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I promise to be the strongest, wisest leader I can be. I will do my best to echo (Leopardstar's) loyalty to RiverClan and (her) courage to speak on our behalf, and I will learn from (her) mistakes. I know that I don't need to prove to the other Clans that RiverClan is the strongest or most powerful. I just want my Clanmates to be happy and at peace.
~ Mistyfoot after Leopardstar's death

Mistystar is a major character in the Warriors book series.

She was born from a half-Clan relationship between Bluestar of ThunderClan and Oakheart of RiverClan alongside her siblings Stonefur and Mosskit. She was RiverClan's most recent leader, and though she made many mistakes in her leadership, such as doubting Mothwing's abilities as a medicine cat, she was a well-respected leader. She lost her last life during a Clan meeting, when during an argument she collapsed and passed away, leaving her Clan without a leader and causing a temporary leadership crisis. This in turn allowed Splashtail to take over the leadership and after being defeated, Icestar became the Clan's new leader.


Mistystar is a lithe she-cat with thick, sleek blueish-gray fur. She has a pink nose, feathery tail, and large, ice blue eyes. In her later years, she became more frail, her pelt turned pale and thin, and her muzzle went gray.


Bluestar's Prophecy[]

Bluefur gives birth to her and Oakheart's kittens, naming them Mistykit, Stonekit and Mosskit, after things that remind her of the river, and by extension, their father. Thrushpelt offers to claim he's the father of the litter, so that the secret of their half-Clan heritage won't be spilled. However, with Sunstar on his last life and his deputy Tawnyspots deathly ill, Bluefur realizes that whoever becomes the new deputy will then inherit leadership. Knowing she must become deputy to prevent the battle-hungry Thistleclaw from rising to power, Bluefur reluctantly accepts that she must give up her kits to do so. She them meets up with Oakheart, and the two make a deal for the reddish-brown tom to take them and raise them in RiverClan.

One snowy night, Bluefur sneaks her kittens out of camp and starts heading towards the river. She claims to be playing a "secret escape" game with them to prevent them from alerting anyone. As they go however, the kittens start to get tired and want to go home, so Bluefur has them all rest under an uprooted tree for a bit. When she wakes though, she discovers that Mosskit had died of hypothermia. After morning their death, she then urges her other two kits forward so they won't meet the same end. She then meets up with Oakheart at the RiverClan border, informing him of Mosskit's death, and saying goodbye to her remaining two children as he brings them to RiverClan.

Crookedstar's Promise[]

Oakheart brings Mistykit and Stonekit into camp one night, claiming that they were born to a rogue who abondoned them. Graypool nurses the two, realizing their true origins when she scents a ThunderClan cat on them, but telling no one. Mapleshade tells Oakheart's brother Crookedjaw that he's lying about the kits' origins, which the reddish-brown tom confirms when confronted. Crookedjaw promises not to tell anyone though, stating that the two will be kept and raised in RiverClan just like any other kitten. A few years later, the two kittens are now adult warriors, with the names Mistyfoot and Stonefur.

The Prophecies Begin[]

Into the Wild[]

Mistyfoot and her brother fight with their father - who is now RiverClan's deputy - against ThunderClan at Sunningrocks. Oakheart is crushed in a rockslide though, and Mistyfoot carries his body back to camp, with the help of Loudbelly. There, she explains what happened to her father, and Crookedstar names Leopardfur as the new deputy. She later gives birth to her and Blackclaw's kittens: a black tom named Reedkit, a dark gray tom named Pikekit, a light brown she-kit named Primrosekit, and another black tom named Perchkit.

Forest of Secrets[]

When the ThunderClan warrior Fireheart asks about the details concerning Oakheart's death, the RiverClan warrior Silverstream - half-Clan mate of his best friend Graystripe - goes to fetch her own best friend, Mistyfoot. The older she-cat, who already knows about Silverstream's relationship with Graystripe, is shocked at an additional ThunderClan warrior, chiding Silverstream for bringing more into their territory. She agrees to talk to Fireheart though, telling him that Oakheart was killed in a rockslide. Fireheart is surprised by this, as ThunderClan's deputy Tigerclaw had claimed Oakheart had killed their former deputy Redtail, and he had killed Oakheart in revenge.

He thanks Mistyfoot for telling him this, before asking why Oakheart said no ThunderClan cat is to hurt Stonefur during the battle; a detail he found out about from his friend Ravenpaw. Mistyfoot doesn't know why either though, stating that their father only wanted them to be loyal RiverClan warriors. She then suggests Graypool might know something, saying that she'll try and get her mother to talk with him later. She then warns the orange tom to leave before Leopardfur's patrol finds him, saying she wouldn't be able to help him if they did.

A few days later, Mistyfoot and Silverstream convince Graypool to meet up with Fireheart at the border. The old she-cat is suspicious and hostile towards the ThunderClan tom, but Mistyfoot calms her, convincing her to talk to the orange tom. When hearing his question, Graypool sends the other two she-cats away to have some privacy with him, revealing to him that their mother was from ThunderClan, having him promise to keep this secret.

As newleaf comes and the ice and snow of leafbare melts, RiverClan's camp floods and they're forced to find a new place to shelter for the time being. Mistyfoot is able to get Reedkit and Primrosekit to safety during the flood, but Pikekit and Perchkit are swept away, and she fears they may be dead. Fireheart and Graystripe find the two clinging to some debris in the river and save them though, being brought to the Clan's temporary camp by Leopardfur and Blackclaw. Stonefur recognizes the two kits, and Mistyfoot goes to greet them warmly as Crookedstar interrogates the two ThunderClan toms. She defends Fireheart and Graystripe from her uncle, reasoning that they had no reason to steal kits when their own Clan is struggling to feed all it's members already.

After a Gathering, Bluestar approaches Mistyfoot to ask how her children are faring. She's surprised to be approached by the leader of ThunderClan, but politely reports that they're all doing well, and the Clan is recovering from the flood. After Silverstream dies of bloodloss while giving birth to her and Graystripe's kittens, Fireheart seeks out Mistyfoot to inform her of the tragedy. Mistyfoot is distraught to hear this, but thanks Fireheart for telling her, and goes to break the news to the rest of RiverClan. Later, Mistyfoot is apart of a patrol lead by Leopardfur to ThunderClan. Leopardfur demands to have Silverstream's kits, Featherkit and Stormkit, be raised in RiverClan. An argument breaks out, and eventually it's agreed upon that Bluestar will have until after the next Gathering to make her decision.

During Tigerclaw's coup against Bluestar, a RiverClan patrol arrives to hear her answer about the kits, only to find the camp being attacked by rogues. They join in the fight to defend the neighboring Clan, and for a moment Fireheart confuses Mistyfoot for Bluestar as she fights. Soon the rogues get driven off and Tigerclaw is banished for treason, with the ThunderClan cats thanking the patrol for aiding them. Mistyfoot explains that they've come for the kittens, but Leopardfur leads the patrol back home, wanting to give ThunderClan time to recover from the attack. The patrol returns the next day, where Mistyfoot remarks that the two kits are now big enough to make it across the river. Wanting to avoid a war between the two Clans, Graystripe agrees to let RiverClan have the kits, joining the Clan as well so he may continue to raise them. Despite Leopardfur's reservations about Graystripe's addition, Mistyfoot welcomes him as a new Clanmate and helps carry one of his kits to their new home.

A Dangerous Path[]

Fireheart meets with Mistyfoot during a Gathering, asking how Graystripe is doing. She explains that Leopardfur didn't let him come to the Gathering because of how freindly he acted towards ThunderClan as they sheltered from the fire. She then asks why Bluestar isn't present, wondering if she's sick. Fireheart tells her that his leader is still recovering from the fire, then asks how Crookedstar is holding up. Mistyfoot reports that he's fine, he's just dealing with a lot, and adds that she's more concerned about Graypool, as she's been developing dementia in her old age.

Later, while Fireheart and Graystripe are visiting at the border, Mistyfoot interrupts them and asks if either of them have seen Graypool recently. She says that the elderly she-cat is very weak and confused, worrying if she wandered off and could now be anywhere. Graystripe goes back to the RiverClan camp with Mistyfoot, while Fireheart goes to look for Graypool at Fourtrees. There, he witnesses Graypool on top of the Highrock with Tigerstar, mistaking him for Oakheart. She tells him about Mistyfoot's and Stonefur's half-Clan origins, before realizing who Tigerstar really is, and slips as she backs away, hitting her head and dying as she falls from the Highrock. Mistyfoot and Graystripe then catch up with Fireheart, who explains what happened, but doesn't mention Tigerstar. Graypool's body is then carried back to RiverClan camp, where Mistyfoot and her brother mourn her loss.

As RiverClan fights with ThunderClan at the Sunningrocks once more, intent on taking the terriotry in return for sheltering them from the fire, Mistyfoot and Stonefur corner Bluestar. They're confused as to why she won't fight back, and Mistyfoot accuses her of being too scared to. Fireheart then intervenes, beging the two to stop, telling them that they can't kill Bluestar because she's their mother. The two refuse to belive it, snarling at her, but sparing her. After the battle, Bluestar approaces the two, asking for them to come visit sometime. They reply that she's no mother of theirs as they leave.

Once Featherkit and Stormkit reach six moons old, they become warrior apprentices, with Mistyfoot being Featherpaw's mentor while her brother mentors Stormpaw. When Crookedstar dies and Leopardstar succeeds him as leader, Mistyfoot cheers for Stonefur as the new leader choses him as deputy. After Bluestar sacrifices herself to save ThunderClan from Tigerstar's dog pack, she plummets into the river below the gorge, and despite Fireheart's best efforts he's unable to save her. Mistyfoot and Stonefur then arrive and pull the two onto shore, but it's too late to save Bluestar. With her dying breaths, she begs her two kits to forgive her for giving them away. They accept her apology, forgiving her and acknowledging her as their mother. After Bluestar dies, Mistyfoot and Stonefur go to ThunderClan's camp to attend her vigil.

The Darkest Hour[]

Mistyfoot and Stonefur sit with Bluestar's body in the leader's den, sharing tongues with her for the first and last time. While going to visit their leader's body, some ThunderClan cats find the two there, panicking under the assumption that they're invading. Fireheart calms his Clanmates and explains the situation, and the two RiverClan warriors leave soon after.

After Tigerstar and Leopardstar merge their two Clans together to make TigerClan, Mistyfoot, Stonefur and their apprentices are taken prisoner for being half-Clan. The four are kep in an old den and starved, until one day Tigerstar brings out Stonefur, Featherpaw and Stormpaw, ordering the warrior to prove his loyalty by killing the two apprentices. When he refuses, Tigerstar orders Darkstripe and Blackfoot to kill him, before sending the apprentices back into the den with Mistyfoot. Firestar, Graystripe and Ravenpaw then come to the prisoners' rescue, making a narrow escape after Mistyfoot grieves her brother. They're taken to ThunderClan camp for refuge, where Firestar stops his nephew Cloudtail from attacking them, explaining what happened.

After Tigerstar's death, Mistyfoot and the rest of RiverClan joins LionClan to fight against BloodClan, a large group of bloodthirsty rogues from the twolegplace. Before the battle, Leopardstar apologizes for allowing what took place in TigerClan to happen, asking Mistyfoot to be her new deputy. Mistyfoot is uncertain at first, but agrees, wanting to do justice to her brother's memory. After the battle, she thanks Firestar for his help, telling him she's thankful for being sheltered in ThunderClan, but she's a true RiverClan cat at heart. She, Featherpaw and Stormpaw then all return home with their Clanmates.

A Shadow in RiverClan[]

Mistyfoot congratulates Feathertail and Stormfur after their warrior ceremonies and helps them prepare for their warriorhood vigils. She comments that Stonefur would be proud, and the three take a moment to mourn him. When a rogue named Sasha joins RiverClan with her two children Hawk and Moth, Mistyfoot, Feathertail and Stormfur all help her watch over the kits. When Hawkpaw and Mothpaw become warrior apprentice, Leopardstar mentors the former and assigns Mistyfoot to the later, wanting to show the rest of the Clan that the newcomers are welcome by having them trin under the leader and deputy. Later, after a fox attack RiverClan's camp and is fought off, Leopardstar organizes a small patrol of herself, Feathertail, Stormfur and Hawkpaw to track down its den and chase it out. Mistyfoot questions the choice to bring Hawkpaw along, as he's still rather young, but Leopardstar points out that he's a skilled fighter after he helped fight off the fox, and if anything happens, then she'll protect him.

The New Prophecy[]


At a Gathering, Mistyfoot introduces Hawkfrost and Mothwing to ThunderClan's new medicine cat apprentice Leafpaw. When WindClan's leader Tallstar requests to get water from RiverClan, as the streams in the moorlands have dried up due to the drought, Mistyfoot helps Leopardstar come to the decision to aid them. When Blackclaw complains about this, Mistyfoot points out that RiverClan has needed help from the other Clans in the past, and wouldn't still be there if it wasn't for them, adding that RiverClan has plenty of water to spare. After the Gathering, Graystripe notices that she's troubled about something, and after Leopardstar reveals that Mothwing is now training as a medicine cat under Mudfur, Mistyfoot says that's what's bothering her, as she's unsure of a cat born as a rogue holding such a position.

When a ThunderClan search party visits RiverClan to ask if anyone has seen their missing Clanmates Brambleclaw and Squirrelpaw, RiverClan reveals that Feathertail and Stormfur are gone as well, with Mistyfoot fearing that predators took them away. Leafpaw responds that if that happened, there would be traces of said predator around. Mistyfoot then speculate if they left because RiverClan blamed them for Graystripe breaking the code and later leaving RiverClan, and that Brambleclaw may have left because he's the son of Tigerstar, but has no clue as to why Squirrelpaw is gone. Hawkfrost suggests they ask ShadowClan and WindClan if they're missing members as well, and Mistyfoot says that's a good idea, remarking that it'll be easy to ask WindClan, but they'll have to wait until the next Gathering to ask ShadowClan. They later find out that Tawnypelt of ShadowClan and Crowpaw of WindClan have gone missing, too.


When Mistyfoot's son Reedpaw gets caught in the river's current, unable to swim to shore, she jumps in to save him as he clings to a floating branch. She's able to drag him out, where Leafpaw, who was gathering herbs nearby, resuscitates him. Mothwing and Hawkfrost then show up, and Mistyfoot tells them to go get Mudfur, but the golden tabby replies that he's out collecting herbs. Mothwing then helps Leafpaw tend to Reedpaw, the two instructing his mother to start licking his fur to help it dry and warm him. Mistyfoot supports her son's shoulders, and once he's able to stand, she thanks the two medicine cats before helping him get back home.

As twolegs begin tearing down the forest, Mistyfoot gets caught by one of them and put into a cage in the back of a truck, along with Cloudtail and Brightheart of ThunderClan, Gorsetail of WindClan and several rogues. Leafpaw later joins them and Mistyfoot recognizes one of these rogues as Sasha, who had left RiverClan shortly after her kits were apprenticed.


Mistyfoot explains to the others that she and Gorsetail got capture while she was chasing the WindClan warrior out of her territory. She then asks Sasha if she's ok, wondering why she came back to the forest. She then tells her former Clanmates that it's mostly rogues who were captured, but some Clan cats are trapped too, as well as a kittypet named Cody. A ThunderClan patrol arrives to free the trapped cats, and the Clan cats and rogues are all able to escape, but Graystripe gets stuck in the truck as it drives away. When she gets back to RiverClan, she resumes her role as deputy, which Leopardstar had appointed Hawkfrost to in her absence. Hawkfrost, wanting to become RiverClan's next leader, is furious at this, and begins to constantly question and undermine Mistyfoot's authority to spite her.

She later helps ShadowClan evacuate their camp as twolegs tear it down. Hawkfrost tells everyone to run, but Mistyfoot tells him to wait until everyone has evacuated. Due to twoleg pollution, RiverClan then takes shelter at Sunningrocks with ThunderClan and ShadowClan. After Leopardstar admits that the forest is no longer hospitable, Mistyfoot announces to the other three Clans that RiverClan will be going with them to find a new home. When the leader of ShadowClan Blackstar says that ShadowClan will sleep separately from ThunderClan and have guards keep watch during the night, Mistyfoot reminds him that they just saved his Clan from the twolegs, asking if he thinks ThunderClan only brought ShadowClan to Sunningrocks to attack them. Soon the four Clans all leave on a long journey to find a new home, eventually coming upon a lake, where they decide to settle.


Mistyfoot is sent to go scout out the lake territory and find new places for the Clans, alongside Squirrelflight, Brambleclaw, Tawnypelt and Crowfeather. After assessing the land for a bit, Mistyfoot wants to go back and tell the leaders of their findings, but Tawnypelt protests, wanting to find a territory for ShadowClan. The ShadowClan warrior accuses the blue-gray she-cat of not caring about the other Clans, as RiverClan had already found a good camp. They continue with exploring the lake, with Mistyfoot taking over as the group's leader as she's a deputy.

After Tallstar's death, a civil war erupts in WindClan over if Mudclaw or Onewhisker should be the new leader. After Hawkfrost tells Brambleclaw this, Mistyfoot informs him that Leopardstar wants him to help decide what to say at the next Gathering, regarding how he and Blackclaw chased a badger out of their territory. Mistyfoot later warns ThunderClan of Mudclaw's rebellion, and suspects that Hawkfrost is helping him plan to overthrow Onewhisker as leader.


On the island in the middle of the lake where Gathering are now held, Mistyfoot sits with the othe rdeputies below the Great Oak, where the leaders adress the Clans. As an arguement break out over cats crossing each other's territories to get to the gathering island, she points out that cats need to cross through other Clans regardless, not just for attackign or goin to the Gathering. She, Mosspelt and an unnamed apprentice later meet Leafpool at the border, who has some herbs for Mothwing. Sniffing the herbs, Mistyfoot finds that it's catmint, and tells Leafpool that the golden tabby is in camp, inviting her to join them as they were about to head back there. Mistyfoot welcomes Leafpool into the camp when they arrive, and when the ThunderClan she-cat remarks that RiverClan has settled in well, the blue-gray deputie comments that it's a nice place to live. She then informs Mothwing that her friend is visiting, and the golden tabby thanks her as she pads away.


After Stormfur, who had left RiverClan to join the Tribe of Rushing Water in the mountains, comes back with his mate Brook, Brambleclaw asks how they are at the next gathering, and Mistyfoot reports that they're both fine, and she's happy to see Stormfur again. She then laments the fact that they won't be staying loner, suggesting they plan to go back to the Tribe. This confuses Brambleclaw, who thought they'd be staying in RiverClan permanently. When Mothing claims to have had a prophetic dream that Stormfur and Brook don't belong, Mistyfoot defends them, stating that the idea Stormfur shouldn't be in RiverClan is ridiculous after he already grew up there.

Blackstar then reports twoleg activity in ShadowClan increasing, And Mistyfoot adds that they lit a small fire recently. As cats begin to argue over territories, Hawkfrost challenges the others, and Mistyfoot snaps at him not to speak for all of RiverClan. As the argument escalates and it looks as though a fight will break out, Mistyfoot reminds everyone that Gatherings are a time of peace between all Clans, and fighting during them is against the warrior code, though most ignore her.

After Brook is caught accidentally crossing the border while hunting, Hawkfrost brings up his sister's supposed dream that she and Stormfur don't belong back at camp. When it looks like Stormfur is about to attack him, Mistyfoot intervenes, telling him to think first, before asking how long he and Brook plan on staying. When the two toms end of fighting regardless, Mistyfoot and Blackclaw have to pull them apart, after which Stormfur and Brook are exiled.

The Power of Three[]

Dark River[]

After twolegs begin to pollute RiverClan's territory once more, the Clan moves to the Gathering island as their new camp. Crowfeather asks what they'll do when they run out of prey, and Mistyfoot snarls that they won't start eating WindClan's rabbits if that's what he's worried about. When the ThunderClan apprentice Hollypaw is spotted in RiverClan territory, she's accused of being a spy and taken prisoner. Mistyfoot watches over her, making sure she won't try to escape when she goes to bring fresh-kill to the medicine den. Hollypaw is grateful that the deputy isn't being pushy, and the older she-cat tells her that the fish she brought to Mothwing and her apprentice Willowpaw should be enough. When a ThunderClan patrol arrives to bring Hollypaw home, Mistyfoot leads her to them.

Omen of the Stars[]

The Fourth Apprentice[]

As Leopardstar begins growing weaker from her diabetes, and is losing her better judgement with age, so Mistyfoot takes over many of her duties, and helps her take her place on the Great Oak at the next Gathering. After the RiverClan warrior Rainstorm falls into the mud near the drying-up lake, a ThunderClan patrol saves him and takes him back to their camp to rest. When a patrol led by Mistyfoot comes to retrieve them, the ThunderClan warrior Lionblaze is relived to find she isn't as aggressive as her Clanmates, though she remains wary of the other Clans because of the drought.

After finding out that the cause of the drought it beavers blocking the stream leading to the lake, Firestar suggests each Clan send two of its members to go unblock it. Leopardstar is suspicious though, and refuses until Mistyfoot convinces her otherwise. Rippletail and Petalfur are chosen as RiverClan's representatives, and like the other three deputies, Mistyfoot escorts them to the other chosen cats.

Mistystar's Omen[]

After the beaver's dam was destroyed, Mistyfoot and Leopardstar look at the refilling lake as the latter talks about how the fish are returning, and their Clan will survive. On the way back to camp though, Leopardstar suddenly collapses, and Mistyfoot rushes to get Mothwing. The medicine cat tells her to get Pebblefoot and Mintfur to support her. As they get back home, Mistyfoot tries reassuring her leader that she'll be ok, but Leopardstar tells her that she's going to StarClan soon. She apologizes for the harm she's caused her deputy in the past, and as she sleeps, murmurs that she'd have been proud to call Mistyfoot her daughter.

Upon Leopardstar's death, Mistyfoot calls a Clan meeting to announce their leader's passing. Afterwards, she has Grasspelt lead a hunting patrol, and Reedwhisker lead a border patrol. Willowshine then hesitantly asks Mistyfoot if she wants her to go with her to the Moonpool, and the blue-gray she-cat declines, confused by the medicine cat's hesitance. During Leopardstar's vigil, Mothwing reminds Mistyfoot that she needs to pick her first deputy soon. Mistyfoot then calls another Clan meeting to name Reedwhisker as deputy. Mossypaw protests that he was only chosen because he's her son, but Mothwing back up Mistyfoot's decision. She then makes a promise to Leopardstar to continue the past leader's legacy of loyalty and courage without making the same mistakes. The spirit of Stonefur then appears to congratulate his sister on becoming leader, but she somberly replies that he should've been the one instead. He tells her that he was never meant to lead RiverClan, promising that they'll meet again soon at the ceremony before disappearing.

Mistyfoot wakes up Mothwing, urging that they must get to the Moonpool right away. The golden tabby is confused as to why they have to leave so soon, but agrees anyways. When they get to the Moonpool, Mistyfoot touches her nose to it's waters, and is lulled to sleep. She visits StarClan in her dreams, but is confused to not find Mothwing with her. She then begins the leadership ceremony, being given a life of motherly love from Graypool, a life of equality from Stonefur, a life of accepting fate from Feathertail, a life of wisdom and strength from Crookedstar, a life of courage to follow her heart from Oakheart, a life of doing the right thing from Bluestar, a life of finding happiness from Silverstream, a life of curiosity from Rippletail, and finally a life of bravery from Perchkit. She is then given the new name Mistystar, and as the cats of StarClan chant it, Pikepaw and Primrosepaw tell their mother that they're proud of her. Mistystar is about to reply, but suddenly awakens next to the Moonpool.

Mistystar asks Mothwing why she wasn't at the ceremony, and reluctantly the medicine cat reveals that she doesn't believe in StarClan. The newly-named leader is shocked and angry at this, rushing back home as Mothwing tries to apologize to her. As they travel back to RiverClan, they encounter Firestar and inform him of Leopardstar's passing. They stop in ThunderClan camp, where Jayfeather offers to give them some travelling herbs for the rest of the way back. Before they leave, Mistystar asks Mothwing if Jayfeather knows of lack of faith in StarClan, and she says he does. They encounter a WindClan patrol and tell them about Leopardstar's death as well as they continue, and the patrol goes to inform Onestar. When they get home at last, Reedwhisker asks his mother if she's met StarClan and gotten nine lives. The Clan then cheers their new leader's name, while Mothwing stands off to the side. After Reedwhisker is sent to inform ShadowClan of RiverClan's new leader, Mothwing recites the burial rites for Blackclaw, Dawnflower and Voletooth, who had all died of starvation, and Mistystar wonders how their Clanmates would feel if the found out their medicine cat doesn't believe in their ancestors. Afterwards, Mistystar goes into the leader's den and starts taking out the old bedding with Graymist's help. She snaps at Graymist when the gray tabby remarks she must be exhausted. She says that there's still lots of work to do, and she still misses Leopardstar. Graymist then leaves, leaving the leader alone with her thoughts as she takes note of how the den still has Leopardstar's scent. As she falls asleep in her new den, she wonders if she'll visit StarClan again in her dreams, but is instead greeted by a dark, empty landscape.

The next morning, Mistystar confronts Willowshine about how Mothwing hadn't trained her to communicate with StarClan. Willowshine defends her former mentor before storming off. Mothwing then asks about the confrontation, and Mistystar feels the medicine cat is endangering the Clan by not giving them a proper link to their ancestors. A hunting patrol then returns with minimal fresh-kill, with the blue-gray she-cat looking at it in dismay as Mallownose reports that the fish still haven't fully returned. Reedwhisker then shows up, saying that Blackstar is sorry to hear about Leopardstar's death, but is looking forward to seeing Mistystar at the next Gathering, then asks if everyone has eaten. Mistystar says no, but that they're discussing where to hunt while waiting for the fish to come back. She then goes on a hunting patrol, accidentally crossing into WindClan's territory, where Antpelt confronts her. Mistystar apologizes on her Clan's behalf, before encouraging the patrol to continue on and not make a fuss about what happened with Antpelt, since they were in the wrong.

At the next half moon, Mistystar recalls how Mothwing always made excuses to avoid going to the medicine cat meeting. She contemplates whether or not the Clan should start using a different method to fish, but feels that an answer would come in the form of a sign from StarClan that Mothwing wouldn't be able to interpret. She angrily thinks that the amber-eyed medicine cat has made it impossible to lead with confidence. She confronts Mothwing and Willowshine in the medicine den the next morning, declaring that the golden tabby has been demoted, and the gray she-cat will be RiverClan's only medicine cat from then on. Willowshine protests, pointing out how unfair it is to expect her to care for the entire Clan on her own, but Mistystar retorts that StarClan will help her. She then tells Mothwing that she's served her Clan well, and will be taken good care of as an elder. Mothwing states she knew she would be punished for not believing in StarClan, but the leader replies that it isn't punishment, she's just trying to do what's best for the Clan. Reluctantly Mothwing concedes, saying their Clan had gone through enough change already, and that she'll announce her retirement at the next Gathering, but no sooner.

As Mistystar walks away, Podkit comes up to show her the "prey" he'd caught; a small twig, and she silently begins to grieve her own kits as she speaks to her Clanmates. At Duskfur's suggestion, she orders a barrier to be constructed around the nursery to keep kittens away from the water. As she's assigning cats to construct it though, she notices that some of the apprentices are missing. They soon return to camp, claiming that they were out collecting moss, and though she's still concerned, Mistystar accepts this answer. She then sees them taking smaller peices of prey from the fresh-kill pile, and wonders if they felt guilty for wandering off. Meanwhile, frequent storms keep RiverClan confined to camp, and their leader suggests expanding their territory to hunt in until the fish come back. She and Reedwhisker lead a hunting patrol, and as the rain dies down, the two of them stand by the lake while looking for fish. She brings up her idea of expanding the territory again, and the Clan supports this idea. She then leads a patrol to do so, catching several mice, enough to have everyone eat half a mouse each. Hollowpaw and Rushpaw decline their halves, though, leading Mistystar to suspect that they're getting food from elsewhere in secret.

She and Beetlewhisker go fishing later, and when the leader points out a trout, the brown-and-white tom tells her that Mothwing told him not to catch it. She asks Mothwing about it when they get back to camp, and the former medicine cat explains that leaving the trout will allow it to lay eggs and repopulate the lake. The two then get into an argument about the golden tabby's medicine cat position before Reedwhisker rushes in, exclaiming that Rushpaw and Hollowpaw are in danger. He explains that they're trapped in twoleg houses with dogs, and he goes with his mother and a patrol to rescue them. Reedwhisker distracts the dogs while the rest of the patrol saves the apprentices, but the deputy is severely injured in the process. Mallownose saves him from the dogs, and the apprentices confess that they were captured while looking for kittypet food.

Reedwhisker is taken back to camp, where Mothwing is barred from helping Willowshine tend to him, even after his condition worsens. Stonefur tells his sister that her son's life hangs in the balance, and Mistystar is terrified that she'll lose her last remaining kit, begging Stonefur to tell Willowshine what to do. Stonefur remarks that RiverClan has more than one medicine cat, but the leader protests, bringing up her lack of belief in StarClan. The spirit of the gray tom reminds her that when she was giving birth, it wasn't StarClan who told her how, but her own instincts. He advises to trust in Mothwing's instincts as well before disappearing once more. Later, Mistystar sees a moth emerging from its cocoon and struggling to fly, but soon becoming airborne and flying away. She realizes its a sign from Stonefur to trust Mothwing, racing back to camp to find her.

When she finds Mothwing in the elder's den, she apologizes for demoting her, admitting she's made a grave mistake. She then begs the younger she-cat to save her son, and Mothwing agrees to help him. The blue-gray leader then visits the Moonpool, where the spirit of Mudfur tells her that he took on Mothwing as his apprentice despite her lack of faith because she was a skilled and compassionate healer. She then awakes to see Mothwing, who informs her that Reedwhisker will be ok. She then says that even though she doesn't believe in their ancestors, she still learns things from the other medicine cats every time she goes to the half moon meetings. Mistystar nods, remarking that she never knew a moth could teach her so much, which confuses Mothwing. The leader brushes it off, and the two return home together.

Omen of the Stars (cont.)[]

Fading Echoes[]

At Mistystar's first Gathering as a leader, Firestar, Onestar and Blackstar all formally welcome her. She comments that Leopardstar would have done anything to protect her Clan, before announcing that Petalfur has returned from the quest to destroy the beaver dam, but Rippletail had been killed during it, and the Clan mourns his loss. Blackstar shows grief for Leopardstar's death, and he and Firestar both wish Mistystar luck with her leadership.

Sign of the Moon[]

At the next gathering, Mistystar reports that Rushtail and Troutstream have become warriors, and a badger has been chased out of RiverClan's territory. The other leaders ask if the badger is heading towards their territories, and she assures them that it isn't, as she would have warned them if it was. Jayfeather later sees Mistystar in a vision along with several other cats, all flailing as they plummet down the waterfall in front of the Tribe's cave and plunge into a whirlpool below.

The Last Hope[]

While Jayfeather visits Mothwing, Mistystar welcomes him, unlike the rest of her Clan, allowing him to see the golden tabby. After they converse for a bit though, the leader apologetically asks Jayfeather to leave, saying her Clanmates don't wish to see him after the ShadowClan warrior Dawnpelt accused him of murdering her brother Flametail, and she must respect those wishes. She then has a few warriors escort the ThunderClan medicine cat out of RiverClan.

While the four leader discuss the upcoming battle against the Dark Forest, Mistystar agrees to send three of her warriors to help defend ThunderClan. She wonders how the dead could attack the living, and when learning of the ThunderClan warrior Dovewing's power to see and hear things that are far away, she and Blackstar accuse her of spying on their Clans. After Dovewing reports of a cat complaining about training in the Dark Forest, the blue-gray she-cat wonders how a Clan cat could be training with their enemies. Dovewing identifies this cat as Icewing, a warrior of RiverClan, which Mistystar is shocked about. She later helps in the Great Battle, fighting against the Dark Forest, and eventually driving them out, though her Clanmates Dapplenose, Hollowflight, Troutstream and Robinwing are all killed in the process.

Dovewing's Silence[]

In the aftermath of the battle against the Dark Forest, the leaders all meet up to decide what to do with their warriors who trained with the evil spirits. Mistystar explains that of the four trainees, Beetlewhisker had died shortly before the battle, and Hollowflight had died during it. But since they and their fellow trainees Icewing and Minnowtail regretted their actions and turned against the Dark Forest, she wants to give the remaining two a second chance, against the idea of exiling them. The leaders begin to argue, so they have one of the former trainees, a ThunderClan warrior named Ivypool, explain why they became trainees in the first place. Ivypool explains that the spirits of the Dark Forest had manipulated the trainees into joining them by preying upon their insecurities. Mistystar belives her, thanking her for speaking, and suggests that each leader should decide what to do with the trainees on their own, as they know their Clanmates best. Mothwing suggests having all the ex-trainees swear an oath of loyalty to their Clan, which the leaders all agree to.

Bramblestar's Storm[]

Mistystar leads her anxious Clan to the Gathering, joining the other leaders in the branches of the Great Oak. As Blackstar recites all those who had died in the battle against the Dark Forest, Mistystar tells him to stop, saying that the Clans need to honor their deceased members in their own ways. Blackstar protests, but she reasons that they must move on with their lives instead of constantly dwelling upon the Clanmates they've lost. After a brief argument, she prays for StarClan to guide them in difficult times to come. She then reports that rising water levels had caused her Clan to move their camp for the time being, and that Petalfur has given birth to her and Mallownose's kittens: Jaykit, Brackenkit and Owlkit.

When ThunderClan's new leader Bramblestar leads a patrol to check on RiverClan, Mistystar calmly greets him, remarking that it's hard getting around the lake during the flood. When Bramblestar expresses his worries about RiverClan with said flood, she tell him that they're fine, and had evacuated their camp in precaution when they noticed the flooding start. After the brown tabby tom admits that ThunderClan also lost their camp in the flood, she stands beside him sympathetically, and the two look out over the lake. She wonders if things will go back to normal soon, and the two leaders assure each other that things will turn out ok.

At the Gathering after the Great Storm, Mistystar reports that RiverClan's camp has been badly damaged and they're still rebuilding it, with some sleeping there again already. She adds that most of the Clan survived the storm, but sadly says that Grassheart and Pebblefoot had not. Bramblestar brushes his tail against her and says that ThunderClan lost Seedpaw during the storm, so he knows how she feels. At the next Gathering, the Stick of the Fallen that Jayfeather made as a memorial to the cats who died while fighting the Dark Forest is found. Mistystar asks what it is, and the ThunderClan warrior Cherryfall tells her it's purpose, and Mothwing comments that RiverClan has something similar, but with a ring of ferns. Bramblestar then proposes a new rule for the warrior code: "Each Clan has the right to be proud and independent, but in times of trouble they must forget their boundaries and fight side by side to protect the four. Each Clan must help the others so that no Clan will fall." Mistystar exclaims her approval, and says the new rule is for the good of every cat.

A Vision of Shadows[]

The Apprentice's Quest[]

During a Gathering, Mistystar is about to report how her Clan is doin, but Rowanstar interrupts and asks why they're acting like it's a normal Gathering, irritating the blue-eyed she-cat. Bramblestar then tells the Clans that Alderpaw of ThunderClan and Needlepaw of ShadowClan had found two kits named Twigkit and Violetkit, who may be related to a prophecy. They begin arguing if the kits should stay in ThunderClan or go to ShadowClan, with Mistystar and Onestar pointing out that the prophecy was for all the Clans, and Bramblestar doesn't have the right to keep two kits who may be related to it all to himself. They come to an agreement to have one kit in both Clans. As cats whisper about Twigkit and Violetkit and try getting a closer look, Mistystar grows frustrated and brings the Gathering to an end.

Thunder and Shadow[]

At the next Gathering, Mistystar speaks with the deputies near the Great oak, and soon after announces that Foxnose and Shadepelt are now warriors. Rowanstar then announces that several of ShadowClan's apprentices, as well as Violetkit, have left to join a group of rogues known as The Kin that have taken up residence at the lake. Mistystar is shocked at this, and Rowanstar states that Violetkit must not have been apart of the prophecy after all, but Mistystar ignores him and tells Bramblestar that rescuing the kit is too risky when he suggests it.

At the Gathering after, Bramblestar announces that Violetpaw has returned to ShadowClan, and Mistystar is surprised about her supposed rescue, but the brown tabby explains that she rejoined herself. ShadowClan then arrives late, with Rowanstar's deputy Crowfrost leading them, as the leader is too sick to go himself. Crowfrost explains that his Clan is being plagued by yellowcough, and requests to borrow some lungwort to cure it. Onestar refuses, and Mistystar promises to look for the herb in RiverClan territory, though has low hopes that she'll find it. At the Gathering after that, Mistystar announce two new RiverClan apprentices: Wavepaw and Cypresspaw. Rowanstar then shows up with only his mate Tawnypelt and son Tigerheart. Mistystar asks what happened, and Rowanstar reveals that the rest of his Clan have been taken over by The Kin.

Shattered Sky[]

The three Clans and what's left of ShadowClan plan to attack The Kin in an attempt to drive them out. Mistystar interrupts Rowanstar's and Onestar's bickering, asking what hope they'll have if they start fighting with each other. She takes Rowanstar's side that they have to get rid of The Kin, as they killed Furzepelt and took over ShadowClan. During the battle however, WindClan suddenly retreats, and Mistystar exclaims her disbelief before getting attacked by one of the rogues. RiverClan's warriors rush to her aid, but more rogues begin to attack the leader. Soon The Kin outnumbers the Clans, and they're forced to retreat. At the next Gathering, Mistystar shows up with a large gash stretching from her neck to her hind leg from the battle. She glares at Onestar when he arrives, questioning his sudden retreat. She adds that her Clan had suffered the worst during the battle, with Perchwing being killed, just to solve a problem they didn't cause.

Soon after The Kin attacks RiverClan, knowing they still haven't recovered from the previous battle. The Kin's leader Darktail is about to land a killing blow on Mistystar, when Reedwhisker intervenes and saves her. The Kin ends up defeating RiverClan, killing Petalfur, Heronwing, Foxnose and Shadepelt in the process. Darktail then orders the RiverClan cats to leave, claiming the territory for himself. Somberly Mistystar relents, and the Clan prepares to take the dead warriors with them for burial, but Darktail forces them to leave their fallen Clanmates behind to rot. He also takes Reedwhisker, Brackenpelt, Icewing and Mintfur prisoner, as they're too wounded to flee with the rest of the Clan.

RiverClan takes refuge in ThunderClan, and Mistystar later takes a patrol to rescue their trapped Clanmates, but a rogue named Raven catches them and makes them leave, threatening to have the prisoners killed if they try to save them again. When Rowanstar suggests attacking The Kin again, Mistystar refuses, since so many of her cats have suffered because of Darktail already. She, Rowanstar and Bramblestar begin debating whether or not to take the risk in attacking Darktail, with the blue-gray she-cat fretting that her warriors need more time to heal.

When Alderheart and Violetpaw come up with a plan to sneak the prisoners out by sedating The Kin with poppy seeds, she agrees to this idea, and is relived when Violetpaw succeeds in saving the four hostages. When the fifth Clan, SkyClan, arrives at the lake, Mistystar greets their leader Leafstar. Soon after all five Clans attack The Kin, this time succeeding as the rogues flee and disband following Onestar drowning Darktail.

Darkest Night[]

Mistystar and the rest of RiverClan continues to stay in ThunderClan's camp while their own camp is being repaired and some of their members are recovering. A patrol Mistystar leads returns to the camp one day to find some of their Clanmates getting into an argument with the ThunderClan cats over prey. Mistystar scolds her arguing warriors before thanking Bramblestar for sheltering her Clan and saying RiverClan is ready to leave.

At the Gathering, Rowanstar states that ShadowClan's crimes in supporting The Kin has been paid with their warriors' blood, and Mistystar responds that RiverClan had quite a bit of blood spilt by The Kin as well. Rowanstar replies that he hopes StarClan will forgive ShadowClan, but doesn't expect RiverClan to do so. Mistystar then announces that her Clan's borders will be closed while they rebuild, with no other Clan cats allowed to visit the territory. The other leaders protest this, but she doesn't reconsider, having her Clan leave early shortly after.

When the medicine cats - save for Mothwing and Willowshine - all get a prophecy from StarClan of "The dark sky must not herald a storm", Alderheart, Jayfeather, Kestrelflight and Puddleshine all try to tell this to Mistystar. When they try getting into RiverClan territory though, a patrol lead by Duskfur catches them and sends them away. When Willowshine later visits Alderheart to tell him she'd also recived the prophecy, he asks her what Mistystar thinks of Duskfur sending the medicine cats away earlier, and she replies that the leader condoned it and blames the other Clans for not driving out Darktail and his rogues sooner.

River of Fire[]

When a RiverClan patrol catches Alderheart and his sister Sparkpelt collecting watermint too close to the border, Havenpelt fetches Mistystar to deal with them. She allows the two to gather the herbs they need, but reminds them that RiverClan's borders are still closed. At the next Gathering, she and her Clan are entirely absent. When a lightning strike sets fire to RiverClan's camp, several of ThunderClan's, ShadowClan's and WindClan's warriors arrive to help with the evacuation. Mistystar stays beside the Clan's old and weak members before the other Clans push over a large log for them to cross, and soon after thanks Twigpaw and Finpaw for saving Softpaw. RiverClan then stays in ShadowClan's camp while their own camp is rebuilt once more. Mistystar has her Clan attend the next gathering, where she thanks the other Clans for their help and reopens the borders. The others confront her on only changing her mind after they helped them escape the fire, but she replies that she was already planning on reopening before that.

The Raging Storm[]

At the next Gathering, Mistystar is opposed to giving SkyClan some of RiverClan's territory, pointing out that they'd have no use for her Clan's marshes or river. She later supports having SkyClan leave the lake and return to their original home in the gorge, since things have been very complicated ever since their arrival. She soon comes to regret this decision however when a violent storm starts soon after SkyClan's departure, sending Willowshine, Lizardtail and Icewing to help find them and bring them back. She then apologizes to Leafstar at the next Gathering, giving up a bit of her Clan's territory so SkyClan will have enough room at the lake.

Squirrelflight's Hope[]

At a meeting, Mistystar shares Harestar's and Tigerstar's concerns regarding the new borders, noting that it was a waste of territory to give a patch of land only RiverClan cats can use to ShadowClan. Squirrelflight suggests that SkyClan move to a large unoccupied piece of land above ThunderClan territory, which Mistystar supports, having faith that they'll overcome any challenges faced there.

At the next Gathering, she's eager for SkyClan to move so that her Clan may have their patch of land back. However, SkyClan is waiting for a group named The Sisters, who have taken up residence in this territory for the time being, to leave once their kits are old enough to travel. Mistystar suggests that SkyClan's mediator Tree could try to get them to leave sooner, as he's the son of The Sisters' leader Moonlight, but Tree refuses.

Mistystar and Tigerstar later confront Bramblestar, accusing him of moving the borders before SkyClan has moved and pressing him to drive The Sisters out. The Sisters refuse to leave early though, so the leaders angrily prepare an attack to force them out. When Squirrelflight is found to have gone on ahead to warn The Sisters, Mistystar accuses her of treason.

The Broken Code[]

Lost Stars[]

Mistystar reports the frozen lake at the Gathering, remarking that her Clan has almost forgotten what fish tastes like. When the ShadowClan medicine cat apprentice Shadowpaw gets a vision from StarClan while none of the others are even able to reach their ancestors, Mistystar and most of the other leaders are conflicted on whether or not it's true, though the old she-cat comforts him. After "Bramblestar" recovers from losing a life, she asks him what he saw while in StarClan, as no one else is able to communicate with them still. He retorts that she should know that what happens between a leader and StarClan is meant to be a secret. When "Bramblestar" starts insisting that the only way to appease StarClan and have them return is to harshly punish those who've broken the warrior code in the past, Mistystar, along with several others, is shocked.

The Silent Thaw[]

As cats begin arguing agaisnt the notion of punishing the codebreakers, Mistystar tells them that getting angry at each other won't help. At the next Gathering, "Bramblestar" claims that a vision Shadowsight has recently had is proof that StarClan wants codebreakers to be punished, but Mistystar narrows her eyes at him and questions if the vision really came from their ancestors. "Bramblestar" retorts that the vision came from a medicine cat, asking if she'd deny that. She replies that she doesn't, but just wants to be sure that they're doing the right thing before punishing anyone.

"Bramblestar" asks what good the warrior code is if they don't enforce it, before asking Leafstar if she also objects to the idea of punishment. Mistystar retorts that she wasn't raising any objections, but "Bramblestar" ignores her and presses Leafstar for an answer. Eventually, alongside most of the other leaders, Mistystar ends up agreeing to the codebreaker punishment. As the Gathering ends, "Bramblestar" glares at her and asks if he's the only one who's willing to carry out StarClan's wishes, and she responds that they're all trying to do that.

Veil of Shadows[]

At an emergency Gathering, "Bramblestar" convinces Mistystar and Harestar to exile Mothwing and Crowfeather, as one was born of a forbidden relationship while the other was apart of one. The blueish-gray she-cat feels bad for banishing Mothwing, she and Harestar were convinced by "Bramblestar's" claims that keeping codebreakers in their Clans was causing the recent heavy rain and prey shortage. After Dappletuft joins a failed assassination attempt on "Bramblestar's" life, and is subsequently killed by him, Mistystar announces at the next Gathering that the warrior had been buried like a rogue with no vigil for treason, before affirming her support of ThunderClan's leader.

When Willoshine tries to tell her leader that the real Bramblestar has been possessed, Mistystar refuses to listen. She and Harestar join forces with ThunderClan to fight against the rebelling ShadowClan and SkyClan, as well as the exiled rebels. During the battle though, Harestar loses a life, and revives to announce that StarClan told him "Bramblestar" really is possessed. The other Clans then turn against him, and the imposter is taken prisoner by ShadowClan. Mistystar then proposes that Squirrelflight should be ThunderClan's substitute leader until the real Bramblestar comes back, as she's already the Clan's deputy. Mistystar exiles Icewing and Harelight at the next Gathering for fighting against their Clanmates in the battle against the imposter. She then invites Mothwing to return, but the golden tabby refuses, calling her out for banishing two cats who were just helping to defeat the imposter. She, Icewing and Harelight then move to ShadowClan.

Darkness Within[]

At the next Gathering, Squirrelflight reveals that the cat possessing Bamblestar is her vengeful ex-mate Ashfur, and Mistystar agrees that it sounds like something he'd do. She then warns everyone not to do anything rash, suggesting each Clan send to warriors to guard the imprisoned Ashfur in ShadowClan. During a mass vigil held to honor cat who died because of Ashfur, Mistystar refuses to attend, still bitter about the Clanmates that opposed RiverClan during the battle. She sends Reedwhisker instead, and allows Lizardfang and Gorseclaw to go so they may mourn their deceased kin.

At another emergency Gathering, Tree and his son Rootspring reveal that the cats who have died recently - including Bramblestar - are unable to go to StarClan due to the severed connection, with Mistystar wondering if the ThunderClan leader is really gone forever, and unsure of the idea of getting The Sisters to help. When The Sisters are brought to SkyClan camp to summon the wandering spirits, Mistystar shows up as well, accompanied by Willowshine and Shimmerpelt. During the summoning, Tree and Rootspring see the wandering spirits with black hollow eyes, crying out in agony as Ashfur watches them with a pleased look. They conclude that Ashfur is keeping the other spirits hostage and torturing them, with Mistystar wondering if he has that power.

At yet another emergency Gathering, Mistystar hold a vote on whether or not Ashfur should be killed while he's still possessing Bramblestar's body. Leafstar, Harestar and Tigerstar are all in favor of killing him, but Mistystar and Squirrelflight defy this, worrying that killing Bramblestar's body may mean the real Bramblestar can never come back, and it might not even be able to kill Ashfur himself. the other leaders head towards ShadowClan after the Gathering to kill him anyways, but when they arrive, Shadowsight had been tricked into helping the prisoner escape.

The Place of No Stars[]

Cats of ThunderClan, RiverClan and WindClan who had all come to kill Ashfur confront ShadowClan over their prisoner's escape, with Mistystar snapping at Tigerstar for defending Shadowsight after he had helped with said escape, but stops Lionblaze from attacking anyone. When they learn that Ashfur had kidnapped Squirrelflight through the Moonpool and brought her to the Dark Forest, the blue-eyed she-cat sends one of her warriors, Jayclaw, to go fetch Willowshine. When the leaders and medicine cats all get to the Moonpool to investigate, she, Mothwing and Willowshine attempt to reach StarClan by swimming in the pool, but to no avail. When Willowshine volunteers to be sent to the Dark Forest via ritual, Mistystar is hesitant, but ultimately allows it. Ashfur kills Willowshine as soon as she gets there though, and both Mistystar and Mothwing mourn her loss.

A Light in the Mist[]

After Shadowsight returns from his travel to the Dark Forest, he tells everyone that they'll need reinforcements to go in with him to help fight against Ashfur and his forces. Mistystar is hesitant to do so after Willowshine's death, but soon volunteers to go in herself. Reedwhisker is apprehensive, since she's on her last life, but she assures him that if she dies, he'll make a fine leader in her place. She then goes to the Place of No Stars alongside Shadowsight, Graystripe, Violetshine and Crowfeather.

In the Dark Forest, the cats find that a wall of brambles has been blocking off access to StarClan, and that both afterlives are slowly starting to disappear because of it. As small hole has been made in the brambles though, where some StarClan cats are able to come through. Mistystar reunites with Silverstream, Feathertail and Firestar, and soon a large group of living cats, StarClan spirits and even residents of the Dark Forest rebelling against Ashfur go to confront him. After Ashfur loses hold of the wandering spirits he's brainwashed, Mistystar apologizes to Willowshine for indirectly getting her killed. Once they reach Ashfur, he tries getting them to side with him and abandon StarClan, but they all refuse, with RiverClan's leader stating he doesn't deserve to be a warrior. A battle then begins, ending when the ThunderClan warrior Bristlefrost sacrifices herself to tackle Ashfur into the dark water below, causing them both to fade away forever.

After the battle, the living cats briefly visit StarClan, where Mistystar asks Gray Wing why a cat like Ashfur was allowed into StarClan in the first place, and he explains that they though he had changed his ways when he died. The living and spirit cats then all agree to revise the warrior code, having three moons to finalize the changes. Once they return to the living world, Mistystar explains how the battle had been won and Ashfur's spirit is gone, but they had lost Bristlefrost in the process. Mothwing, Icewing and Harelight all return to RiverClan soon after, with Mistystar apologizing to them for her behavior. At the next Gathering, the revised warrior code is announced, and Bramblestar honors Mistystar, Graystripe, Violetshine, Crowfeather, Bristlefrost, Rootspring and Shadowsight for helping in Ashfur's defeat by granting them the titles of Lights in the Mist.

A Starless Clan[]


At the Gathering, Mistystat - who is looking increadibly old and frail - announces that RiverClan has a new medicine cat apprentice in Frostpaw. She then reveals with the other leader the updated warrior code, which now includes a rule allowing cats to move Clans freely by completing an assessment first. They elaborate that any cat who wishes to move must state their intent to do so at a Gathering, and the Clan they wish to join will decide what test they must pass before becoming an official memebr. Though many object to this, Mistystar states that the medicine cats will present the revised code to StarClan at the next half moon meeting.

The next morning, many cats call into question Mistystar's approval of the new warrior code. They point out that all of the Lights in the Mist, who where the ones to help revise the code, would benefit from it; Bristlefrost, Rootspring, Graystripe and Crowfeather were all once in cross-Clan relationships, Mistystar and Shadowsight are children born of cross-Clan relationships, and Violetshine was once a ShadowClan cat who moved to SkyClan, and has a sister in ThunderClan. Mistystar tries defending herself, getting increasingly agitated as her cats continue to argue with her and bring up her past support of Ashfur's codebreaker punishing. As she continues to argue though, she suddenly falls silent mid-sentence before she lurches forward, falling down the Highstump. Mothwing and Frostpaw rush to her aid, but it's too late, and she soon loses her last life, dying for good.

Afterwards, Mothwing begs Frostpaw to make sure the leader made it to StarClan, and the apprentice hears Mistystar's voice urging that the Clan must move forward, which comforts the golden tabby. RiverClan holds a vigil for her while waiting for Reedwhisker to return from patrol so he may go to the Moonpool and become the new leader. This doesn't happen however, as while out on patrol the deputy is murdered by one of his own Clanmates, leaving RiverClan leaderless.


In StarClan, the spirits of Mistystar and Reedwhisker fret over a new, unseen threat lurking within their Clan. Reedwhisker laments that he's unable to do something and urges that they act, but Mistystar insists that RiverClan can handle the oncoming challenges without them.


Mistystar: Mosspelt, I understand this is a lot to take in, but I've explained to you many times what took place in the Dark Forest. is it that you and the others don't understand what happened? Or don't you believe me?
Mosspelt: It's just... too big a change.
Duskfur: It's not that we don't trust you, Mistystar. But in the past, when something so important happened that we changed the warrior code because of it, it was in the open for all cats to see. It's hard to understand how this happened and only five living cats saw it.
Mistystar: Why do you think I would lie to you?
Mosspelt: Not lie... We know you're not a liar. But... maybe the other cats had their own ideas, and convinced you that changes were needed.
Havenpelt: That's possible. Rootspring and Crowfeather both loved cats outside their own Clans. As did Graystripe, when he was alive.
Owlnose: Yes, and Shadowsight's parents started life in different Clans. If it comes to that, Mistystar, you're a half-Clan cat yourself.
Mistystar: I refuse to take responsibility for something that happened before I was born. My parentage was never a problem for Leopardstar when she made me her deputy. And clearly it was not a problem for StarClan when they gave me my nine lives and my name. Or do you think you know better that StarClan, Owlnose?
Owlnose: Mistystar, I never said-
Duskfur: Is it possible that some of these changes weren't needed, but were only wanted by some of these cats?
Mistystar: Are you including me? Do you think I've been lying to you? Or are you questioning my judgement? Haven't I always been a loyal warrior, living my life by the code and leading my Clan accordingly?
Shimmerpelt: Of course. But look at ThunderClan, for example. That whole mess they got into with Ashfur and Bramblestar. Of course they would think they need a way to get rid of a leader. But that would never happen in RiverClan, because you are a true and just leader, Mistystar, with StarClan's blessing!
Mistystar: That is kind of you, but I'm not sure I agree that RiverClan is above that kind of trouble. If wed had a rule like this, perhaps Leopardstar would have never succeeded in joining us to TigerClan.
Shimmerpelt: Well, yes. But that was then. We've learned our lessons, haven't we?
Owlnose: Yes. And if the Clans make these changes for ThunderClan, they might endanger RiverClan sometime in the future. What's to stop one Clan disposing another Clan's leader, to grab power?
Mistystar: That's not how it's supposed to work at all.
Mosspelt: It's a definite risk. What does being a leader even mean anymore, if ordinary Clan cats can take it away? Don't get me started on how the code tells us the leader's word is the warrior code. How is that true if Clan cats can get rid of their leader?
Mothwing: I didn't travel to the Dark Forest. But I sat beside the Moonpool waiting for the cats who did go, and treating some of their injuries. I know that everything Mistystar has told us is true. Look... I haven't always had the best relationship with StarClan. But I fully believe that Mistystar and the other Lights in the Mist spoke to StarClan about this. And they all agreed these changes were needed.
Duskfur: If you ask me, it seems like more living cats should help decide the rules we live by. I'm not saying that Mistystar is trying to mislead us. But what's so special about the Lights in the Mist? Who are they? Mistystar, Crowfeather, Shadowsight, Rootspring, and Violetshine. Why should they get to decide the rules for all the Clan cats? At least you're a leader, Mistystar, but Shadowsight's the cat who got us into the whole Ashfur mess, Crowfeather was a codebreaker himself, and I'm not sure I know enough yet about the SkyClan cats to trust them.
Mistystar: The Lights in the Mist were the cats brave enough to travel into the Dark Forest. Which is more than some of you did. They battled Ashfur and saved all of us: StarClan, the Dark Forest, and the living world. After all the Lights in the Mist did and sacrificed, what have you, Duskfur, to doubt their intentions? Bristlefrost and Graystripe gave their lives.
Duskfur: I'm not convinced the living world needed saving. There was fighting over the imposter, sure, but I seem to remember a time, Mistystar, when you had us fighting to defend him. Now you're convinced that what he did was enough to upend the whole code?
Mistystar: Yes. I was wrong to defend Ashfur when he was posing as Bramblestar. But, can't you see, that's why-
(Mistystar suddenly collapses)
Mothwing: Mistystar, what's wrong?
Mistystar: I need help.
Mothwing: I'm here. Just lie still. Here- Sneezecloud! Go and fetch water. What have you eaten lately? Have you eaten?
Mistystar: This isn't about prey.
~ Mistystar arguing about the revised code; her last words
Reedwhisker: We must warn them.
Mistystar: Believe me, Reedwhisker, I've tried. It's not possible.
Reedwhisker: There has to be a way. RiverClan is in danger.
Mistystar: There's nothing we can do.
Reedwhisker: Then we must ask the other Clans to help. I don't care how desperate we'd seem. We have to do something.
Mistystar: Do you really want them to know how vulnerable RiverClan is right now? I won't risk it.
Reedwhisker: But RiverClan has no leader or deputy.
Mistystar: They have the warrior code.
Reedwhisker: The warrior code is changing. And they have no cat to guide them. How can we watch and do nothing?
Mistystar: We have to trust our Clanmates to find their own way out of this mess.
Reedwhisker: What if they can't?
Mistystar: They've managed in the past.
Reedwhisker: In the past they've had a leader! If only I were still with them. If only I hadn't died. I could show them a way. I could help them!
Mistystar: They must do this by themselves.
~ Mistystar and Reedwhisker worrying about their Clan's safety


  • Mistystar is one of the oldest characters in the series, being fifteen years (approximately seventy-six in human years) at the time of her death. Before the release of A Starless Clan: River, it was a running joke in the fandom to assume she was immortal.
  • Author Kate Cary once stated that Rippletail and Graymist were her kits, though this was retconned.
  • Mistystar is author Victoria Holmes' favorite cat in RiverClan.
  • Mistystar and Stonefur are mistakenly said to be Graystripe's children instead of Feathertail and Stormfur on page 452 of Bramblestar's Storm.

External links[]

Mistystar on the Warriors Wiki


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