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Mokuba Kaiba (かいば モクバ Kaiba Mokuba) is a recurring Yu-Gi-Oh! character. He is Seto Kaiba's younger brother and the only person who receives affection from him.

In the Japanese version, he is voiced by Junko Takeuchi, who also voices Naruto Uzumaki. In the English version, he is voiced by Tara Sands, who also voiced Kari Kamiya in Digimon Adventure tri.


At the beginning of the manga, Mokuba was very mean and would go as far as trying to trick Yugi Muto to get back at him for defeating his older brother, Seto Kaiba. Mokuba is a gamer who specializes in Capsule Monster Chess (Capmon), but is not as good of a gamer as his brother. He is so committed to avenging his brother's humiliation, he uses several extreme measures, such as having his friends brandish a machine gun, a knife, and a stun gun in one manga chapter to coerce Yugi to play Capsule Monster Chess with him.

In the Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters anime, Mokuba is eternally devoted to his brother Seto Kaiba and is constantly by his side. He is naiver and more good-natured and will do whatever his brother tells him to. He also seems to trust Yugi and his friends more than he did previously. There is a part in one episode when he saw (Yami) Yugi watching him from another building when he was about to kick some brothers out of the Battle City grounds, when he considered, "You know, I bet Yugi would give them another chance!" He must really respect Yugi as he starts to think like him.

As the judge of tournament, he is fair by the rules. However, he takes cheating very seriously and would disqualify any cheaters out of the tournaments and gives the non-cheating duelist victory by default. He does not let non-compete duelist enter the tournament without being registered such as both Rex and Weevil.

In the original Japanese version of the Yu-Gi-Oh! manga, Mokuba tends to omit honorifics when referring to people other than his older brother. He also has a habit of calling Jonouchi "Jōnouchi no yarō"; (that bastard Jonouchi). Mokuba politely refers to his older brother as "nii-sama" (honorable older brother). He is very forgiving, especially to his brother. Even after Noah hypnotized him, and brainwashed him into forgetting who Seto and the others were, Mokuba forgave him and treated him like a brother (they are actually stepbrothers)

In the Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters anime, Mokuba is a kind-hearted boy who is naïve to the ways of the world. He succeeds in befriending Yugi and his friends; his brother does not approve of this. Mokuba does not Duel in the first series anime. He only Duels in the second series and manga. Mokuba has an unlucky streak of being kidnapped by Seto's enemies forcing Seto to show his kinder side and rescue him, and is, in fact, the only person his brother is shown to consistently care about more than anyone or anything.


Second Anime Series[]


           Yu-Gi-Oh logo Heroes

Yugi Muto | Yami Yugi | Joey Wheeler | Tristan Taylor | Téa Gardner | Seto Kaiba | Maximillion Pegasus | Mokuba Kaiba | Bakura Ryou | Marik Ishtar | Ishizu Ishtar | Odion Ishtar | Duke Devlin | Serenity Wheeler | Mai Valentine | Rebecca Hawkins | Mahad | Solomon Muto | Aknadin | Isis | Karim | Mako Tsunami | Seto | Shada | Shadi
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Jaden Yuki | Syrus Truesdale | Alexis Rhodes | Chazz Princeton | Bastion Misawa | Zane Truesdale | Atticus Rhodes | Tyranno Hassleberry | Chumley Huffington | Jim Crocodile Cook | Jesse Anderson | Axel Brodie | Blair Flannigan | Sarina | Sartorius | Jassmine | Mindy | Doctor Collector | Vellian Crowler | Lyman Banner | Kagemaru | Yubel | Taina | Chancellor Sheppard | Jean-Louis Bonaparte | Kaibaman | Adrian Gecko | Aster Phoenix
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's
Yusei Fudo | Jack Atlas | Akiza Izinski | Crow Hogan | Leo & Luna | Carly Carmine | Mina Simington | Tetsu Trudge | Kalin Kessler | Sherry LeBlanc | Bashford | Blitz Boylston | Bob | Bolt Tanner | Blister | Chancellor | Maria Bartlet | Nervin | Patty | Rally Dawson | Sly | Tank | Zora
Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal
Yuma Tsukumo | Astral | Tori Meadows | Reginald Kastle | Rio Kastle | Bronk Stone | Caswell Francis | Cathy Katherine | Anna Kaboom | Kite Tenjo | Kari Tsukumo | Kazuma Tsukumo | Nistro | Dextra | Flip Turner | Hart Tenjo | Haru Tsukumo | Trey | Quattro | Quinton
Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V
Yuya Sakaki | Rin | Celina | Zuzu Boyle | Declan Akaba | Riley Akaba | Ray Akaba | Gong Strong | Shay Obsidian | Lulu Obsidian | Allen Kozuki | Saya Sasayama | Aura Sentia | Sylvio Sawatari | Tate | Yuto | Yugo | The Resistance | Allie | Frederick | Shinji Weber | Skip Boyle | Moon Shadow | Sun Shadow | Sora Perse | Yusho Sakaki | Yoko Sakaki | Jack Atlas | Crow Hogan | Kite Tenjo | Alexis Rhodes | Aster Phoenix
Yu-Gi-Oh! Vrains
Yusaku Fujiki | Cal Kolter | Ryoken Kogami | Theodore Hamilton | George Gore | Skye Zaizen | Emma Bessho | Kenneth Drayden | Jin Kolter | Akira Zaizen | Ai | Aqua | Flame | Earth
Yuga Ohdo | Romin Kassidy | Luke Kallister | Gavin Sogetsu | Roa Kassidy | Tiger Kallister | Mimi Imimi | Rino Nanahoshi | Rayne Nanahoshi | Kaizo | Saburamen | Nail Saionji | Seatbastian | Asana Mutsuba | Galian Townsend | Schubel Quill | Caterpillio Elephantis | Yosh Imimi | Briscoe | Sushiko Maki
Yu-Gi-Oh! GO RUSH!!
Yudias Velgear | Yuhi Ohdo | Yuamu Ohdo |
Kuriboh | Winged Kuriboh | Ojama Brothers | Dark Magician | Dark Magician Girl | Blue-Eyes White Dragon | Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon | Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon | Red-Eyes B. Dragon | Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon | B. Skull Dragon | Thousand Dragon | Dragon Master Knight | Slifer the Sky Dragon | Obelisk the Tormentor | The Winged Dragon of Ra | Honest | Timaeus | Critias | Hermos | Stardust Dragon | Black Rose Dragon | Ancient Fairy Dragon | Crimson Dragon | Holactie the Creator of Light
