  • Healing: She can turn into smoke to heal any wound in seconds.
  • Interstellar Travel: She can travel across interstellar distances at incredible speeds.
  • Space Adaptation: She can survive in outer space unaided. She can withstand cosmic radiation and the lack of air.
  • Self Sustenance: She does not need to breathe in outer space.


Misty's agility

Misty displays her agility to rescue a citizen in Mist Opportunities.

  • Martial Artist: She is an expert in an alien martial arts style, and is known to be a ninja.
  • Water Walking: She can run and walk on water.
  • Enhanced Agility
  • Enhanced Reflexes and Flexibility


  • As the Teen Team seems to be is a parody of the Teen Titans of DC Comics, Misty is a rough analogue in powers and temperament to Raven.
  • Jenny and Misty seemed to have become enemies since Misty viciously fought with Jenny and then left Earth after in the episode Mist Opportunities. Due to the discontinuation of the series, it was never revealed what became of Misty, or her former friendship with Jenny.
  • Not only was Misty the only female member of the Teen Team (not counting Jenny), she is the only member to stick around for two additional episodes after the Teen Team broke up.
  • Like the rest of the Teen Team, Misty’s home planet and galaxy is unknown.

External Links[]
