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Mitsu: Well well well. Not looking to bad, cuz.
Momo: Yeah, the dress is pretty sleek.
Mitsu: You better watch your step tonight.
Momo: Wouldn’t want the dress to get messed up, now would we?
~ Mitsu and Momo commenting on Erma's Kimono.

Mitsu and Momo Yureimoto are supporting antagonists turned protagonists in the Erma webcomics, a web series created by artist and writer Brandon Santiago. They are the twin daughters of Yori Yureimoto and for most of their appearances, served as rivals to Erma, with their mischievous and antagonistic actions rivalling her more well meaning ones. However, recently they have become more sympathetic characters and began to redeem themselves.


Mitsu and Momo are identical yokai twins, having completely white skin, black hair in a bob haircut and eyes with black sclerae and white pupils. Said hair covered their eyes most of the time till their redemption or when they attempted to act cute. The two wear pink flowers in their hair, with Mitsu having hers on the right and Momo wearing hers on the left. Mitsu wears a pink hoodie with a magenta stripe, blue jeans and magenta shoes while Momo wears a hoodie of a reversed coloration, the same blue jeans and pink shoes.


When first introduced, Mitsu and Momo appear to be typical spoilt bullies with little concern for anybody other than themselves. Snarky and mischievous, they enjoy insulting people and have a habit to get on others' nerves, leading many people, such as Rin and Erma to dislike them initially. While they also enjoy mischief just like their cousin Erma, the twins are shown to be much more violent, brutally beating up the yokai kids and mugging them for money, with Mitsu even firing a firecracker into Toru's mouth with lethal intent when he mocked their father.

It's later revealed however, that this behaviour was a byproduct of the twins' loneliness from being rejected and bullied by other children, and thus their violent mischief is a form of fighting back. It's also implied that their grandmother Amaya may be influencing this negative behaviour by teaching them curses and spells, seeing as she too is rather arrogant and selfish.

Despite all their shortcomings, the twins are capable of showing genuine concern for others, with them deeply caring for Amaya and later on, Erma, with the twins torturing one of the yokai kids for information on where they took her to and Momo taking the initiative to help the Erma's parents calm her down. It's also implied that despite having never met him, Mitsu and Momo care for their father and only attacked Toru after he insulted him. Likewise, after the events of the Night Parade sub-arc, Momo has become a much kinder and gentle person, apologising for pulling Erma into their feud with the yokai kids, and while Mitsu still isn't as mature, she too also shows less animosity to her cousin.



Mitsu and Momo were born to Yori Yureimoto and an unnamed yokai. While Yori was pregnant, either due to being rejected by Osamu from the family or for the safety of his wife, Mitsu and Momo's father leaves the family and is imprisoned by Osamu, leaving Yori to raise the twins alone. Growing up, the twins initially attended a human school but were constantly tormented by the students, with the teachers also refusing to help them. This prejudice against them would start the twins onto their path of villainy as for revenge, they made the students that tormented them and teachers who refused them help disappear one by one, leaving their fates unknown. Later on, during a family reunion, Mitsu and Momo encounter the yokai kids. While they initially hoped that they could find companionship in fellow yokai, the kids ostracised them for being part of the Yureimoto clan and thus bullied them, starting a feud between the two parties, in which sooner or later, the twins would come up on top and torment the kids every year.

Yokai District arc[]

Family Reunion sub-arc[]

Mitsu and Momo first make their debut stealing a plushie from Erma as she arrives in the airport. Cheekily waving goodbye as they disappear, the twins discuss how they'd throw away the doll and steal some food before their mother arrives. Erma flies past to snatch her doll back so a brawl erupts between the girls.


  • Overall, Mitsu and Momo serve as somewhat of a dark reflection of what would happen if Erma was rejected by others as though both are mischievous yokai, Erma's friends help her stay on the path of good while the torment and prejudice the twins faced made them descend into villainy. Ironically, Erma's brief stint of evil during her rampage helps Momo redeem herself when she calms her cousin down and also influences Mitsu to be better.